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About rifat_newaz1998

  • Birthday 07/08/1998


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  1. Can I use VPN like / Cloudflare for Fiverr? Is that okay? Usually my VPN is turned on, and I browse Fiverr while VPN is turned on. It will be an issue?
  2. I have requested an "Extend Delivery Request" buyer didn't accept and the order showing late! It will affect my account?
  3. Is there anyone, who is facing the same issue? I have fulfilled all the requirements. But I'm not getting Top Rated badge. Already two evaluation has passed. But still I'm not getting the badge.
  4. Can anyone explain what's that's mean ? It's because of promoted gig's ? Or something else?
  5. My gig was in first page in first or second row for all the time. But this month the gig moved to Page 10. Changes were made on the gig was only I changed the Feature Image. Is this the reason ? Or it's a bug ?
  6. I use shared IP from my ISP provider. So, in my country (Bangladesh) ISP providers uses same IP for all the user they have. So, I'm using the same IP. If someone on my ISP provide the same service that I provide. There will be any issue?
  7. My Fiverr account is connected to my Desktop + Laptop and Phone. All of them connected to same Wi-Fi. When I'm tired with my Desktop. I use the Laptop on my bed to work on Fiverr. And on the phone, I check notification and chat with my clients. So, total 3 devices are connected to my account. I want to know that, there will be any issue or problem ? Thank you. @fiverr.
  8. Fiverr has two chat option. One is Inbox and other one is Order Page chat option. Inbox seems live. Live means, I don't need to refresh to see the updated message. But in the Order Page, I need to refresh to check the updated message and other order updates. I don't know if I'm the only one facing this problem ? Thank you!
  9. How much time is ideal for working without getting sick in this modern days ?

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