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Hello there!

I am really worried about what's happening to my sales since the 2023 started!

I am almost 10 years on Fiverr and after becoming Top Rated in 2019, my sales became 3-4 times more than earlier. I got used to working about 12-14 hours per day and completing 4-5 orders per day! For about 2 years there were almost zero droppings in my sales, only - ups! Especially in pandemic year there were plenty of projects and I barely had some time to get a rest! 

But then 2023 came and the situation significantly changed!!! Everything just started dropping down and down and down endlessly!!! Without any warnings, any cancellations, any delays or anything else! Sales got dropped just for NOTHING! It's been happening from January and now in July there are hardly a few projects to do per month! 

I have some financial responsibilities and I was not ready for such thing!!!

Have you ever experienced such thing and what did you do?

Is there ANYTHING to improve this situation somehow?

Any answer will be much appreciated! 


Edited by lacrymosa
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1 hour ago, lacrymosa said:

I got used to working about 12-14 hours per day and completing 4-5 orders per day! 

Hey! First of all: Ma'am, you deserve a vacation. Spend the downtime doing something you like other than work. 

1 hour ago, lacrymosa said:


But then 2023 came and the situation significantly changed!!! Everything just started dropping down and down and down endlessly!!! Without any warnings, any cancellations, any delays or anything else! Sales got dropped just for NOTHING! It's been happening from January and now in July there are hardly a few projects to do per month! 

I have some financial responsibilities and I was not ready for such thing!!!

Have you ever experienced such thing and what did you do?

Is there ANYTHING to improve this situation somehow?

This can happen for a number of reasons. One or more of your buyers might have left negative private feedback. That can tank your buyer satisfaction rate. Have your impressions/clicks dropped too, or just your sales? 

My best advice to new freelancers is always: don't go into this if you don't have a buffer to survive for at least a year without any work. 

My second best advice is: don't keep all your eggs in one basket. 

My hindsight isn't very helpful to you now; I realize that. 

Do you have regular buyers you can work with? If so, try to do everything you can to impress them. Under-promise, over-deliver, be super-polite, go the extra mile, and so on. It might help you get more positive private feedback, in turn helping you get more visibility on Fiverr. 

Besides this, we're in a recession. Marketing budgets are cut, businesses are cutting costs, and inflation is running rampant. This, along with the rise of AI, has affected many freelancers. Could you be one of them? I see you offer arts and design. Artists are the first to feel this wave of AI, with so many tools popping up daily. 

It's hard to say for sure, but my bet would be a combination of things happening all at once: 

  • Possible negative feedback leading to fewer sales
  • Recession making people more hesitant to spend
  • AI making an entry with a vengeance, especially in niches affecting you and other artists
Edited by smashradio
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3 hours ago, ferdousit said:

There are a few things you can do to get more sales on Fiverr if you've experienced a sudden drop in sales.

  1. Revisit your gig. Take a look at your gig and see if there are any areas that could be improved. Make sure your title and description are clear and concise, and that your prices are competitive. You may also want to consider adding new features or services to your gig.
  2. Promote your gig. Let people know about your services by promoting your gig on social media, forums, and other online platforms. You can also use Fiverr's marketing tools to promote your gig to a wider audience.
  3. Improve your customer service. Make sure you're providing excellent customer service to your existing and potential customers. This means responding promptly to messages, being flexible with deadlines, and going the extra mile to make sure your clients are happy.
  4. Get positive reviews. Positive reviews are essential for getting more sales. Make sure to ask your clients to leave reviews after you complete a job.
  5. Be patient. It takes time to build up a successful business on Fiverr. Don't get discouraged if you don't get orders right away. Just keep working hard and providing excellent service, and you will eventually see success.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Offer discounts. If you're struggling to get sales, you may want to consider offering discounts on your services. This can help you attract new customers and boost your sales.
  • Partner with other sellers. Partnering with other sellers can help you reach a wider audience and get more sales. You can partner with sellers who offer complementary services or who target the same audience.
  • Attend industry events. Attending industry events is a great way to network with potential clients and partners. You can also use these events to promote your services and generate leads.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting more sales on Fiverr.

Here are some additional reasons why your sales might have suddenly dropped:

  • Changes to the Fiverr algorithm. Fiverr frequently updates its algorithm, which can sometimes lead to changes in how gigs are ranked in search results. If your gig has been affected by a recent algorithm change, you may need to make some changes to your gig to improve its ranking.
  • Increased competition. The Fiverr marketplace is constantly growing, which means there is more competition for buyers. If you're not differentiating yourself from your competitors, you may be losing out on sales.
  • Changes in the market. The market for your services may have changed since you first started selling on Fiverr. If the demand for your services has decreased, you may need to make some changes to your gig to attract more buyers.

If you're not sure why your sales have suddenly dropped, you can contact Fiverr support for help. They may be able to provide you with more information about the issue and help you troubleshoot it.


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17 hours ago, smashradio said:

Hey! First of all: Ma'am, you deserve a vacation. Spend the downtime doing something you like other than work. 

This can happen for a number of reasons. One or more of your buyers might have left negative private feedback. That can tank your buyer satisfaction rate. Have your impressions/clicks dropped too, or just your sales? 

My best advice to new freelancers is always: don't go into this if you don't have a buffer to survive for at least a year without any work. 

My second best advice is: don't keep all your eggs in one basket. 

My hindsight isn't very helpful to you now; I realize that. 

Do you have regular buyers you can work with? If so, try to do everything you can to impress them. Under-promise, over-deliver, be super-polite, go the extra mile, and so on. It might help you get more positive private feedback, in turn helping you get more visibility on Fiverr. 

