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Pewdiepie Uses Fiverr to Unveil a Contraversial Sign


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I would prefer Fiverr to spend their time sorting out actual problems such as the Buyer Request mess/section than having staff sift through tons of potentially offensive materials and submissions from those who agree or disagree.

Is it Fiverr’s responsibility to make the distinction? They clearly set out ToS which are to be followed by all buyers and sellers. One seller definitely produced something that was against ToS and we don’t know why the second account got banned. The user himself said he does not know why which should be rectified IMO. However if Fiverr are smart they would also be aware of the possibility of any communication they make going viral and the potential for backlash from that!

It’s a mess caused by someone who created a video to make money (although Youtube ToS have put a stop to that, yeah, he didn’t demonetize it despite the content - it was Youtube) and to gain publicity, which he has been very successful in. The reality is that he did this with no thought for those involved. The guy has a bigger viewership than most national TV stations yet seems to accept no responsibility for his actions. Instead, he put out another video, this time blaming the media for misleading headlines (correctly) but also basically moaning that he is the victim here (ridiculously).

The terms of service needs to be crystal clear. They have to provide examples of what’s not allowed. When they write that Fiverr doesn’t tolerate abusive language, that’s unclear.

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The terms of service needs to be crystal clear. They have to provide examples of what’s not allowed. When they write that Fiverr doesn’t tolerate abusive language, that’s unclear.

Perhaps but I think abusive language is fairly clear.

If someone is unsure then a message to CS would clear it up

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The really stupid thing of the ‘Funny Guys’ was not to monetize their apologize video. With more than 500k views it would have made them more money than a lot of gigs here on Fiverr.

Perhaps that is related to their general not speaking English very well (excuse, lie, truth, whatever) and apparent lack of education (and consequent unawareness of the avenues open up to them).

Speaking of abusive language, I saw a bad review in someones gig that said the usual angry stuff, but included the f-word. Now, the gig was completed 3 months ago, but I’m surprised that seller didn’t report it to CS. I mean, it’s a little late but surely that review needs to go. Along with the buyer (who was an idiot, abuse aside)

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Perhaps but I think abusive language is fairly clear.

If someone is unsure then a message to CS would clear it up

If I’m refunding an order and write, "I never want to do business with you again!"

Is that abusive?

Suppose a buyer tells me:

“Your work is crap! My 10-year-old writes better than you.”

Is that abusive? Or is that just part of doing business?

How can we follow the terms of service when Fiverr doesn’t provide examples?

How would the Indians in the video know that death to all whatever would be offensive?

The fact that we’re not even talking about what PewDiePie did specifically is scary. Moderators are censoring too much! We’re all adults here as far as I know, and even if there are minors here, it’s not like we’re discussing anything obscene. We’re not sharing dirty pictures after all.

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Guest offlinehelpers

If I’m refunding an order and write, "I never want to do business with you again!"

Is that abusive?

Suppose a buyer tells me:

“Your work is crap! My 10-year-old writes better than you.”

Is that abusive? Or is that just part of doing business?

How can we follow the terms of service when Fiverr doesn’t provide examples?

How would the Indians in the video know that death to all whatever would be offensive?

The fact that we’re not even talking about what PewDiePie did specifically is scary. Moderators are censoring too much! We’re all adults here as far as I know, and even if there are minors here, it’s not like we’re discussing anything obscene. We’re not sharing dirty pictures after all.

Using the term ‘death to whatever’ can only be wrong, regardless of the whatever is.

No, we’re not all adults here - Fiverr is open to anyone from age 13 upwards.

Producing a video stating what they did is, in my eyes, obscene.

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After all this I wonder when Fiverr will finally ban the sellers who make this copyright infringing Minion videos. They are over due to a ban.

copyright infringing Minion videos

Mario how many orders they made with that again? 300+ was it?

I mean cummon NO ONE complained to CS regarding this infringement??

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If I’m refunding an order and write, "I never want to do business with you again!"

Is that abusive?

Suppose a buyer tells me:

“Your work is crap! My 10-year-old writes better than you.”

Is that abusive? Or is that just part of doing business?

How can we follow the terms of service when Fiverr doesn’t provide examples?

How would the Indians in the video know that death to all whatever would be offensive?

The fact that we’re not even talking about what PewDiePie did specifically is scary. Moderators are censoring too much! We’re all adults here as far as I know, and even if there are minors here, it’s not like we’re discussing anything obscene. We’re not sharing dirty pictures after all.

There’s a big difference between your examples and what is being talked about. As soon as a site starts listing words it makes the words not on that list ok. How many words in how many languages would have to be listed?

Not knowing what words mean could not be allowed as an excuse or it would just be the default response. I feel sorry for the sellers, I am annoyed at PDP and his lack of consideration for others etc but I don’t see how Fiverr could act any other way without setting precedents which could excuse offensive behavior.

The original post had a link to a newspaper article and which we removed after it was flagged by a number of users. Mods realized that this was an important topic but also a potentially very divisive one where just quoting the incident could lead to (and did) users using language which is not allowed. We checked with a staff member who said it could stay provided offensive material was removed and mods kept a close eye on it. To ensure the discussion could continue we chose to err on the side of caution with links, images, quotes and names being used. Anyone who is interested can easily find the video and any number of other articles etc about it.

I don’t believe the specifics need to be mentioned to discuss it properly.

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Dirty Picture…there:

Mod Note: Picture removed!
The current situation is a double edged sword, but if you notice the statement that they posted regarding this issue, they will clearly side with the sensitivity to people and their respective religion.

