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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. These are not employees though. They are contract workers. So it's quite different. And the identity was already verified by Fiverr!
  2. Well the reputation of a freelancer is seen through reviews. There are many people that just don't want to share their name, let alone their personal ID and other stuff like that, for a very good reason. There's identity theft... and I wouldn't risk my identity for a Fiverr order, no matter how much it would pay 🙂
  3. Sorry for asking, but what kind of work are you asking freelancers to do? I am curious, because without mentioning that, it seems very strange to go through all the hassle of checking identities, etc.
  4. There is a lot of competition on Fiverr and obviously that's a huge factor. Why aren't you getting orders? That's hard to say, maybe you attract people that expect a lower price and don't like your prices. Others might not like your samples, who knows. Only people that click and then go away would know the reason. But you can experiment with new samples, new gig descriptions and see if it changes anything.
  5. You can buy and sell with a single account. Also, Fiverr doesn't allow you to have more than one account, so you already broke the rules. Most likely you will have all your accounts banned shortly, since Fiverr is very strict when it comes to the "one account per person" thing.
  6. It's for all sellers not just the new ones. But it was a cesspool of people trying to take advantage of sellers and underprice everything. There was one dude trying to get 100 THOUSAND words for $5. So I rest my case.
  7. Well Upwork is a website. I can see how they require your ID, I think Fiverr required my ID for a verification. That's fine. What's not ok is when random buyers ask for ID and other stuff. As I said above, I don't even messaround with NDAs and stuff like that, let alone sharing personal information. As a freelancer you are free to choose how you work and who you work with. That's the beauty of freelancing, so if I see any request like this I move away big time 🙂
  8. Would you share personal documents with a random buyer over the internet if you were a freelancer? I guess that answers your question 🙂 It's not about breaking the rules, it's way too much and something that no one would agree with. I had people ask for an NDA after I worked on their stuff and I canceled just because I didn't want to sign anything online. Let alone share my identity and personal documents... Your request might be genuine, but it seems like identity theft in the eye of any freelancer.
  9. If you want to report a gig, you have to press the report button. And then choose the reason why you want to report that gig.
  10. As it was said above it won't change, however you do want to talk with the people in queue and let them know you changed your prices. It's the pro thing to do!
  11. Buyer requests are transitioning to Briefs, which you receive automatically. So there are no more buyer requests anymore.
  12. donnovan86

    fiverr Algorithm

    It's the same algorithm. There's no new or old algorithm. And if you want anything specific to know, ask the community or check some of the previous posts on the matter.
  13. Apparently this is the result for me, this year.
  14. Enroll in the program then. Although you need to be eligible for it first.
  15. Well I think the 200 spots filled within 1-2 days since the program launched. I was one of the 200 people and I am ok with the $19, even if I don't really work with the success manager. The features overall are ok and they are adding more..
  16. It's actually very simple. Go to the Seller Plus page and then press Manage membership. Then after that you press Cancel Membership, which is at the bottom of the new page you are visiting. And there you go. Once you press Cancel membership, you're done with Seller Plus if that's what you want.
  17. Fiverr search results are not the same for every person. They are different based on what you request, preferences, personal settings, etc. So if you see yourself on the first page of search results, that doesn't mean I see you there even if we search for the same stuff. As Maria said, if you have more than 0 impressions, then your gig is shown to people.
  18. It depends on what you sell and how much you earn. It also depends on where you live.
  19. I don't know where that comes from but it's certainly funny. Do you have any grammar related extension like Grammarly, Linguix, etc? Maybe it's from that. Which would make it even funnier to me.
  20. That's what I think. Or maybe they are preparing something new outside of that. As I said, it's most likely a sign of things to come. Maybe Fiverr will differentiate ads from regular Fiverr gigs, Fiverr business gigs, etc. Who knows. But it's certainly something they are working on.
  21. I think he means about FIVERR being written in gray under gig names. I saw this today as well, all my gigs have it. I think they might try to differentiate regular Fiverr gigs from Fiverr Business or Fiverr Pro in the near future. Again, just a guess, but it seems that's what they are going for.
  22. Thankfully CS was able to reply in time. I know, they did that for me too, but it's easier to just do this firsthand and not correct any issues afterwards. At least it's better for me.
  23. No. Usernames are final. I assume you could close this account and start a new one, IF Fiverr customer support allows you to do that. But aside from that method, there's no other way. Usernames are final, that's why you have to take it seriously when you create an username on a platform where you want to be seen as a professional.
  24. Fiverr automatically offers that to people that had successful orders in a short timespan, with great reviews. It's offered manually by Fiverr staff so you can't do anything other than work hard as always and keep your buyers happy. If Fiverr deems you worthy of that badge, you'll get it.
  25. The thing is, there are 3-4 times more sellers when compared to pre-pandemic times, if not more in some categories. The algorithm needs to adapt and people also need to improve their gigs. If not, others will take their place. I don't see how Fiverr loses its reputation when it's still one of the top freelancing sites right now. But as someone else said, if you choose to do business on other platform, you do you. It works for you, it might not work for others. Unlike other sites where you have to pay for credits and proposals for a potential order, here people find you and it's way more convenient. You don't have to pay for marketing either, Fiverr does that from its 20%. I think you might have a few negative private reviews, and that's why people can't find you, since Fiverr pushed you back due to bad performance. YOU MAKE MONEY! 🙂 It's as simple as that. Plus, you don't have to pay a yearly maintenance fee. If you do have any issues with stats, those will go away and Fiverr will still promote your gigs. You can experiment with new gig descriptions, show Fiverr that you are working on your gigs.. By marketing I mean Fiverr has millions of buyers and they get to see your gig without you paying anything for it (unless you use Promoted Gigs, but that's another thing entirely). The bottom line is, this is your choice. I am also dealing with a lack of orders, but I am working on improving my skills, learning new things, reading, and so on. There are always things to do when Fiverr slows down. And it does slow down from time to time. It happens, especially with so many people being on Fiverr. Let's face it, there will always be others that are happy with Fiverr while you are not, it's the way things are.
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