Besides this, we're in a recession. Marketing budgets are cut, businesses are cutting costs, and inflation is running rampant. This, along with the rise of AI, has affected many freelancers. Could you be one of them? I see you offer arts and design. Artists are the first to feel this wave of AI, with so many tools popping up daily. 

It's hard to say for sure, but my bet would be a combination of things happening all at once: 

  • Possible negative feedback leading to fewer sales
  • Recession making people more hesitant to spend
  • AI making an entry with a vengeance, especially in niches affecting you and other artists

Thank you so much for your advise! I will consider it for sure!

Unfortunately, I do not have that happiness to have a vacation based on my financial situation due to the Fiverr's "hunger games".

As for the negative private feedback, I do not think that ever happened to me. Basically, if my customer is not happy with the final delivery they usually ask for refund or I am doing that to avoid the negative public and private feedback as well. If there is no issue, then there is always no problem with that part!

Everything just dropped due to the undefined reason. That includes my impressions, clicks and sales, of course.

And yes I do think about the recession and Ai tools. So is my career finally over due to the crisis and Ai ??? I do not want to believe it!

As for my general statistics, thy have not changed for a while. All stable, and I am still on the first page of my category search.


Screenshot 2023-06-09 174206.jpg

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7 minutes ago, donmaxwell640 said:

I don't think I understand you, are you criticizing him because he use AI? 

A couple things going on here.  First, using AI content on forum is a violation of the rules, which is why others reported him. Second, plagiarism of someone else's material, whether human or AI is another violation and by the way, absolutely dishonest. Many people also see through the tactic that many unsuccessful sellers take, whereby they post other people's advice as their own in an attempt to appear as a knowledgeable and successful seller in the mistaken belief that such dishonesty will generate sales for them.

You are seriously not aware that plagiarism is frowned upon?

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6 hours ago, lacrymosa said:

Thank you so much for your advise! I will consider it for sure!

Unfortunately, I do not have that happiness to have a vacation based on my financial situation due to the Fiverr's "hunger games".

As for the negative private feedback, I do not think that ever happened to me. Basically, if my customer is not happy with the final delivery they usually ask for refund or I am doing that to avoid the negative public and private feedback as well. If there is no issue, then there is always no problem with that part!

Everything just dropped due to the undefined reason. That includes my impressions, clicks and sales, of course.

And yes I do think about the recession and Ai tools. So is my career finally over due to the crisis and Ai ??? I do not want to believe it!

As for my general statistics, thy have not changed for a while. All stable, and I am still on the first page of my category search.



I understand that you don't think it happened to you, but to be honest, it can happen to anyone. Not all buyers will want to tell you to your face. 

If you also had a drop in your impressions, I'd say it's likely a private feedback/algorithmic change causing this. Don't underestimate the power of a negative private review (or a positive one). 

I don't think your career is necessarily over because of AI. But I believe you and everyone else have to adapt to the new reality. 

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6 hours ago, lacrymosa said:

I am doing that to avoid the negative public and private feedback as well. 

Pretty sure people can leave negative private feedback even after a refund. And as my success manager said, even if people leave great public reviews, those private review can be drastically different.


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I guess by saying: "As for the negative private feedback, I do not think that ever happened to me. Basically, if my customer is not happy with the final delivery they usually ask for refund or I am doing that to avoid the negative public and private feedback as well" - I gave them a great idea to announce a new option for the buyers to express their "satisfaction" even after the cancellation !!!

I have a feeling that they working very hard to make us to leave this platform for good!

Screenshot 2023-06-16 142510.jpg

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On 6/10/2023 at 1:54 AM, newsmike said:

Another reason to never to agree with a refund just to try to sanitize your reviews. 

The customers who usually insist on refund are usually very impatient, rude and aggressive towards your work and they never ever give you a chance to negotiate.

So there is always no chance for that!

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22 minutes ago, ferdousit said:

It can be frustrating when your sales suddenly drop. There are a few things you can do to try to improve the situation.

  1. Review your gigs. Make sure your gigs are up-to-date and that they accurately reflect your skills and experience. You may also want to consider adding new gigs or updating your existing gigs with new features or services.

Your first post was already removed for breaking Fiverr Forum rule #8, and then you posted it again! 🤡

8. Post original material that is not AI-generated. If you post information taken from the Fiverr site or other places, cite its source.

Can you believe this @newsmike and @filipdevaere? 🤣

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On 6/9/2023 at 1:50 AM, smashradio said:

Hey! First of all: Ma'am, you deserve a vacation. Spend the downtime doing something you like other than work. 

This can happen for a number of reasons. One or more of your buyers might have left negative private feedback. That can tank your buyer satisfaction rate. Have your impressions/clicks dropped too, or just your sales? 

My best advice to new freelancers is always: don't go into this if you don't have a buffer to survive for at least a year without any work. 

My second best advice is: don't keep all your eggs in one basket. 

My hindsight isn't very helpful to you now; I realize that. 

Do you have regular buyers you can work with? If so, try to do everything you can to impress them. Under-promise, over-deliver, be super-polite, go the extra mile, and so on. It might help you get more positive private feedback, in turn helping you get more visibility on Fiverr. 

Besides this, we're in a recession. Marketing budgets are cut, businesses are cutting costs, and inflation is running rampant. This, along with the rise of AI, has affected many freelancers. Could you be one of them? I see you offer arts and design. Artists are the first to feel this wave of AI, with so many tools popping up daily. 

It's hard to say for sure, but my bet would be a combination of things happening all at once: 

  • Possible negative feedback leading to fewer sales
  • Recession making people more hesitant to spend
  • AI making an entry with a vengeance, especially in niches affecting you and other artists


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