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Pewdiepie Uses Fiverr to Unveil a Contraversial Sign


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he couldn’t have done 200 orders quickly so the late deliveries would have piled up anyway.

There are some sellers who fill more than 200 orders fast. I know at least one of them has a team that handles messages and deliveries while one person handles the actual “work” but I suppose each user finds their own limits and works with them. The last I saw @socalchrist’s gigs up the deliveries were flying out and all was going well. Perhaps he’s efficient. I don’t know but I’m not making any assumptions.

I thought it was great that he had a platform for his gig.

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One thing that I find interesting but may not be related is that staff posted a reminder about messaging around the same time this all happened. The post is here http://forum.fiverr.com/t/reminder-of-fiverr-terms-of-service/ and you may note that it specifically quotes particular parts of ToS.

Seeing this thread now, I also wonder if @bolharr2250 (the OP) expected the thread to generate this much discussion. I’ll be the first to admit that I was concerned about whether or not it could be posted without becoming a train wreck. The forum team greatly appreciates that the OP notified us about the post immediately in case it did turn negative.

Since I’m speculating, I also wonder if other gigs that relate to religion in any way (parody or serious) will be scrutinized after all this. That would be a lot of gigs to go through.

Haha, I definitely expected 10-20 replies which would have been big for me, but the size its at right now definitely makes sense. I’m very glad I made the topic because like @misscrystal said, this may be the most mainstream free marketing Fiverr has ever fallen under

I also agree that its quite possible that religious gigs may come under additional scrutiny. Religion is a deeply personal thing for a lot of people, so its a touchy subject on its own. I personally just don’t buy gigs in those categories, but I think its seriously lame to buy a gig and give a review just because of the type of service. I don’t agree with a lot of gigs on Fiverr, but its not going to do any good for me to spend money and then complain

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Guest thevideostore

I can’t believe this… I got caught up on the drama here… And I’m really upset that that’s all it takes to get somebody banned…

I dont agree with anyone getting banned over what they did.
But especially the jesus gig guy… he didnt do anything even remotely wrong…
Really not surprised tho… I mean … sellers really seem to get no protection here. 😦

This really disgusts me and I hope they remedy this problem.
… Totally feel bad for those who were banned. That just wasnt fair.

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Guest thevideostore

Haha, I definitely expected 10-20 replies which would have been big for me, but the size its at right now definitely makes sense. I’m very glad I made the topic because like @misscrystal said, this may be the most mainstream free marketing Fiverr has ever fallen under

I also agree that its quite possible that religious gigs may come under additional scrutiny. Religion is a deeply personal thing for a lot of people, so its a touchy subject on its own. I personally just don’t buy gigs in those categories, but I think its seriously lame to buy a gig and give a review just because of the type of service. I don’t agree with a lot of gigs on Fiverr, but its not going to do any good for me to spend money and then complain

this may be the most mainstream free marketing Fiverr has ever fallen under

Haha … this may be true… But judging by pewdiepie’s content (mostly kiddy and obnoxious?)… and possible audience (the same) … I cringe at the kind of buyer traffic that might be…

(teens + kids looking to prank sellers or get obnoxious stuff + troll us)

When it comes to bringing traffic… …

I couldnt think of much worse traffic… I’m being totally honest lol… especially when given the context of the actual video from which that traffic would be generated from … Ouch … Incoming troll horde?? =) Lets hope not!

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Guest thevideostore

Haha. Because of pewdiepie now apparently everyone got a long ass message from Fiverr saying hate speech is not allowed 😄

I still can’t get over how that message comes from a company who used sex + drugs to promote themselves … rofl… Sorry but I mean … I do find that pretty funny… Did we forget that lovely commercial that was shoved in our faces last week? I still remember struggling between laughing , facepalming and jawdropping because … I mean … Great commercial… wrong platform? I dunno … I hope they unbanned the Jesus guy… that was just wrongsauce…

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So I assume a lot of you have read this pop on on the main Fiverr page this morning. If you haven’t I will paste it here on the bottom. This explains why so many were banned over this issue.

