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Everything posted by Alex.M

  1. You might have violated some rule that you didn't know about perhaps , just wait for customer support to respond and they will let you know . If it's an error they will fix things.
  2. Never do this , even if your buyer gave you a bad review for whatever reason , you shouldn't discuss it with him since it may result in a warning. Only one thing , move on ! ( I see that this was 8 month ago )
  3. Just had one yesterday , my buyer kept saying that he likes a file, he even used the word ' perfect ' and thanked me :)) just to leave a 1 star review saying ' I think he is a scam ' 😄 Poor behavior overall but we can't do much about it.
  4. Alex.M

    Dead gig purge?

    I assume that you don't see 5000 logo gigs on your side... Tomorrow I will see all 300.000 I have checked multiple times
  5. Alex.M

    Dead gig purge?

    No, it's not that. I see the same in my category however after a few minutes if you refresh the page you'll see all of them again.
  6. report / block him / move on ... exactly in this order
  7. I wouldn't say that , I am better than AI in my field 😄 I have no worries at all in plus a real person would always choose to work with a real person in my opinion at least . Edit In plus I see that the whole AI thing is generating pictures of... whatever anything you want including logos however pictures alone without the actual source files won't be usable
  8. not sure what that means to you , it says clear on your analytics page when it ends
  9. Alex.M

    Silent clients

    it happens very often to others as well, not all clients are willing to communicate... that's not the issue though, wait and see when they write back after a year or so and start complaining about the previous order 😄
  10. Definitely contact support and ask to cancel the order , who knows what his intentions are . Support can cancel the order without affecting your account
  11. It might be so, however it seems that you have a new account here and 0 reviews... I highly doubt that any seller on this platform would fall for this no matter how new they are This is completely against the TOS , you're a buyer not Fiverr Staff, you don't have any rights to ask any kind of documents from any other users on the platform.
  12. I travel often outside my country and I never had a problem yet . I was also concerned about having to use my hotel wifi for instance and I did contact Fiverr about this and they said that it's perfectly fine so I have to take their word for it.
  13. It mostly depends on the price that you have / package on your gigs. I currently have a budget of 50$ / day , I am promoting with no cap 8 gigs. I tried promoting them in many ways but this is the way I had success with the promoted gigs feature. If you have packages above 100$ then it's worth it.
  14. It might be unfair but you only need 30 days to get back to level 2, I'm sure that you can easily achieve this. It won't really affect you much on the long run.
  15. true however 3 days is more than enough for anyone to review an order
  16. Not sure what that means to you , you're not telling us what happened .
  17. there you have it , Fiverr usually bans users that made a chargeback for ... whatever reason . This is most likely what happened . You can contact support and ask them about what happened . In some cases Fiverr can decide to compensate you when this happens .
  18. Not very important , for this feature the most important thing that's taken into consideration is the private feedback left by the buyer ( most likely ) as the others said above .
  19. so whatever the buyer does the seller might always want to give the buyer 5 stars 🙂 Anyway the private review might be more connected to the placement of your gigs in the search engine in my opinion .. too many negative reviews might make your gig fall from the top searches in your category , it's not really a reason to ban someone , this isn't a ' low quality delivery thing ' . Low quality deliveries might be more related to sellers having inconsistencies between what is showcased in the gig vs. what is actually delivered
  20. as far as I know that's not possible, at least not on your own .. we don't have any option for that
  21. Low quality deliveries might also be related to sellers having inconsistencies between what is showcased in the gig vs what is actually delivered to buyers
  22. I reported him by the way for his request and the way he talked but nothing happened , his account is still active so... it seems that I wasn't able to help him too much
  23. That ' matching process ' is already up however I rarely receive notifications about it , let's say 1/2 a week
  24. it's not that efficient though... there are ways of opening new accounts even if your IP was banned ( ask me how 😅 , just kidding ) but yes for the average user an IP ban should be enough... Even if he starts a new account with this kind of attitude / behavior he won't last long here. I find it more funny than terrible that's why I wanted to share this 😄
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