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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. All the benefits are the ones listed, and you get them right now. They are adding new services all the time, but for the most part Standard is the way to go unless you want help from a success manager and withdrawing money immediately for a fee. It's not really a paywall, because it's not something mandatory. No, they can't see. However, as a Seller Plus member you receive information about the average price a buyer pays on Fiverr, what ratings they provide, etc. So it can be quite informative. Again, no. It doesn't penalize anyone. It's just an extra way for Fiverr to make money, while also offering you a few extra features. At the end of the day, you are the one that decides if this is worth it or not. Since you said you barely work on Fiverr, maybe not. For a Fiverr full timer or someone that has more than 50% of their income from Fiverr, absolutely. But again, you are the only one to pick. You're not forced to enter the program and you're not penalized if you ignore it so...
  2. So you pretty much ask if you can outsource. That depends on you and you only. I never outsourced and never will. I just write everything myself and just increase deadlines or prices if I am overwhelmed. I don't trust any random writer here to write for me, and I prefer to be in control of my business. So it's up to you. Of course you can do it and no one will know. Whether that's ethical or not it's up to debate. Then again many TRS and PRO sellers outsource their work so.. as I said it all comes down to you!
  3. Well you direct people towards a link that you can make money from.
  4. Yeah because staying online 10+ hours is a myth that DOES NOT WORK. Leaving that aside, I am dealing with the same thing myself. It has to do either with you being outperformed by competitors, Fiverr not offering you the spotlight anymore, or maybe you received a bad private review (or more). Regardless, these things are temporary, so experiment with your gigs, improve them, create new ones, etc. Try to improve your skills too and learn new things during this time.
  5. Well I don't see other solution myself. I had the same situation and I canceled. You can go to customer support, they can try to contact the person for you and if the client doesn't reply they can easily cancel the order without damaging your ratings. However, you either receive the remaining stuff and deliver a complete order or you don't deliver anything and you cancel. If you do a partial delivery, you can receive an account warning. So.. yeah.. both are bad, the account warning one is worse because it can lead to demotion and even banning. So, I understand how you feel, because I went through this too. What I usually do is I avoid large orders and especially things like milestones. They end up creating a huge mess. I just split the order into multiple batches. Once an order is ready, the buyer shares his requirements for a new order. I had someone that wanted to do what your buyer did even last night, but I told them to just place an order for the stuff he has and then he can order the remaining thing once he delivers the first order. Unfortunately unless he magically appears with the remaining requirements and accepts an extension so you can work on that, I just see the cancellation as an option. Anything else would damage your account way more, as far as I can see.
  6. You can ask for an extension from the customer.. And the remaining script names. If not yeah... cancellation would be ideal. I had a dude that placed an order, said that he would share the requirements, even if he shared a link and the order started. I chased him for the requirements basically, we extended a few times, but when it got close to the delivery after almost a month, he stopped replying. I had to send a cancellation and even then he did not cancel at all, it just canceled automatically. I hate it when these things happen but a lot of people do this... It is what it is.
  7. That's the right attitude. I think the best thing you can do is to learn from mistakes and move on. At least you are healthy right now, if you have good health, then that's all what matters, the rest follows.
  8. To many, many more! Happy Birthday!!!! Well I am 36 in 2 months so we are not THAT far away. But yes, I do feel young and more powerful as I get older, I guess it all depends on how you approach things.
  9. Bills this winter will be very challenging to deal with. But hopefully things will improve after the next 6 months. I do agree that the winter will be brutal. And next summer with less to no AC... that will be brutal too.
  10. Yes most buyers care and they are considerate. Those that push you during the night and constantly nag you to deliver are people you want to turn away. I always did this and have over 29k orders completed on Fiverr, and I work alone. So.. I am proof that you can have a normal life, work here and still not worry about sleep or anything else. But you do you 🙂
  11. That's a terrible way to live your life. I prefer to sleep properly and not deal with buyers mid-sleep. Sure, sometimes I wake up, but I don't do that on purpose. I mean come on, what life is that? I have a 1 hour response time, I am online most of the time during the day and I usually reply within minutes. So your response time is not affected if you don't reply during the night. And if a person will be mad if you don't reply during the night and they will work with someone else, great. You dodged a bullet, because those people that expect immediate replies and solutions are the hardest ones to work with, trust me I've seen a lot of them on the platform here over the past 8 years. While this might be ok for some people, I would just HATE having notifications pop up randomly and wake me up in the middle of the night. Reply to everyone quickly during the day, reply when you wake up to those night time messages. And as I said, if they find someone else, great, they were not a good option anyway. Just as an example, I had a dude that sent me a message at 11 PM my time, he was close to my timezone so it was late for him too. I talked with him, asked for more info, then said I will go offline. Dude went on and started sending messages almost hourly and eventually in the morning he placed an order. I came back, apologized for the lack of reply due to sleeping, and when it came to the delivery he started mocking my work, sharing threats, etc. I just canceled and move on. This is a recent example, there are many people like this. So.. just because you receive messages during the night that doesn't mean you will have an order, nor a great experience. Just live your life and adapt Fiverr to that, not the other way around. Otherwise you will be burnt out and every day will feel like a nightmare.
