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Tips and Tricks to beat Success Score AI


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I'm sure we have all heard it over and over again, especially recently:

"My buyers all give me 5 star reviews"
"I get a lot of tips"
"My clients all say they love me"
"The success score is broken" ⬅️ This one is true
"Why won't my success score reflect what my customers share"

According to Fiverr, happy clients are not enough to save your success score from getting the c**p beat out of it. I wanted to start a thread asking other users: How did you overcome a low success score.

I'm in that "slump" where I get really good reviews with positive feedback from my clients, I deliver everything on time, my clients reach out to place repeat orders and everything indicates that my freelance services are going well! But my Success Score of 6, will not budge! 

I'm not here to talk about how broken the system is, I wanted to ask other sellers here what they did to beat Fiverr's awful system. Shoot your responses down below, please 🙂

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I'm sorry to know that, Jaden!


My success score is locked at 8 and it doesn't move with positive reviews, order completion or even with cancellation. I personally don't have any idea about what decides our success score numbering. 


I can only offer a smile, or probably a hug (if flirting is allowed).  

Can I take you for a coffee? 

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, jaden_barton said:

I'm not here to talk about how broken the system is, I wanted to ask other sellers here what they did to beat Fiverr's awful system

The thing to note here is the system works as intended. It captures data from everything, not just your reviews. Your interactions with the customers in the inbox, the words you use, if you have cancellations, refunds, many extensions, all of those matter. Private reviews in particular and any piece of private feedback is what matters the most, not what people leave publicly. And unfortunately a lot of buyers don't complete those private reviews if they are happy. But guess who does complete them... someone that was unhappy and wants to express their dissatisfaction.

And then we also have the comparison with other competitors within your category. If you sell 10 gigs a month and someone sells 200 a month, your score gets lowered too, because other people surpass you and have better performance. So the success score itself is very complex.

There's no way to "beat the system" here. The only thing you can do is to always deliver exceptional work and assist your clients with everything they need. It's clear Fiverr didn't want everyone to have perfect scores and be level 2 anymore. That's why things are more restrictive and they use ALL the data they acquire from buyers and how you interact with them or the Fiverr platform itself in order to create this score. I know it's not what people wanted to hear, but realistically, that's what we have now, a system designed to differentiate people more effectively. Because before this, everyone had 5 stars and there were lots of buyers complaining that even if the person they hired had only 5 stars across the board, their work was awful. It's also why we have reviews for canceled orders, to minimize situations when people are trying to curate their reviews and cancel stuff that was not ok. 

Edited by donnovan86
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1 hour ago, donnovan86 said:

The thing to note here is the system works as intended

1 hour ago, donnovan86 said:

If you sell 10 gigs a month and someone sells 200 a month, your score gets lowered too

This is the best part: you can have almost no sales and no orders for months and still maintain a Success Score of 10. I am not sure if mentioning that user would be a smart choice, but you even know who I am talking about. So, I am not sure if 'the system is working perfectly fine' would be the best choice of words.

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48 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

So, I am not sure if 'the system is working perfectly fine' would be the best choice of words.

Well I didn't say that. I said the system works as intended. And it does. The intention is to not have everyone with 5 stars and at level 2. It was difficult for buyers and let's face it, not all freelancers here are worth the 5 stars, many of them curate their reviews to appear much better than they are. And it's valid for many platforms, not just Fiverr.

The success score system would be a lot better if people would see exactly what brings their score down, and in some ways it does show that. However, as long as they promise buyers to not show their private reviews and private info they share, we will never have all the info. And even if we had all the info, it would be prone to abuse, obviously. 

51 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

This is the best part: you can have almost no sales and no orders for months and still maintain a Success Score of 10.