Copy of pop up message:

Fiverr is for all doers. Let’s keep it that way.
Fiverr is an inclusive community that respects all different races, religions and backgrounds. Each of you brings your own expertise, passion and hustle to a marketplace that embodies a safe and pleasant space to engage and conduct business.
Recently, we’ve seen some of those core ideals put to the test on our marketplace, with some hateful and offensive speech coming to the surface. When these orders are fulfilled, we’re helping to promote those hateful messages and not holding ourselves accountable to Fiverr’s core values.
That’s not what Fiverr was created for, and it explicitly violates our rules. From our Terms of Service…
Communication on Fiverr should be friendly, constructive, and professional. Fiverr condemns bullying, harassment and hate speech towards others. Writing abusively within our messaging system or fulfilling an order which contains abusive language or hate speech is also considered a violation of our Terms of Service.
We will continue to do what’s necessary to keep Fiverr accessible, safe and welcoming for everyone by enforcing our Terms of Service. Disregarding the Terms can result in having your account put on hold or even permanently disabled.
What You Can Do
As a member of our community, it’s your responsibility to be aware of these Terms, but more broadly, it’s your responsibility to act in a way that supports the community as a whole. Think about the consequences of your actions, and keep in mind that real people will be affected.
If you encounter speech that you don’t feel comfortable with or that you think violates the Terms of Service in Gig orders you receive, please flag them for Customer Support .
Fiverr is a place where creativity and productivity are nurtured, and we want to see everyone continue to keep pushing, growing and evolving. Let’s get there together.
Fiverr Team.

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Youtuber himself is cracked up

If you don’t know Pewdipie, then dunno what to tell you. He is the biggest Youtuber (in terms of Subs) and he IS like that.

The biggest debate now is, was it HIS fault, or was it the sellers?

I say sellers of course!

If you watch the entire video, you will see the good sellers, (even with bad English) DENIED his requests outright, knowing it would violate the TOS of Fiverr.

Now the *********** opened a twitter account stating as if it was PDP’s fault that they got banned. NO it wasn’t, it was YOUR fault, for not being knowledgeable in what you CAN and CANNOT sell in your shop.

Some are saying, they live in the jungle, cannot speak English… so they should be un-banned…

Oh so sad, here’s my 2 tear drops for them… if you catch my drift.😂


I see BIZARRE requests on BR EVERYDAY, do I accept them, even if I could? NO. Heck, I even share them with a friend and have a good giggle about them… SMH

As a fiverr buyer of many years and exactly 347 completed gigs (as buyer) with more on the way, kindly do not unban the ones that were banned. I would never want people who are happy to complete hate gigs on fiverr.

I don’t buy the whole “I don’t speak English” excuse, either.

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Guest thevideostore

As a fiverr buyer of many years and exactly 347 completed gigs (as buyer) with more on the way, kindly do not unban the ones that were banned. I would never want people who are happy to complete hate gigs on fiverr.

I don’t buy the whole “I don’t speak English” excuse, either.

Did you watch the video? @meili1 =/ The jesus guy didn’t seem to do anything even remotely wrong and took a ban to the face. I struggle to find anything wrong with his little skit… And its extremely doubtful that he knew what the end piece would look like … or what his role in the end video would be… Its truly a shame. You should watch it because I think you’d agree. Otherwise , would love to hear your stance on why you think he should be banned cause I can’t figure it out. His part broke no TOS that I could see … nor was it hate speech… did I blink out or something and miss it?

I dont know the guy … but I’m standing up for everyone else who may get banned for sneezing the wrong way here or something O_o. It’s a bit much to see a ban from what he did.

The TOS supposedly says we can’t participate in

"fulfilling an order which contains abusive language"

Thats a little broad… in this case he got banned for saying the slang word for a female dog.


Btw , he said he relies SOLEY on fiverr income… Can you imagine how this impacted his life?

Disgusting and scary… I just dont know which weighs more.

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Did you watch the video? @meili1 =/ The jesus guy didn’t seem to do anything even remotely wrong and took a ban to the face. I struggle to find anything wrong with his little skit… And its extremely doubtful that he knew what the end piece would look like … or what his role in the end video would be… Its truly a shame. You should watch it because I think you’d agree. Otherwise , would love to hear your stance on why you think he should be banned cause I can’t figure it out. His part broke no TOS that I could see … nor was it hate speech… did I blink out or something and miss it?