  12. That's the attitude, if you hurry up you will regret it later on. What I think, @katakaticais that there's a time for everything in life. If you did that when you were 20, then you would regret not having fun, experimenting and learning lots of new things. There were things I could have done in my 20s, but there were also some that I wanted to do when I was 30 or 32. However, I tend to see the bright side. Instead of dealing with corporate jobs or bad bosses, I am glad I went freelance and got to accomplish some of the things I wanted, like buying a house without dealing with any banks or loans. So it's better to just learn from mistakes, experiment, try out new things and evolve. It's very easy to start regretting stuff, especially when you are in that age close to your 30s. Once you pass your 20s and enter your 30s, I am sure you will have a much different attitude when it comes to life. I for one, I feel much better mentally and care way less what others say. I just focus on my own work and stuff, and it works for me.
  13. We are the same age lol. Or around that.
  14. Well... The electricity prices have exploded. I also live in a country that borders Ukraine, so a lot of people are afraid of the worst, especially a potential nuclear attack... Gas prices are also quite a bit hire.. So yeah, we are not doing very well. Every government is trying to do whatever they can to try and offer aid and assistance to their citizens, but even then prices are quite a lot higher when compared to even a year ago during the pandemic. So.. we are not doing that great. I guess it differs from country to country, but prety much everywhere in Europe we have very high prices right now. And we all want this war to end. Although due to Russia's motivation and beliefs, even if the war ends I don't think we will resume getting gas from them.. Who knows. I for one hope for the best..
  15. I agree. As I said, I had close to that, but I also had a longer delivery time so it worked out. When I browse Fiverr and see hundreds or dozens of orders, I know most of them are agencies.
  16. There is Fiverr Studios where a seller can add other sellers to the studio and share the work. Generally, most agencies here just go and outsource to other platforms to have cheaper workforce. Either that, or they create a business and hire locally. I think only the account owner gets access to the account, the others just share files to him, he checks and delivers.
  17. The client can block you for any reason, just like you can block any buyer as well. I mean, how can you complain? There doesn't seem to be any pending order.. It's the same thing that other person had a few weeks ago, there was a buyer upset his seller did not reply, and he wanted to complain to Fiverr, even if there was no active order. People have a life, and also have a choice to not work with someone. So, "complaining" to fiverr wastes time. If you self-blocked the person, you can easily go to their buyer page and unblock them,.
  18. Clearly that's not possible, at least not directly. Fiverrr just supports PayPal and Payoneer. You can withdraw to Payoneer and from there to Wise I think, that would save some $$. But you have to do more research on that. However, to answer your question, only Payoneer and PayPal are the two options you can use right now when you withdraw any money from Fiverr.
  19. Either they blocked you or the buyer was banned from Fiverr. Regardless, there is no way to contact them unfortunately.
  20. Staying active on Fiverr waiting for orders is like being a store owner waiting for clients when your business is closed. It's like watching paint dry.
  21. Yes, that person even sent me a private message with the same message they posted here.. I think I was clear. Hard work and going overboard with your customer experience is what matters the most. But if they are looking for a special sauce or strategy, they can keep looking, while I continue working 🙂
  22. You're focusing on the wrong thing. It doesn't matter how many orders you have in queue. There's no strategy. It's just showing you provide good work to people, your performance is high and Fiverr ranks you higher. There's no secret sauce, there's no secret strategy. Be the best at you do and within your pricepoint, offer incredible value for money and people will come to you. Deliver bad work, low quality customer service and insult people, that will put you at the back of the line. So, don't worry about how many orders you have in queue. Just make sure you deliver the best for every client and do that on time.
  23. I had, I don't anymore. Well for me it has to do with the fact that I've been here for a while and the gig in question has 10k+ reviews so it's most likely the fact that I am consistent and deliver orders all the time. And as I said, I had a long delivery time, maybe 4-5 days for an article.
  24. Many designers have a lot of orders in queue as far as I saw, and there were SEO sellers with hundreds, I mean 200 or 300 orders in queue at once. For the most part, these people are either agencies with multiple people hired or those persons outsource some or all of their work. So, you rarely see people with so many orders in queue. I had 76 orders in queue at some point, but at that time I had a very long delivery time.
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