Well the success score covers sales from the last 2 years, if I am not mistaken. If you sell regularly on Fiverr, that's an advantage because the success score tends to be set in stone for a while. That means no more dropping levels and other random stuff like that. However, that also means someone with a very low success score will find it difficult to increase it. As for someone with no sales for months, they still sold stuff within the past 2 years, if we are talking about the same person. And even if we don't.. since the success score covers the last 2 years, Fiverr most likely uses the data they have. Yet if the person starts selling more now, those recent reviews will have more weight. 

My assumption is that everything you do on the platform, from what you write to when you deliver, if you cancel, extend orders, matters. I responded to the OP in a realistic way. There's no need or way to beat the success score AI. Instead, it always comes down to the quality you provide. Unless a customer has some sort of vendetta against you... most if not all clients will rate you objectively and your stats will be high. I agree there are people that rate stuff randomly, which are hard to work with.. obviously that's a part of any business you run, be it online or not.

So no, I don't think the system is perfect, but I don't see them making any significant changes for a while. I do think it works as intended and I do see a lot of people that dropped from level 2 to level 1 or less. If the intention was to have more diversity when it comes to levels and to have people go up and down levels based on their most recent performance, this does seem to work as intented, right? There are things to iron out, like ignoring extensions, cancellations from customer support, cancellations from people making orders by mistake, etc. Maybe they will address these things, eventually.

As I said in my messages, people will always try to manipulate the system to their advantage, just check this thread 🙂 That's why I think Fiverr will continue to keep people in the dark when it comes to private reviews, etc. It's funny because a lot of people are complaining about transparency, but with the newer success score system we have more info than ever before. But I get it, people want to know exactly what's affecting them, so they can improve, and that's sometimes in the private reviews... 

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@donnovan86 It's hard to quote any specific part of your message because I agree with every point you've made. Quoting the entire message would just seem like spam, haha, so I'll just tag along.

1. The real problem is that the Success Score isn't working the same for everyone. If Fiverr considers you a great seller because you made just 10 sales over an entire year (and gives you a success score of 10), while others are hustling, struggling, and making over $10,000 yet still receive a success score of 4 --- the entire system just doesn't make any sense.

2. Also, people who had just 2-3 cancellations in the last two years (which were also fulfilled by customer support) are getting a red banner for 'conflict-free orders,' while others, including me, have 18+ cancellations yet I am still rated at a 9 (earlier, I was at 10 when the new level system launched).

3. The whole point of this was to offer a bit of transparency. I have a 'strong negative client satisfaction,' which is preventing me from moving from 9 to 10 -- but I don't know what I can do to fix it. From my side, I am delivering top-notch quality to every buyer, but I simply don't know what's stopping me from reaching 10 again. I have started to get the feeling that Fiverr just doesn't want me (and other sellers) to improve our scores -- maybe to create diversity, as you mentioned -- but why? If everyone is doing great, let them have their good levels. Does Fiverr really think creating diversity is more important than putting the pressure on sellers minds?

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12 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

yet still receive a success score of 4 --- the entire system just doesn't make any sense.

Well, it always comes down to data. For the person without a lot of sales, there isn't a lot of data and if they had only good reviews, they will have a score of 10 or a higher score in general. If you sell a lot of gigs, the chances are that you will have customers that aren't 100% satisfied. And here is the main issue, a lot of buyers don't leave a private review. So if someone or more people leave you more than 1 bad private review and you have no good private reviews for example, that's going to bring that you a very low review score. In general, the more sales you make, the higher the chances of having a lower review score, because there are more clients, and thus more chances of someone making a mistake or just purposefully rating you. 

15 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

Also, people who had just 2-3 cancellations in the last two years (which were also fulfilled by customer support) are getting a red banner for 'conflict-free orders,' while others, including me, have 18+ cancellations yet I am still rated at a 9 (earlier, I was at 10 when the new level system launched).

It depends on how you canceled and why as well, not just that you have cancellations. In this case, having fewer orders is definitely a problem.. since 1-2 cancellations can be problematic.

17 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

but I simply don't know what's stopping me from reaching 10 again.

Bad or not that great private reviews. Especially if it's a strong negative sentiment, as Fiverr says. 

