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Why is the reviews on gigs section now changed to show older reviews and no way to show newer ones?


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I see now on gigs that older reviews are shown first and reviews are not in chronological order.

 Also the highlighted reviews which we could select, to display our best ones under our gig image, are gone.  

There used to be the option buyers had to click on newer reviews being shown in order of when they were left.

Buyers don't get an accurate idea of when the most recent orders were if they see reviews from previous months first.

Any explanations for this, or comments on this change, are appreciated.



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When I view a buyer's profile, I can choose to see the most relevant or most recent posts. Because I have Seller Success, I can also choose to have my best reviews front and center directly under each gig image once a buyer clicks on a gig to view it. 

PS, Hello, Miss C! 

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I just visited your profile and noticed the new order has, unfortunately, been unkind to you.  Very sorry that happened to you.

However, I looked at your gigs and noted that as @vickiespencer said, the reviews for each gig are defaulting to most relevant, with an option to change that to most recent.  Ditto on your main propile.

The reason the options you mentioned have disappeared is that they are now only available to Seller Plus members or TRS

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