THAT takes precedence over anything else. Because religion was, is and always will be a prime factor as till this date, there are people divided by it and are still DYING from it.

So Fiverr decided to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).

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copyright infringing Minion videos

Mario how many orders they made with that again? 300+ was it?

I mean cummon NO ONE complained to CS regarding this infringement??

One day there will be another !@#$-storm, just like the Amazon case.

Infringement is infringement, whether they have 0 or thousands of orders.

However, some violations are seemingly other than others.

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One day there will be another !@#$-storm, just like the Amazon case.

Infringement is infringement, whether they have 0 or thousands of orders.

However, some violations are seemingly other than others.

whether they have 0 or thousands of orders.

But the number DOES matter as ignoring it means Fiverr is partially guilty of the violation as well.

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Using the term ‘death to whatever’ can only be wrong, regardless of the whatever is.

No, we’re not all adults here - Fiverr is open to anyone from age 13 upwards.

Producing a video stating what they did is, in my eyes, obscene.

It’s not obscene, it’s free speech. Here’s the legal definition of obscenity in America.

“The Miller test for obscenity includes the following criteria: (1) whether ‘the average person, applying contemporary community standards’ would find that the work, ‘taken as a whole,’ appeals to ‘prurient interest’ (2) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, s****l conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law, and (3) whether the work, ‘taken as a whole,’ lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.”

PewDiePie’s work isn’t more offensive than Mel Brooks “Springtime for Hitler” number in The Producers or Sasha Baron Cohen playing a fake video game called “Munich olympics” in The Dictator. In fact, PewDiePie’s work has artistic value, millions of people find it funny.

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Guest offlinehelpers

It’s not obscene, it’s free speech. Here’s the legal definition of obscenity in America.

“The Miller test for obscenity includes the following criteria: (1) whether ‘the average person, applying contemporary community standards’ would find that the work, ‘taken as a whole,’ appeals to ‘prurient interest’ (2) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, s****l conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law, and (3) whether the work, ‘taken as a whole,’ lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.”

PewDiePie’s work isn’t more offensive than Mel Brooks “Springtime for Hitler” number in The Producers or Sasha Baron Cohen playing a fake video game called “Munich olympics” in The Dictator. In fact, PewDiePie’s work has artistic value, millions of people find it funny.

I don’t live in America, so US law is beyond me.

I don’t know who PewDiePie is - I’d never heard of him before this kicked off, but I’m delighted you like him!

From a Fiverr point of view, in my opinion, he was wrong to order what he did, and the sellers were wrong to complete his order, purely for the ‘death to whatever’ part.

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If I’m refunding an order and write, "I never want to do business with you again!"

Is that abusive?

Suppose a buyer tells me:

“Your work is crap! My 10-year-old writes better than you.”

Is that abusive? Or is that just part of doing business?

How can we follow the terms of service when Fiverr doesn’t provide examples?

How would the Indians in the video know that death to all whatever would be offensive?

The fact that we’re not even talking about what PewDiePie did specifically is scary. Moderators are censoring too much! We’re all adults here as far as I know, and even if there are minors here, it’s not like we’re discussing anything obscene. We’re not sharing dirty pictures after all.

How would the Indians in the video know that death to all whatever would be offensive?

Because “death to all whatever” is seriously not okay, unless it’s a silly joke like “death to all doughnuts”?

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I don’t live in America, so US law is beyond me.

I don’t know who PewDiePie is - I’d never heard of him before this kicked off, but I’m delighted you like him!

From a Fiverr point of view, in my opinion, he was wrong to order what he did, and the sellers were wrong to complete his order, purely for the ‘death to whatever’ part.

He also ordered some math charts shaped like male genitalia, but the seller refunded the order.

Look, my main concern is free speech and freedom to do business. There are all kinds of weird gigs on Fiverr, there are erotic gigs, screaming gigs, cover yourself in chocolate and sing happy birthday, etc. I do not want Fiverr to suffer because of PC.

I saw what PC has done to Twitter, I see what is doing to Facebook, where does it end?

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Well… FunnyGuys’s account has been restored.

As predicted. Jesus will walk the earth again, mark my words.

Wait… it’s the Apocalypse!

I hope this little joke is not too dangerous for the forum and its various 13-year-olds and the easily-offended.

Or: if you’re going to get kicked off Fiverr, make sure it’s because of a huge star who gives you a massive publicity boost at the same time.

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How would the Indians in the video know that death to all whatever would be offensive?

Because “death to all whatever” is seriously not okay, unless it’s a silly joke like “death to all doughnuts”?

PETA might do "death to all hungers"

Then the hunters do "death to all vegans."

Did anyone died? Did anyone suffered? No.

99% of the time it’s just feelings that are getting hurt.

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He also ordered some math charts shaped like male genitalia, but the seller refunded the order.

Look, my main concern is free speech and freedom to do business. There are all kinds of weird gigs on Fiverr, there are erotic gigs, screaming gigs, cover yourself in chocolate and sing happy birthday, etc. I do not want Fiverr to suffer because of PC.

I saw what PC has done to Twitter, I see what is doing to Facebook, where does it end?

A silent scream into the empty void, perhaps?

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As predicted. Jesus will walk the earth again, mark my words.

Wait… it’s the Apocalypse!

I hope this little joke is not too dangerous for the forum and its various 13-year-olds and the easily-offended.

Or: if you’re going to get kicked off Fiverr, make sure it’s because of a huge star who gives you a massive publicity boost at the same time.

Haha… I think Jesus should add a payment method to his own website and stop using it as a link to his Fiverr gigs.

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