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article writing fiverr gig extra explaining and discussion


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Let's share an opinion and a very important topic, what are gig extras in the fiverr service in the article and blogpost category. In my fiverr gig i added a few gig extra services. I'm not entirely sure what they stand for, but I added them as a guess based on the name itself. You can confirm my opinion to make sure I am saying the right thing. You can see my fiverr gig here and see extra services:


I first noticed the Topic research service. I thought that the topic research service is a detailed research of the topic specified by the customer after payment.  I didn't know that my copywriting gig should include SEO keywords. This confused me and I did not know what to do, because I have no knowledge in the field of Search Engine Optimization, if I neglected this matter my fiverr gig would not be attractive to customers. the following is reference citations. The name itself says that this is a citation of texts or statements of other specialists from the Internet. with the fact checking service, I thought it meant an additional task of checking facts and their accuracy based on professional knowledge or other textual sources. that sounds complicated so I've raised the price on this one to a disturbing figure. Although in the premium package this service is available without additional payment as well as all extra services for only 200 dollars and 6000 words, thanks to my team. And what I prepared the most for was the data chart. I immediately understood that it was an offer to add charts, based on the data requested by the customer or my own conclusions and inputs based on facts and statistics. I prepared to make them in excel from the office package, because it contains the option of adding and unlimited formatting of charts based on data from the table. I also added and named my service which I called pictures. The customer can choose the amount of gig extra, which is the number of added images that he has the right to use or insert on the blog or anywhere.

I have had several satisfied customers who requested article and content with more words, the deliveries were mostly completed successfully as stated thanks to my team. Most often, I received requests for the basic package, which offers 1500 words at an extremely low price, in a very high quality and professional style, in just 2 days.

Write and share your opinion if I understood gig extra correctly as a new and inexperienced seller, look at my fiverr gig and if you have any suggestions for changes in prices, names, descriptions, etc. from your experience and recommend to those who need my writing service


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My policy on gig extras is: if you don't know what it is, don't offer it. If you want to be able to offer it, research it, don't assume. 

I'm guessing when you say this...

12 hours ago, brandon_moore_ said:

I have had several satisfied customers who requested article and content with more words, the deliveries were mostly completed successfully as stated thanks to my team. Most often, I received requests for the basic package

...you mean not-on-Fiverr. Otherwise it contradicts your Fiverr profile and what you say here:

12 hours ago, brandon_moore_ said:

as a new and inexperienced seller

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9 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

My policy on gig extras is: if you don't know what it is, don't offer it. If you want to be able to offer it, research it, don't assume. 

I am not sure where I can find trusted source abot fiverr gig extras. There are countless different opinions and statements on the internet and video content.

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1 hour ago, brandon_moore_ said:

I am not sure where I can find trusted source abot fiverr gig extras. There are countless different opinions and statements on the internet and video content.

I meant the terminology. You mention and imply more than once that you are guessing. Assumptions can very quickly lead to big, big trouble. Often costly trouble.

As for a source, since this is Fiverr's gig structure, if you want to know what Fiverr means, ask Fiverr itself. Alternatively, to save having to deal with Support, you can use your gig description space and FAQ section to define what these packages mean to you, so that a potential Buyer can see it for themselves. Defining is part of communication.


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22 hours ago, vickieito said:

Hi @brandon_moore_, I suggest that you proofread and fix all typos and errors in your bio, gig description, FAQs, packages, and gig images. Buyers are very critical of errors when they are looking for a writer.

Than you, I didn't notice, apparently my team made mistakes when making the gig. Thank you once again.

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