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If your impressions are dropping, please read this. [ARCHIVED]


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Nothing to worry about, it is a fiverr bug that is now fixed.

I would worry a little about your Impressions/click ratio though. I’ve seen your gigs, and if you put some professional photo of yourself on the gigs, instead of a cover letter that is not noticeable, I think your click ratio will increase by at least 20% which will lead to more leads and eventually sales.



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Hate to bug you, but your conversion rate is higher, because Fiverr indexed the orders in the statistics, but not the gig views 🙂 I’m talking about that one week period when there were no gig statistics at all and we all got 0 imps, clicks and views. If you check, the gig statistics, every single statistic parameter is lacking, except the number of orders.

So, like in your case, my orders dropped slightly and the conversion rate is higher, but we shouldn’t celebrate this, because our orders are dropping and our conversion rates are not correct due to the bag!

P.S: If you didn’t experienced the bag and you didn’t have problems with the gig statistics, then my post is irrelevant.

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Please don’t say that impressions are useless statistics. Yes, they are less important than gig views and clicks, but they are important in two ways:

  1. The imps/click ratio is really important to determine whether you are doing a good job with your gig’s photo/video. If the ratio is bellow 2% (You are getting 5k impressions and only around 100 clicks/gig views) you need to act i.e you need to post eye-catching photo that will get you more click troughs.

  2. If for a longer period (1-2 weeks) your imps/click ration is 20% or more lower than normal (it was 3000, and for 2 weeks it is around 2500-2600 impressions), that means that Fiverr started to place and rank gig for keywords that are not as relevant as before. That means that you need to do little tweaks with your gig’s title, description or tags in order to regain more imps and relevant leads.

All of these points are based on my experience, which means that I’ve found imps combined with clicks and gig views a very useful parameter to tackle some small problems I’ve had with my gigs. At the end of the day, Fiverr wouldn’t put the imps parameter if they didn’t think that they can be useful.

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I respectfully disagree.

My point with this entire thread is to help point out the misunderstanding new sellers seem to have regarding impressions. I’ve seen countless new sellers associating impressions with success – "Why don’t I have thousands of impressions yet? Why aren’t people buying from me? "

Impressions will not help them be successful on Fiverr. Impressions are just numbers – usually not even related to specific gigs. Undefinable numbers don’t provide sellers within anything useful for improving their gigs.

Impressions could come from anywhere. A gig’s photo or video have absolutely nothing to do with impressions. But they do have EVERYTHING to do with clicks – because someone clicking on your gig photo/video means that they saw YOUR photo in the search results, and were interested in YOUR gig.

An impression is really just the loading of a search engine page that could have nothing at all to do with YOUR gig. Everyone else’s gig on that page receives the same impression you do when that page loads. You gain nothing unique or special from that impression – UNLESS you get a click on your gig photo.

Impressions are random. Clicks are the result of a choice. Choice opens the door for sales. And sales bring success to a seller.

Choice is what matters. What potential buyers CHOOSE TO DO matters most.

One million impressions (for example) means nothing. ONE CLICK, though, means a potential sale. Focus on the clicks. Getting your hopes up about a million random impressions is like playing the lottery without winning anything.

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Sorry I misunderstood what you are trying to explain, you are right about that Imps should not be associated with success and they should not panic. But how can they get clicks and sales if they don’t have imps?

You are so wrong and I hope that someone from Fiverr support will back me up.

Imps CAN’T come from anywhere and are not random. They all come from Fiverr.com users from impressions that they make solely on Fiverr. The imps are measured if your gig is shown after someone searches certain keyword phrase, clicks on certain category or your gig is recommended in “refine your recommendations” after someone delivers the gig.

Totally opposite to that, clicks and views can come from anywhere (social media share, marketing campaigns, emails etc,), while imps can’t come from anywhere they all come from Fiverr.

Let me show you an example:

One of my gig’s views is steady with 3k imps and around 100 clicks each month. Every two weeks in average in certain days I get 350 clicks and gig views, but the imps stay around 3k. That means that these users are coming outside of Fiverr and directly to my gig’s page or like you said from “anywhere”.

Bottom line, imps will not bring you sales like the clicks and views will, but they can certainly show you how Fiverr ranks your gig and are a useful statistic! At the end of the day Fiverr rankings are the most important, so you should follow the number of impressions and click/gig views ratio.