17 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

Fiverr just doesn't want me (and other sellers) to improve our scores

Everthing is taken into account. The way you speak to clients, what words you use, cancellations, extensions, etc, so I wouldn't try to understand everything or find ways to cheat the system like the OP of this thread does. My approach is simple: as always, I deliver the best work to clients, deliver the best customer support and maintain a high level of professionalism. Yes, there are times when I am not the right pick, sometimes clients are hard to work with, but that's business and I accepted that when I started freelancing. It's not like things in real life are very different either. 

I think the focus was on lowering review scores and just letting the better sellers shine, while also having a varied review landscape, not just 5 stars for everyone. I had a happy client that said he will come back soon and he left 4.3. I checked competitors and they had 3.3 stars from someone that was happy. Yet I also saw 4 stars from someone that was very dissatisfied. So reviews can be quite random at times, but since everyone is subject to the same issue..

I had a pretty bad healthcare last year when I was close to not being around anymore, so I value my health and wellbeing more. I am doing the best work that I can here, and prefer to not struggle or worry that much about the success score and how it fluctuates. I prefer to use my time and energy on my work and not stuff I can't control. That's how I do it, if others find value in struggling and trying to understand a system where there's tons of private data... then it's their choice. 

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35 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

Bad or not that great private reviews. Especially if it's a strong negative sentiment, as Fiverr says. 

It can definitely be a possibility. But the thing is that I have a Repeat Business Score of 92, and around 51% of my earnings are coming from repeat buyers. I hope that the person leaving bad private ratings is not one of my repeat clients. Although all my repeat clients are quite satisfied with my services (otherwise, why would they have returned in the first place) -- but sometimes it's just people's mentality and their culture that make them tend to leave lower stars (like four stars, for example).

Although it's a fact that I am just assuming things but if by any chance it's true, I will be in great trouble, as I will never know who is leaving the bad private reviews, and I will never be able to overcome this situation since I am working with that buyer again and again, and every time, the client may be leaving the same star rating (probably 3 or 4). One solution would be to drop all repeat buyers, but it's definitely not a smart move to dump 51% of revenue just to improve the score by one point.

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On a serious note: 

After this new, ambiguous thingy is implemented. I got some traction and have been receiving orders on a regular basis. Only one of my gigs qualified to be promoted previously, but now I can promote all of my em!

I feel someone secretly in the management department wants me to be successful, xD.  

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Posted (edited)

Didn't someone from Fiverr say we shouldn't worry about our success score when we voiced our concerns about the new system?🙃

I think that’s the way to go, unless you’re up for dealing with hallucinations, hypertension, autoimmune issues, and burnout. These are all real situations sellers are going through. The gamification is making people seriously ill, and Fiverr doesn't seem to care.

I’ve stopped checking mine altogether. I just focus on what I do best: work.

The smartest move for your business, no matter your current order volume, is to diversify. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

If anything, Fiverr’s shown us that we need to expand our reach to other platforms, preferably ones we can control. Just in case they decide to tank your whole career overnight due to some arbitrary decision  made by an AI developed by the same "developers" who brought us the worst chatbot on the internet.

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On 5/9/2024 at 9:45 AM, donnovan86 said:

The thing to note here is the system works as intended.

Respectfully, what system? And what is the intention? It's an arbitrary algorithm that is very capricious, updates on a whim and pitches sellers against each other. The support team is hiding behind the phrases "anonymous feedback" "compared to other sellers" "overall satisfaction" and give misleading advice. You're not allowed to see any metrics that specifically show what you are doing wrong, just vague advice and descriptions. 

My discoveries so far: 

1. If a customer doesn't leave you a review at all it affects customer satisfaction negatively. I have repeat customers who don't leave reviews on follow up orders, but asking them to leave reviews and receiving those reviews has almost immediately improved one of my scores. 

2. If you do not collect requirements through the requirement function, it affects communication negatively. Even if the customer sends you the requirements in the chat and gives you a 5* review afterwards. 

