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  1. I was level 1 only earlier then got downgraded due to one mutual cancellation, after that I completed 11 orders to get back to Level 1. Cancellations cause huge hits, best is to be sure the task is clear and not accept tasks that are not clear and have grey area.
  2. I got back my Level 1 status today. One of my gigs got a 7 score which lifted up the SS.
  3. Thank you for your inputs, however if this was the case my average score would be 6+ as the gig which has 6 score has a lot more orders and higher earning than the 4 score gig.
  4. Hello all, I have 2 gigs with success score 6 and 4, put together they should average 5 but my overall score is still stuck at 4. Does anyone have or had this problem and did it update sooner or later? Thanks in advance for your replies.
  5. You should be happy it has stayed 8 which is a very good score and not gone south.
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