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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. No. The auto reply is more of a way to introduce yourself to the buyer and also let them know what else you need aside from the guidelines. It will NOT be seen as a reply from you, so you HAVE to reply otherwise your response rate will be affected.
  2. Yeah.. for me it was simple because I already introduce myself as Alex when I talk to people, so having just an additional letter from my name doesn't bring any issues at least for me. I do hope they solve other problems, whenever I see any Fiverr staff here on the forum I always get in touch with them and talk about the gig multiples issue.. Really hope they fix that soon.
  3. You can easily add your full name in the profile description...
  4. I don't see this Display Name as a much-needed feature. It's just another new thing added in there without any major impact. It might help some, but there are more stringent problems like the one I mentioned where people can just set a shorter deadline and manipulate the system via gig multiples. That I consider a problem, this display name thing not really.
  5. Having more services that you can fulfill will potentially help you earn more. If you have the expertise and knowledge to offer multiple services, you should consider doing that.
  6. Yeah and everyone starts using those keywords which nullifies the benefit. I use the service mostly for perks like withdrawing faster, quicker support, etc. But if you just use for profile optimization I agree, you can only get so much out of it.
  7. It is and it isn't, because Fiverr usually tends to showcase some of the best, longest reviews you had within the past few months. While you might have a great review that's not showcased there, I don't think a lot of buyers check the showcase anyway. Most people will just go through the reviews themselves, so I for one don't see any use or relevance for this particular feature. And yes, I have Seller Plus, I just don't find this relevant. It's just my opinion, but I think there are much better features they could add aside from this...
  8. I've been here since early 2014 so I know very well about the platform changes and I've been lobbying for offering sellers control over gig multiples ever since. It's not about waiting here. It's important for people that are frustrated by an issue to take charge and do something, generate some noise. If you just wait, nothing will happen. Waiting won't bring orders, nor will it make any changes.
  9. So they are making any change ASIDE from allowing people to stop/remove gig multiples.....
  10. A lot of people asked to change their username over the years. Now they can have a display name and it feels like a more professional option.
  11. As a Pro seller you will have a minimal pricepoint and you can't go under that, I think it's $70, it might be more now. So Pro gigs can't be under that price. But if you are TRS, I think you can open a gig that's under the $70 price, however you may have to check with your success manager on that. But I did see a multitude of Pro sellers that have TRS gigs which are $30 or so.
  12. No one knows how the algorithm works. We can only assume based on the info we know and how things evolve. Instead of catering to an algorithm, try to cater to your clients and their needs.
  13. That's not true. The thing is, you can have as many gigs as you want within the same category. Fiverr's rules don't allow you to have gig duplicates, so you are not allowed to sell the same thing via multiple gigs. For example, as a writer I have my SEO writing gig, I can't have the same gig duplicated. However, I can sell app descriptions, website content, technical writing gigs and so on. So you can have multiple gigs in the same category, just not the same gig copied over and over because that will raise a red flag eventually and all gigs might be removed.
  14. Well as long as you don't cancel a lot of orders or deliver late, there's nothing to worry about.
  15. Then we are doomed 🙂 On the other hand, buyers can initiate a conversation and they automatically see who is at least fluent in English.. I am still baffled by the number of "writers" that contact me every day for work, but they have basic grammar mistakes..
  16. Fiverr should definitely consider English language knowledge testing for new sellers.. Some of the posts here really make me scratch my brain.....
  17. You get the ability to showcase course completion on your Fiverr profile. As far as I know that's the only "certification" you get. I don't think you receive a PDF certificate.
  18. Well it does seem they asked for some stuff last July and you just provided it in February... Maybe that triggered the checkup.
  19. Yes, it appears on your profile. If you reply to that review, it appears right away. If you don't reply, it will appear after 10 days. But it will always appear, no matter the situation. Even if the order was canceled, the review still appears.
  20. Why? The payment has already entered Payoneer's system and it's not clearing there. It's not a Fiverr issue.
  21. Why would you do assignments for students? That's just wrong. Let them learn on their own. Plus, you are responsible for their future if you do all kinds of academic work in their name. So you can see why Fiverr doesn't allow this.
  22. Well the same thing happens here. It seems that a lot of people are focused on just browsing and gathering info, but not actually ordering.
  23. Everyone sees gig results differently, so just because you saw yourself ranked on the first page, that doesn't mean everyone sees the same results. Also, it most likely had to do with the fact that Fiverr tends to push newer gigs for a bit.
  24. This. Also, check your Spam folder too, it might be there accidentally. If not, just try to re-send the email.
  25. Well the only thing you can do is to wait for a reply from them. Maybe there was some issue, maybe the payment was larger than normal and it needs a manual review. There can be a number of issues. I am sure their customer suppot will help. Fiverr's reply times vary based on their workload, I can only assume a payment system has way more issues to deal with.
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