I dont know the guy … but I’m standing up for everyone else who may get banned for sneezing the wrong way here or something O_o. It’s a bit much to see a ban from what he did.

The TOS supposedly says we can’t participate in

"fulfilling an order which contains abusive language"

Thats a little broad… in this case he got banned for saying the slang word for a female dog.


Btw , he said he relies SOLEY on fiverr income… Can you imagine how this impacted his life?

Disgusting and scary… I just dont know which weighs more.

I watched the death dancers one. As for the Christ one, no I have not watched it but I;m sure the seller knew that impersonating Christ is a controversial thing. According to his youtube, he once delivered a video where he (as Jesus Christ) said that the holocaust is a hoax. So yeah, pretty much he was skating the edge.

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Guest thevideostore

I watched the death dancers one. As for the Christ one, no I have not watched it but I;m sure the seller knew that impersonating Christ is a controversial thing. According to his youtube, he once delivered a video where he (as Jesus Christ) said that the holocaust is a hoax. So yeah, pretty much he was skating the edge.

All I know is he’s been doing it for a long while and it’s a pretty good gig. I mean … some may lack a sense of humor with some things… But … again , you should watch his part before you support that ban. Its a bit much…

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Did you watch the video? @meili1 =/ The jesus guy didn’t seem to do anything even remotely wrong and took a ban to the face. I struggle to find anything wrong with his little skit… And its extremely doubtful that he knew what the end piece would look like … or what his role in the end video would be… Its truly a shame. You should watch it because I think you’d agree. Otherwise , would love to hear your stance on why you think he should be banned cause I can’t figure it out. His part broke no TOS that I could see … nor was it hate speech… did I blink out or something and miss it?

I dont know the guy … but I’m standing up for everyone else who may get banned for sneezing the wrong way here or something O_o. It’s a bit much to see a ban from what he did.

The TOS supposedly says we can’t participate in

"fulfilling an order which contains abusive language"

Thats a little broad… in this case he got banned for saying the slang word for a female dog.


Btw , he said he relies SOLEY on fiverr income… Can you imagine how this impacted his life?

Disgusting and scary… I just dont know which weighs more.

I don’t think the video itself got him banned. I believe it was some of the content he delivered in gerneral. That particular video just started a big investigation.

A quick look at his portfolio was enough to figure out that some of his work was probably too controversial for Fiverr’s TOS.

I guess this should be a big wake up call to a lot of sellers here. Better think twice of what kind of order you are taking on these days. You can land in the hot seat quicker than you think.

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I don’t think the video itself got him banned. I believe it was some of the content he delivered in gerneral. That particular video just started a big investigation.

A quick look at his portfolio was enough to figure out that some of his work was probably too controversial for Fiverr’s TOS.

I guess this should be a big wake up call to a lot of sellers here. Better think twice of what kind of order you are taking on these days. You can land in the hot seat quicker than you think.

Let’s hope for a positive outcome.

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Guest thevideostore

I don’t think the video itself got him banned. I believe it was some of the content he delivered in gerneral. That particular video just started a big investigation.

A quick look at his portfolio was enough to figure out that some of his work was probably too controversial for Fiverr’s TOS.

I guess this should be a big wake up call to a lot of sellers here. Better think twice of what kind of order you are taking on these days. You can land in the hot seat quicker than you think.

Hmm , I guess you could be onto something annai… I’ve not looked at his previous work… I can only imagine what people get him to do. But then again there are TONS of gigs on here that are … just … beyond bizarre… like the guy singing happy B-day in a thong? Or people taking pictures of their feet…

I wouldnt suspect it would be against TOS to offer such satire. Maybe they’ll revamp the TOS a bit to be more clear after this. I hope you’re right… I hope he did some VERY controversial things to get the banhammer. Watching it and taking that video at face value just makes me nervous to be a seller. And I follow all the rules to a T as far as I know.

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JackSepticEye12 placed an order with me on my One Liner Gig, “I will do your one liner 5 different ways and send you 5 videos”

He requested that I say, “Jackspeticeye is the best YouTuber.” I messaged him back asking him to clarify the pronunciation and within about 30 minutes the gig was canceled and his account was banned.

