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Why Have the Orders Stopped Coming in?


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I’ve been using Fiverr for nearly a month. Business increased until it was booming over an 8 day period, but then suddenly, the orders slowed to just a couple of inquiries over the past three days. Why did this happen? My rating has remained excellent and my buyer reviews sound great. What am I doing wrong?

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Guest branston_hanks

change the approach, how many times have you ordered aswell? atimes you need to letgo what is in your filled hands to get it filled again. #winks chck out my gigs maam

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If you’ve only been selling for a month, and you found that you had a flood of orders but then they slowed to a trickle, then it’s probably because Fiverr’s search and ranking system temporarily floods new sellers with views and traffic and then - after a few sales to help the seller get established - the artificially boosted search bonus is taken away.

Speaking for myself, though, I’ve noticed that I tend to get more orders closer to the weekends, and the middle of the week is usually slower.

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on fiverr chances for everyone are equal… also when you was new your gig was showing in recent added gig’s search. now you left that search category so that’s why your orders are slow but it will increasing sales slowly and one day will come and you will get many orders a day. if you keep your rating high.

also communicate well with your clients. they will become returning buyer of your work. if they are happy with your work now.

when the qty of returning clients will increase … you will get more chances for orders. from returning clients and also from new clients and from those who impressed with your feedback / positive reviews.

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In my experience, what @jamesbulls said is probably what’s happening. But I had a problem not all that long ago where I wasn’t ranking in search results for my keyword “spokesperson”, instead, most of the results had nothing to do with that keyword at all. One day all was fine then the next… nadda. Turns out I stumbled on a fiverr glitch that I was able to work around. Since then, my sales have over doubled.

So you might just want to do a few keyword searches to see if you appear at all. But again, my hunch is that @jamesbulls is spot on. Not to mention, sometimes you can have three weeks of great orders, then a 10 day lull. That even happens to me sometimes, although not as much since I fixed my search problem.

Another thing to consider is to try to find other sellers with complimentary services and try to create a mutually beneficial relationship. I have a preferred scriptwriter here on fiverr who’s skills help my customers create better content, so we have a referral relationship. I send him referrals for scripts and he sends me referrals from folks that need a video. But I never ever ask him for special deals, rates, or priority consideration. I send him business, and he sends me business 🙂

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alexa_guru said: I have checked and found my gigs are not in any list in fiverr. It's only available on my profile page. Definitely something wrong there?
Nothing is wrong. It's the Fiverr policy that the only place on-site where gigs will always be displayed, is on the user's profile page. They do not guarantee any placement in the search or anywhere else.


That's why it's important to promote off of the Fiverr site. You have to drive your own traffic to your own gigs.


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itsyourthing said: Nothing is wrong. It's the Fiverr policy that the only place on-site where gigs will always be displayed, is on the user's profile page. They do not guarantee any placement in the search or anywhere else.

If your gigs are not visible on any position including using exact title in search, then definitely there is something wrong. BTW, i never mean that it's a BUG.


itsyourthing said: That's why it's important to promote off of the Fiverr site. You have to drive your own traffic to your own gigs.

You are new in this section dear. If you ever promoted your gig outside fiverr, then you will understand why i am saying this.


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Guest adrifz

It comes and goes! I had a gig that sold really well in the past, but now it barely gets orders. I really liked that gig so I hope it’ll be popular again!

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Try changing the picture in

I will edit and proof up to 2000 words for $5

To see if you start getting more sales. Maybe you can take a picture of a paper full of corrections with a red tape. Or a screenshot of a word document full of track changes.

I’m also wondering if you’re offering too much for $5. I searched “proof” and here’s what I found;

I will proofread and edit any document up to 1000 words within 24 hours for $5

(19 in his queue, 3000 reviews)

I will proofread and edit your document, up to 5,000 words for $5

(17 in his queue, 878 reviews)

What can we learned from this two extremes?

  1. The guy that does up to 5,000 is working 5 times harder for the same 5.

  2. The guy that does up to 1000 can’t charge $40 for 24/hour delivery like #1

    Also, the “up to” makes you sound deceptive if you are willing to proof 2,000 words for $5.

    In the advertising business, when we say “Save up to 60% off” what we’re really saying "one or two things are 60% off, the rest of our junk is 10%, 20%, 40% off.“

    So your gig would sound more powerful if you wrote:

    ” I will edit and proof 2000 words in X Days for $5"

    X is for the number of days you can do it. I like 3, some use 6. I don’t recommend 2-days, because it doesn’t encourage the buyer to order 24-hour delivery. If you can wait 24-hours, you can wait 48-hours. But that’s my opinion, you gotta experiment and see what happens.
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Reply to @alexa_guru:

alexa_guru said: If your gigs are not visible on any position including using exact title in search,

This has happened to me a few times, I type in pretty much the exact gig title, sometimes it shows up in the search, sometimes it doesn't. I was a bit surprised at first, but I just came to accept the fact that that is how Fiverr works.

alexa_guru said: You are new in this section dear. If you ever promoted your gig outside fiverr, then you will understand why i am saying this.

