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  1. Here are the steps on how to dispute a cancellation in Fiverr: Go to your Orders page. Select the order that you want to dispute. Click on Resolution Center. Click on Dispute. Select the reason for your dispute. Provide evidence to support your claim. Click on Submit. Fiverr will review your dispute and will notify you of their decision within 10 business days. Here are some of the reasons why you can dispute a cancellation: The seller did not deliver the promised service. The seller delivered a low-quality service. The seller did not respond to your messages. The seller was rude or unprofessional. If your dispute is successful, you will be refunded the full amount of your order.
  2. Hi, From Few Months I am Not getting new order On My Best selling gig. How to get more order?
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  3. Why am I not getting Order On My Best Selling Gig

    1. vickiespencer


      Because you continue to post Chat-GOT answers on the Forum, which is against Forum rule # 8. 

  4. Welcome to Fiverr Forum
  5. I am So much happy to get more and more order In Fiverr
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