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About alam7614

  • Birthday 01/01/1975


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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Hello there, It is very terrific felling's at last night. I have lost or removed my two gigs from the fiverr authority. Those gigs are the top selling gigs. Now is it possible to create those gigs as recommendation's of fiverr. One gigs for brochure design and another background removal. Thanking your's alam7614
  2. I am also in Nov'2017 to still now.
  3. Fiverr is one of the best online marketplace over the world. A buyer buys from a seller on fiverr. I have many sellers who have no website. I am a seller of this market and need to add my client list. When a buyer has no website then how can I add it to my profile.
  4. How can increase response rate of level 1 sellers?
  5. Dear community members, It is a great news! I achieved Level i on last night. Please pray for me to continue the target of Level 2.



    fiverr level 1 status.png

    1. ayesham270


      Congratulations 😍. I hope one day, I'll also be able to share this news. More success to you.



  6. Welcome to the fiverr forum community. Have a good journey!
  7. Great News!

    It is a great news I got an exclusive buyer who gets me a job and paid $160 so, now I could over $400 and reached second level earnings figure after 3(three) years. Please pray for me to achieve second level earlier. But I had a scammed massanger downed my response rate which is 100% to down 75% which is an obstacles to reached second level where need to minimum 80%.

    Best wishes


    my success metrics.jpg

  8. Spam massage is cleared but my account response rate dawn 100 to 50. Now response rate is 75.
  9. Just see this is clear
  10. It's shown on unread massage but there are no unread massage.
  11. I have a trouble a spam massage Today I see a spam massage on my masssage options. I felt on angry to see this and delate the massage. After that my massage option didn't cleared filters. How can I cleared this, please inform me. Please check my atachemetns.
  12. I got another spam spam masssage.
  13. Yesterday I blocked a scammer. Is it any effects in my account?
  14. Recently, it's really extreme level disturb. How can face those scammer?
  15. alam7614

    Gigs quantity

    Now I have four gigs on active. But is it possible to pause any gigs. Is it effects to my account to pause any gigs.
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