I wonder if I would’ve been banned had I said that seemingly innocuous one liner and it found it’s way into these videos.

I don’t have time to investigate everything that was said or done but from what I’ve seen Jesus should have his account reinstated.

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All I know is he’s been doing it for a long while and it’s a pretty good gig. I mean … some may lack a sense of humor with some things… But … again , you should watch his part before you support that ban. Its a bit much…

@videostore I already said why I support the ban, as I said he has done at least one thing that he should be banned for and he admitted it on his youtube channel. Are you really saying that a video he made that says the holocaust was a hoax isn’t bannable? Because I think it is.

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Guest thevideostore

@videostore I already said why I support the ban, as I said he has done at least one thing that he should be banned for and he admitted it on his youtube channel. Are you really saying that a video he made that says the holocaust was a hoax isn’t bannable? Because I think it is.

No , I dont think it’s a bannable offense. I think its satire , and I have a different sense of humor is all.

Again , that ban coming from a company using drugs + sex to advertise… I find that a funny kicker =P

Actually there are some people who completely believe that a lot of our history books + science books are pretty fabricated to suit a particular secret society’s agenda… but I wont go there.

(Nor do I have a particular belief about the holocaust either way)

To say life is a whole other can of worms once you start digging into the rabbit hole is a severe understatement.

What I’m pressing here though is the fact that…The part he played in that video shouldnt have earned him a ban.

It doesnt even come to a sense of humor difference here. In my opinion the TOS doesnt look clear enough as to what is bannable in the area he was slapped for… In other words … I fail to realize , in that video , what he did to break ToS… Either it was the “b” word… I hope not… I guess we can speculate… or

It must be for his past works and someone brought some light on that during this video perhaps.

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Yours is a very valid comment that touches on the very pressing issues here.

Copycats are likely to make this drag out longer than it could normally if it was TV or Print Media that did an “undercover expose” of Fiverr. The Amazon drama died down in literally a day or two but PDP’s following is made up of people who want to be him and will copy everything he does to try and get there. This will mean a ton of follow ups and attempts to get sellers to do something that breaks the rules or can be edited to make it look that way.

A “victim” (in this case, the seller) to social media is like Red Bull to an 8 year old. Or perhaps a lot of Red Bull because any new response or news on the “victim” starts it all over again. Any new mention by PDP keeps it all going - that’s why he spaces out his posts about it, it keeps it ticking over and keeps him in the public view.

I think Fiverr should post something containing:

  1. The relevant section of the ToS
  2. Expressing regret that ToS cannot be adjusted because some celebrity took advantage/messed around/went too far/made a mistake (delete whatever you think appropriate).
  3. Stating that buyers and sellers should neither request nor produce things that are offensive and/or break the ToS.

At the moment their silence is deafening. Doing the above would put the blame where it lies IMO - primarily with PDP and also with the seller involved who also broke the ToS whether knowingly or not (I don’t think they knew, they are either truthful or exceptionally good actors in their video).

There is the possibility for Fiverr to come out of this positively with some good publicity in how they handle the situation. Let’s not forget that the relevant action they have taken is to remove an account that broke ToS. That’s it! Everything else being posted and tweeted about it is just for drama and popularity sake.

You can flick a coin on these kind of situations because you will get people complaining either way. What if they had taken no action? Aside from the million or so sales it would have generated for the sellers (and resultant fees for Fiverr) - there would have been outrage and accusations that Fiverr condones hate speech etc.

The focus needs to be drawn to the fact that they actually did the right thing (as much as I do feel sorry for the seller) as well as the fact that the video only showed the categories which are to be perceived as the lighter side of the site.

Hopefully Fiverr will see sense and formulate a response to minimize the negativity and highlight the value of the site.

PS: Socialbakers, the social media expert’s expert has a 5 point Crisis Management System. Fiverr is on step 2 of the 5, they need to speed up.

Cant help but feel I should be credited in that Fiverr announcement/pop-up thing (see my previous comment) 😃

Overall I think it is well written. They covered all the relevant points clearly and crisply, putting the blame where it belongs without calling anyone out.

Good Job.