I don't think itsyourthing is new to this whole thing, but I'm not sure why you say this since I have promoted my gigs outside Fiverr, and it seemed to work. Not always of course since orders comes and goes, but it sure did make a difference. Well, at least for me! :D

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zeus777 said: I'm not sure why you say this

1st Point, people don't want to create an account for a small service which we are offering in fiverr. And most of the people message for custom offer and want more than we are offering.


2nd Point, you will get very little success comparing your hard work. If you send 1000 email, then you will get 1 order maximum (according my experience). If you post 1000 times in different facebook groups then you will receive maximum 1 order.


3rd, if i have to convince a buyer (non member of fiverr) to buy my service, then why i will give 20% to fiverr?

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Guest ryan9999

It happens to everybody. Just think positive and promote your Gigs. You will get the orders sooner or later…

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Guest itsyourthing

Reply to @alexa_guru:

alexa_guru said: If your gigs are not visible on any position including using exact title in search, then definitely there is something wrong.
This is an exact quote I received from CS: "TO be clear, all of your Gigs won't show when you search for your username. The way to view all of your Gigs or another seller's Gigs is to view their/your profile via fiverr.com/." I also had another interaction in which the CS rep said something along the lines of 'to keep things fair to all users there is no guarantee that any gigs will definitely be included in the search function'. I'm paraphrasing because I can't be bothered to dig that one out, but "no guarantee" was definitely included.

Don't call me "dear". Obviously I am so new "in this section" (what does that even mean?) that I am unaware of any product or service that doesn't benefit from being advertised. Even illegal drug dealers let folks know what street corner they're going to be on. ;) But do carry on, Sweet Cheeks, I may learn something!
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Reply to @alexa_guru:

alexa_guru said: 1st Point, people don't want to create an account for a small service which we are offering in fiverr. And most of the people message for custom offer and want more than we are offering.
This is 2015; people will create an account on a photo sharing site so they can look at a picture of their co-workers cat wearing a sweater.
alexa_guru said: 2nd Point, you will get very little success comparing your hard work. If you send 1000 email, then you will get 1 order maximum (according my experience). If you post 1000 times in different facebook groups then you will receive maximum 1 order.
If you send terribly composed and un-targeted spam, you are correct. If you post irrelevant rubbish with no perceived value or call-to-action to an un-targeted audience, you are correct again.
alexa_guru said: 3rd, if i have to convince a buyer (non member of fiverr) to buy my service, then why i will give 20% to fiverr?
Because Fiverr is a platform designed to conveniently facilitate the buying and selling of small tasks that have been evaluated as good returns on investment. The process of buying and selling is what the commission pays for.

4th Point: What I have learned is that you don't appear to have any understanding of real sales and marketing; and also that you get more orders than I do on Fiverr. (Although I already suspected that.) :)
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  • 2 weeks later...
itsyourthing said: Don't call me "dear".

I am sorry. I never know that word like "Dear" can hurt someone. Next time i will be more careful


itsyourthing said: This is 2015; people will create an account on a photo sharing site so they can look at a picture of their co-workers cat wearing a sweater.

I think you do freelancing for fun. I am not. You also have no idea to handle a big number of high paying clients, who are ready to pay $50 for a single page rank 5 backlinks directly whiteout asking single question. Hope you got my point.


itsyourthing said: If you send terribly composed and un-targeted spam, you are correct. If you post irrelevant rubbish with no perceived value or call-to-action to an un-targeted audience, you are correct again.

For "YouTube Views" service i promote my gig on YouTube video, YouTube, YouTube views related groups on facebook and provide 10% more if a buyer goes through that link than what i am offering on fiverr.

Still if you think i am promoting my service on un-targeted groups or audience, then i am ready to pay 1000s to learn from you what is targeted groups and people means. Also want to lean "how a bonus offer can convert on a rubbish content?".


itsyourthing said: Because Fiverr is a platform designed to conveniently facilitate the buying and selling of small tasks that have been evaluated as good returns on investment. The process of buying and selling is what the commission pays for.

As i said you are new on freelancing or do freelancing just for just. You have no idea how much pain you will feel when you managed a deal for $5000 which you earn directly through your promotion and then pay $1000 for nothing.


itsyourthing said: 4th Point: What I have learned is that you don't appear to have any understanding of real sales and marketing; and also that you get more orders than I do on Fiverr. (Although I already suspected that.)

That's why i said, i want to learn from you and ready to pay you. Please help me to learn something interesting. But please don't share BS content or tips which can give me only 100-200 sales in 3 years which you got on fiverr.

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