3. If you communicate with your clients in their native language - communication is affected negatively. This is particularly annoying as I'm multilingual and speaking to customers in their own language via messages gave me a huge advantage. However, now I need to choose whether to go above and beyond for my customers or keep Fiverr's score algorithm happy. Fiverr's team have denied this, but after I spoke to a client in a different language on a gig I had only had English speaking buyers on previously, "negative communication@ flagged up. 

4. If your response time is over 1 hour, communication is affected negatively. 

5. If you communicate in short and concise language - communication is affected negatively. Writing long paragraphs full of filler "professional" language seems to help, as well as using phrases from Fiverr's dumb AI written templates they suggest in their help section. I'm conflicted about this, because I like to be professional and not waste client's time with lengthy unnecessary messages, but Fiverr seems to live for that. 

6. The scores still fluctuate unpredictably despite all efforts. 🙂 One of my gigs hadn't had orders in a while, but previous reviews were all 5*. It sat there happily without any score, then last week a score of 3 came up, now it has been updated to 4 although nothing has changed. 

7. I think pricing affects the success scores as well but I haven't worked out how exactly. 

8. I think the algorithm wants you to keep in touch during the order and send updates to customers - with the work I do, I gather information and present the final result, I don't really need to send clients updates or interim results as it's not a part of the flow, but I think the algorithm wants me to do this. It's like a girlfriend who gets upset if you don't text "good morning gorgeous" the minute you are awake. 🤣 

Hope this helps someone, thoughts and prayers to us all. 😅

All this system showed me is that I need to diversify and create profiles on other platforms/scout for direct off-platform customers. 

Congrats, Fiverr, you've played yourselves! 🤝 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, balticoakmedia said:

Respectfully, what system? And what is the intention?

The new review and success score system. These, along with reviews for canceled orders are meant to stop people from manipulating the system, because there were a lot of people that were canceling orders left and right, trying to keep a perfect, 5 star rating even if their work quality is much lower than that. So yeah, in that vein, it works. There's also the problem that there are too many sellers and less buyers, so it's not like Fiverr will hire people to manually check ratings and stuff, they just use AI to do most of the work and they have a human step in.

As for your findings, let's see!

1 hour ago, balticoakmedia said:

1. If a customer doesn't leave you a review at all it affects customer satisfaction negatively. I have repeat customers who don't leave reviews on follow up orders, but asking them to leave reviews and receiving those reviews has almost immediately improved one of my scores. 


The lack of a review doesn't have a negative impact. It's just that, nothing positive aside from you getting paid. If you receive a review, that will help/not help, depending on what review people leave, of course. For the second, third and fourth one, I have no idea. I always had a 1 hour response time, and I do enter the app often, so response time and communication are not an issue for my gigs, in general.


1 hour ago, balticoakmedia said:

One of my gigs hadn't had orders in a while, but previous reviews were all 5*

That's the issue, the lack of newer orders. If there's a lack of recent data, that might have a negative impact.


1 hour ago, balticoakmedia said:

I think the algorithm wants you to keep in touch during the order and send updates to customers - with the work I do, I gather information and present the final result, I don't really need to send clients updates or interim results as it's not a part of the flow, but I think the algorithm wants me to do this. It's like a girlfriend who gets upset if you don't text "good morning gorgeous" the minute you are awake. 🤣 

Lol. I work the same way, I receive the guidelines and that's it. I think the problem appears when people ask you questions on the order page and you don't reply. But like a lot of sellers, I do try to have that last word when it comes to communication.. 


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1 hour ago, balticoakmedia said:

My discoveries so far: 

Interesting take, I'm going to try implementing some of these.

I have started to go as far as asking my clients, 24 hours after delivery, to make sure they leave the private review. I feel like I probably have one or 2 bad private review and not enough positive private reviews. Private reviews are the biggest scam for fiverr's system. 