As for the banning of people, we don’t actually know the precise reason for some user bans so speculating isn’t really helpful (but it sure is entertaining…). The users themselves don’t get a specific “incident report” either.

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JackSepticEye12 placed an order with me on my One Liner Gig, “I will do your one liner 5 different ways and send you 5 videos”

He requested that I say, “Jackspeticeye is the best YouTuber.” I messaged him back asking him to clarify the pronunciation and within about 30 minutes the gig was canceled and his account was banned.

I wonder if I would’ve been banned had I said that seemingly innocuous one liner and it found it’s way into these videos.

I don’t have time to investigate everything that was said or done but from what I’ve seen Jesus should have his account reinstated.

He requested that I say, “Jackspeticeye is the best YouTuber.” I messaged him back asking him to clarify the pronunciation and within about 30 minutes the gig was canceled and his account was banned.

So, obvious YouTubers getting banned? Told you the copycats were coming. Fiverr, you can’t escape this…

EDIT: and I do hope at least one of them uses the sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll campaign to start a hysterical (in both senses of the word) video. It would be lol.

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in my opinion, fiverr reeeeeaallly missed the mark on this entire issue with this latest press release. safe spaces in the entrepreneurial realm? WHAT, WHY. i’d like real people that were genuinely effected and had their day ruined by the offender’s accounts to make their case here. but make sure you were genuinely effected, and really felt like you were being bullied and offended as you sit behind your computer. imho, hate speech is only hate speech if it makes someone feel hated. so if you really feel hated, genuinely feel hated, I’m sorry this effected you and glad fiverr stood up for you. #injesuswetrust

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in my opinion, fiverr reeeeeaallly missed the mark on this entire issue with this latest press release. safe spaces in the entrepreneurial realm? WHAT, WHY. i’d like real people that were genuinely effected and had their day ruined by the offender’s accounts to make their case here. but make sure you were genuinely effected, and really felt like you were being bullied and offended as you sit behind your computer. imho, hate speech is only hate speech if it makes someone feel hated. so if you really feel hated, genuinely feel hated, I’m sorry this effected you and glad fiverr stood up for you. #injesuswetrust

I would prefer Fiverr to spend their time sorting out actual problems such as the Buyer Request mess/section than having staff sift through tons of potentially offensive materials and submissions from those who agree or disagree.

Is it Fiverr’s responsibility to make the distinction? They clearly set out ToS which are to be followed by all buyers and sellers. One seller definitely produced something that was against ToS and we don’t know why the second account got banned. The user himself said he does not know why which should be rectified IMO. However if Fiverr are smart they would also be aware of the possibility of any communication they make going viral and the potential for backlash from that!

It’s a mess caused by someone who created a video to make money (although Youtube ToS have put a stop to that, yeah, he didn’t demonetize it despite the content - it was Youtube) and to gain publicity, which he has been very successful in. The reality is that he did this with no thought for those involved. The guy has a bigger viewership than most national TV stations yet seems to accept no responsibility for his actions. Instead, he put out another video, this time blaming the media for misleading headlines (correctly) but also basically moaning that he is the victim here (ridiculously).

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I would prefer Fiverr to spend their time sorting out actual problems such as the Buyer Request mess/section than having staff sift through tons of potentially offensive materials and submissions from those who agree or disagree.

Is it Fiverr’s responsibility to make the distinction? They clearly set out ToS which are to be followed by all buyers and sellers. One seller definitely produced something that was against ToS and we don’t know why the second account got banned. The user himself said he does not know why which should be rectified IMO. However if Fiverr are smart they would also be aware of the possibility of any communication they make going viral and the potential for backlash from that!

It’s a mess caused by someone who created a video to make money (although Youtube ToS have put a stop to that, yeah, he didn’t demonetize it despite the content - it was Youtube) and to gain publicity, which he has been very successful in. The reality is that he did this with no thought for those involved. The guy has a bigger viewership than most national TV stations yet seems to accept no responsibility for his actions. Instead, he put out another video, this time blaming the media for misleading headlines (correctly) but also basically moaning that he is the victim here (ridiculously).

The really stupid thing of the ‘Funny Guys’ was not to monetize their apologize video. With more than 500k views it would have made them more money than a lot of gigs here on Fiverr.

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