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I disagree with this. Yes, impressions do matter if you want success.

Sure, clicks are more meaningful and better than impressions in every way, but don’t forget that without impressions, you can have the best gig ever, and you will get no orders at all. It’s called “exposure”.

Sure, impressions only mean that your gig is shown among dozens of other gigs. However, impressions are like a lottery, think about it. If you have at least one lottery ticket, you are at least inside of the game and have a small chance to win, but if you don’t have at least one ticket, then you will never win the lottery no matter what.

The same goes for impressions. The more impressions you have, the more chances to get clicks and orders you have.

The only way impressions wouldn’t matter, would be if you are getting your clicks from an external source. I mean, if you are not getting your orders from Fiverr search engine, then you wouldn’t need to worry about impressions.

Of course, if you want clicks and orders from those impressions, you need to have a good gig. Of course, clicks are better than impressions. Of course, many of those impressions are not useful at all because of the reasons you describe above. But at the end of the day, without impressions, you will get no clicks, hence you will get no orders either.

In my experience, as soon as I start to get less impressions, I can notice the difference in the number of orders and clicks I get.

I’ve had some pretty good gigs getting very few clicks and very few orders, while some of my other gigs that were not as good, still got a lot of orders. You know why? Because they got a lot of impressions and the others didn’t. As simpe as that.

Also, one of my most popular gigs got pretty much excluded from Fiverr listings and search results, due to a nasty bug around a year and a half ago. It has 2,000+ reviews and it was getting a lot of orders from new buyers. However, as soon as I got hit by the bug, orders pretty much stopped from new buyers. I was only getting orders from returning customers because impressions stopped.

But a few weeks ago, that gig miraculously returned to the search engine, and it is now getting many more impressions, hence it is also getting many more clicks and orders. It is slowly climbing to the top of the rankings again.

So, never say that impressions are useless. Never underestimate the power of impressions, because without impressions, clicks pretty much wouldn’t exist (unless you have an external source to get clicks).

Best case scenario would be to get a lot of impressions from the get-go, then have a pretty catchy title and gig image, and finally have a pretty awesome gig description to get the orders.

Just my two cents.

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This is a valid perspective. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

Do keep in mind, though, that your perspective promotes the Fiverr search format is the primary way people obtain sales. I think its dangerous to promote this to new sellers who desperately want new sales – and can obtain sales from many other sources as well (but seem to believe Fiverr’s system will passively bring them all the success that they want). Impressions and clicks are only valuable from Fiverr searches. Outside of that, they mean nothing.

Sellers cannot control impressions. As far as control is concerned, they are, most definitely, random. Impressions are at the whim of Fiverr’s ranking algorithm (which constantly changes with the many fluid factors that drive the algorithm), as well as anyone and everyone surfing through any gig marketplace page on Fiverr (regardless of why they are surfing Fiverr’s marketplace).

A good success strategy would be to not focus on those uncontrollable in-Fiverr impressions, but make sure that your gig(s) have strong, representative gig photos, and pay attention almost exclusively to the clicks each gig gets. This is the only thing that sellers can do – on Fiverr – to bring in new sales and gig interest. Good presentation gets noticed. Present your gigs well; the rest is entirely at the whims of buyers or the Fiverr search algorithm.

if Fiverr sellers want more control over the success of their gigs, impressions are not the way to go. They NEED to know that their success is the result of hard work. They need to promote their gigs elsewhere online… even offline. And there are thousands of ways this could be done.

A large majority of new Fiverr sellers seem to be attracted to Fiverr under the false understanding that they just need to post a gig, and sales, wealth and success will flow to them as a result. This is why I am pushing so strongly to remind people that impressions are NOT a good way to measure the success of their gigs. None of us have any direct control over impressions.

Success requires work – constant, hard work. Impressions (to a seller) are completely passive. Passive is lazy. If a seller wants success, they need to work for it, and passive impressions will not result in guaranteed success.

Sellers need to treat their gigs like a business. And this begins by ignoring the passive impressions, and focusing on the daily hard work – the self-promotion, the advertising, the blogging, the social media, the word of mouth, etc. – the stuff that requires actions, and can be measured in tangible, valuable action stats.

Be successful. Passive is not success.

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