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4 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

The lack of a review doesn't have a negative impact. It's just that, nothing positive aside from you getting paid. If you receive a review, that will help/not help, depending on what review people leave, of course. For the second, third and fourth one, I have no idea. I always had a 1 hour response time, and I do enter the app often, so response time and communication are not an issue for my gigs, in general.

I'm just sharing my experience in hopes it can help someone. 

With everything else being the same (no new orders, messages etc.) - customers who hadn't left reviews on repeat orders left 5* reviews and the "Negative Customer Satisfaction" was gone from the areas affecting the success score within approx. 12 hours.

Within that time I had no new enquiries, no messages going in or out, nothing delivered, and nothing cancelled, the only thing that changed was getting a few reviews from people for orders that had been delivered within the last few weeks.

So empirically - yes it does affect it negatively because once the reviews were done the notification disappeared. I don't know if any of these clients also gave positive anonymous reviews in the background which may contribute. I don't know also if it's not having super fresh reviews (although I think I had had a couple of reviews in the week leading up to that). 

But getting reviews from people who haven't left one in my personal experience can definitely cancel out some of the negativity. 

I slipped under 1 hour response for the first time ever this month, I work with some clients in different time zones and they send me messages while I'm asleep lol and I've been travelling myself too, so couldn't check the app and respond while I was on flights etc. but generally it's not an issue and something that can be fixed when I'm back to a more regular schedule I hope! 

Having the last word on messages in chats is so real on Fiverr! I'm glad I'm not the only one. 😁

I'm more of a casual seller on Fiverr as I get the majority of my income off the platform, but Fiverr has been responsible for a more significant portion of my revenue lately so I was hoping I could expand my revenue from here, but with these new success scores I'm not so sure anymore. 🫤

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17 minutes ago, jaden_barton said:

Interesting take, I'm going to try implementing some of these.

I have started to go as far as asking my clients, 24 hours after delivery, to make sure they leave the private review. I feel like I probably have one or 2 bad private review and not enough positive private reviews. Private reviews are the biggest scam for fiverr's system. 

I think we're just all learning as we go along, even the Fiverr CS team. 😁 

I'm not claiming to know any guaranteed tricks by the way, I'm just sharing what I've noticed in my experience recently, so try at your own peril haha. 

Where do the buyers need to go to leave private/anonymous reviews? I might just do the same and ask a few to leave some private reviews.

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4 hours ago, balticoakmedia said:

Respectfully, what system? And what is the intention? It's an arbitrary algorithm that is very capricious, updates on a whim and pitches sellers against each other. The support team is hiding behind the phrases "anonymous feedback" "compared to other sellers" "overall satisfaction" and give misleading advice. You're not allowed to see any metrics that specifically show what you are doing wrong, just vague advice and descriptions. 

My discoveries so far: 

1. If a customer doesn't leave you a review at all it affects customer satisfaction negatively. I have repeat customers who don't leave reviews on follow up orders, but asking them to leave reviews and receiving those reviews has almost immediately improved one of my scores. 

2. If you do not collect requirements through the requirement function, it affects communication negatively. Even if the customer sends you the requirements in the chat and gives you a 5* review afterwards. 

3. If you communicate with your clients in their native language - communication is affected negatively. This is particularly annoying as I'm multilingual and speaking to customers in their own language via messages gave me a huge advantage. However, now I need to choose whether to go above and beyond for my customers or keep Fiverr's score algorithm happy. Fiverr's team have denied this, but after I spoke to a client in a different language on a gig I had only had English speaking buyers on previously, "negative communication@ flagged up. 

4. If your response time is over 1 hour, communication is affected negatively. 

5. If you communicate in short and concise language - communication is affected negatively. Writing long paragraphs full of filler "professional" language seems to help, as well as using phrases from Fiverr's dumb AI written templates they suggest in their help section. I'm conflicted about this, because I like to be professional and not waste client's time with lengthy unnecessary messages, but Fiverr seems to live for that. 

