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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Yeah, and legitimate problems like mine get pushed because of random people that can't use a forum or just don't understand how the site works.
  2. The CS person finally replied, the issue was solved. However, it seems they have a TON of work and they apologized for the wait.
  3. It's a free service and you make money from it. You're not paying to sell here, and you made a profit. So.. You are getting something in return, a platform to send and deliver files, payments and marketing are handled by Fiverr, so you just do the work. What new system? The briefs are optional, and you don't have to use them. For me they were just as bad as buyer requests so it's a waste of time either way. Just people underpricing services to get the cheapest price.
  4. I had a person place an order without my consent, they asked for a 1-day delivery and they ask for academic content. Obviously I went to customer support, and since I am a Seller Plus member I expected them to reply within 5 hours as promised. Almost 14 hours have passed at the time of this writing and I didn't receive any reply. I understand it's the weekend and reply times are slower, but I also expect the service to be fulfilled as promised. I get it 5 hours are not always possible, but I am close to 3x that. And I don't know what to do, if I cancel the order myself I receive a cancellation penalty even if I did nothing wrong and the order was placed without my consent.. I was curious if Seller Plus members experienced long waiting times.. Just to confirm, I didn't receive any reply at all until now.
  5. It happens to everyone. Despite being here for 9 years, I was also pushed back quite a bit and I have few impressions and clicks. Same with orders obviously. It all comes down to performnace. You had a single order the entire month? Obviously there are people with more orders and if they have very good private and public reviews, obviously they will be in front of you in search results.
  6. Results are shown differently, so no two persons see the same thing. Just because you disappear in your search results, that doesn't mean others are unable to see you.
  7. Maybe he checked after reviewing and encountered issues. A lot of people rate before checking, so it might be a reason. Also, there might be a reason why your order is not compensated by Fiverr... That alone shows they checked and something was not ok. Normally you will be compensated. Anyway, orders can and should be canceled, since it helps protect buyers. What if a seller sends nothing, the buyer is offline for a while, and the order is still complete? The seller gets paid and the buyer is out that amount of money.
  8. The conversion rate is not what you should be focused on. What you need to focus on is the number of clicks you get, and compare with how many impressions you receive, but also how many sales you have. Experiment and improve your gig, that's what will net you the most sales. The conversion rate is irelevant because it becomes a lot higher when you have less impressions and clicks.
  9. Staying online is a waste of time and not a ranking factor. Copying others shows that you are just a copycat and it doesn't make you more appealing to buyers. I would stay away from a copycat if I buy something. How do you upgrade your SEO? Just because you say it, that doesn't mean the OP knows how to do it..
  10. Study other sellers, see what they do very well. Don't copy them, instead try to create an even better gig and profile. Show your professionalism, references, maybe take a few courses to improve your skills. Staying online will just waste your time.
  11. Well that's quite wierd, a designer asking randoms for advice. As a designer, you are the one I should be coming to in order to receive ideas and guidelines. You can check competitors to see what styles they have. That being said, you want to be unique and not copy others. You never know what works and what attracts customers until you experiment and try it out for yourself!
  12. Staying online is a waste of time and it does nothing for sales. If anything it scares people away because they think you are using some kind of tool to manipulate the system. Also, what you see in search results is not what everyone else sees. Search results are customized for every person based on their query and interests. You might be pushed back by Fiverr because you canceled an order, had bad private reviews or many other reasons. Plus, there are other hidden criteria that lead to gig rotation, so no one really knows.
  13. I think not. They need to draw people to pay extra and this is not a must-have thing, people can receive orders and manage them without it. Seller Plus is great for those nice to haves.. and this fits right in. So I don't see it being added to the masses, just like the negative keywords or the buyer info thing.
  14. You can try, however I am not sure if Buyers can withdraw anything. I am pretty certain you are forced to use those funds on the website. https://www.fiverr.com/content/payments-terms-and-conditions
  15. I don't think so. Maybe people buy from you because they trust a regional seller more. But it might very well be that, who knows.
  16. Based on what I saw, it usually appears when enough sellers that are in the first page of search results have lower performance. Of course, it can be anything else, but I know for a fact that when I had multiple cancellations one time, in the next few days there was a complete gig rotation and me, as well as others got pushed well behind, which I can only assume has to do with performance issues for most people. But as I said it can be anything else.
  17. Stop following what random people say about staying online. That's a waste of time, few to no buyers look at who is online. The track record, reviews that a person has are much more important. So the myth of staying online was created just to waste time. It won't give you any benefit if you try to stay online, if anything if you try to use any extensions to mimic that you are online you can even get banned. So, you should stop doing that. Most people here receive orders when they are offline anyway.
  18. Useless post liked only by people that "like" every single post here just to increase their Forum level.. hoping they get orders from that. Newsflash, it won't. I am tired of these "serial likers" and I really want to know if there is a way to filter their likes and just not see those notifications...
  19. I am talking specifically about $5 and $10 sellers like the one that had all those 5 companies within the image I shared above. I didn't say the system is bad, but it's open to manipulation when it comes to large companies. I assume that when they add new companies in the database, they contact them. But I don't see Fiverr contacting Google thousands of times a year just to check if X worked there lol.
  20. Fiverr does the conversion automatically and as Maria said, it's based on Dollars, everything is adjusted according to that. Which is why a $5 gig is 5.3 euros or so, based on the market prices right now. If you switch to Dollars you won't see any differences and the money in your wallet will not fluctuate.
  21. Buy a better wallet 😄 Joking aside, what @brealssaid is right, the international market fluctuates. That's why I mostly keep my funds in USD, it's easier to handle even if I am in Europe. I charge in USD, so it's the easier thing to do.
  22. You should talk with customer support to see if this is allowed. I guess it is, but they are the ones that know better. CS can also guide you on what to do and so on. Any reply you receive here is a personal opinion from a seller, nothing officia.. Customer support are the only ones that will deliver an official answer.
  23. You will order in the currency you set as default on Fiverr. If you click on your profile, this dropdown will show which is your current currency on Fiverr. When you pay with your card, the bank will automatically convert your currency to USD (if that's your default currency on Fiverr) at the current exchange rate.
  24. It's just system manipulation at its finest. And they know very well what they are doing. But it works for them I guess. A buyer should be able to figure out on their own that no one with such pedigree/referrals would charge $5 or $10.
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