6. The scores still fluctuate unpredictably despite all efforts. 🙂 One of my gigs hadn't had orders in a while, but previous reviews were all 5*. It sat there happily without any score, then last week a score of 3 came up, now it has been updated to 4 although nothing has changed. 

7. I think pricing affects the success scores as well but I haven't worked out how exactly. 

8. I think the algorithm wants you to keep in touch during the order and send updates to customers - with the work I do, I gather information and present the final result, I don't really need to send clients updates or interim results as it's not a part of the flow, but I think the algorithm wants me to do this. It's like a girlfriend who gets upset if you don't text "good morning gorgeous" the minute you are awake. 🤣 

Hope this helps someone, thoughts and prayers to us all. 😅

All this system showed me is that I need to diversify and create profiles on other platforms/scout for direct off-platform customers. 

Congrats, Fiverr, you've played yourselves! 🤝 

This. All of this. Pin this. This.

That part about updates is ridiculous for me, too. 

"Hi! (I know I'm going to be delivering within hours of you ordering but) guess whaaaaat!!! I recorded the first paragraph! Thanks a bunch!" 

"Hey, there! I just wanted to let you I got the third paragraph done and am almost finished recording! You're the greatest!"

"Hello, great person! I'm in the editing phase now and should have this 1.5 minute long audio track to you shortly!"

"Hi! I just wanted to blow up your inbox/notifications one more time so that Fiverr AI knows just how awesome the customer service you are getting is! Don't you just feel so taken care of?!"

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14 hours ago, balticoakmedia said:

But getting reviews from people who haven't left one in my personal experience can definitely cancel out some of the negativity. 


Of course. However, if someone doesn't leave a review, it doesn't have any impact, certainly not negative. Maybe half or less customers actually leave reviews in my case, and I don't see any negative impact from that. 

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  • 4 months later...

I am in the same boat as many of you here.

I originally joined Fiverr back in 2014 and got extremely frustrated with the whole system because I wasn't making any headway with sales didn't understand how it worked, so I closed my account and quit altogether.

Then back in 2018 I joined up again and was having pretty good success, steady work, and quite a few return clients. I worked my way up to level 2 only to have 1 bad review knock me out of the level. It took me almost another year to get back to level 2 again.

Again, cruising along making headway slowly, getting very close to qualifying for Top Rated, then Fiverr comes out with their new "Success Score" system. Now, despite way overqualifying in scores for Top Rated level in every single category, one of my Gigs has one Negative score and an Extreme Negative score. Best I can tell it had to be from a couple of private reviews from orders at least a year ago. All clients within the past year have had glowing reviews and good relationships, since they keep ordering.

My efforts to reach out to CS early on got only generic and vague non-answers that anyone could find on Google. I only recently found that Fiverr was using AI to calculate the Success Score. Makes sense.

And I do agree, the system works as it is intended to work. From my time on Fiverr before and even now, Fiverr has been and always will be Buyer focused, not Seller focused.

I don't understand a lot of things about "Success Score" system - Why do they compare MY Gig sales with everyone else's Gig sales? SO I'm punished because someone else was able to get more work? Now you're going to punish me more by dropping my score? That makes sense...

And I have to be punished for a few low ratings from TWO YEARS AGO, even with stellar ratings and scores since then?

Why do the voices of a few far outweigh the voices of the many? I'm sure there are sellers out there that have been given very bad private reviews unjustly, but since there is nothing for the seller to see to prove otherwise, AI drops their score and page rank, thereby hurting their business.

I will say that even with not being able to advance to the next Seller level, I have had a lot more business than in years past.

I quit before because I was making WAYYYYY more money on Upwork, so I focused more on that. But not long ago Upwork changed how they do things. While they only charge 10% sellers fee, they do charge to apply for jobs, they charge to show that you're available for work, they charge to rank your bid high on the list, etc...Lots of fees and charges. 

I know this is just for venting purposes. Appreciate all the experience and insight here.

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