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Without buyer request who are getting orders?



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I wasn't using BR anyway. I'm getting orders when buyers see my gig in search, like what they see (and need my service), and buy.

Buyer requests were an afterthought anyway. Unlike other freelancing platforms, Fiverr wasn't meant to be a place where you bid on jobs, but a place where buyers browse through a catalog of services, notice your gig, and buy.

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55 minutes ago, farsatai said:

It is not easy for new sellers because their gigs show up at maybe page 3up. Rarely will a buyer search to that extent.

Gigs are not ranked on pages, that's not how the search system works. Gigs are matched to specific buyers, based on matching metrics. Therefore, the only people who will ever see your gig in the search results, are the buyers the system matches to your gigs. If you effectively appeal to your target customers, the system may see your gigs as a better match to more buyers.

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On 11/7/2022 at 10:04 AM, afreensdesign said:

I am a graphic designer so gigs will graphics related ,

Then you need to create gig images that will make buyers stop their scrolling and think to themselves that they have found the perfect designer for their needs.

Right now, your gig images don't do that. They have way too much text on them (no more than 5 words is best; keep in mind that buyers have to be able to read what the text on the image says when they see it as a thumbnail among other thumbnails), and the designs are too small to see on a thumbnail (meaning that buyers will move on to your competition).

You could improve your gig description, too. Right now, you just keep repeating yourself (and keyword stuffing doesn't help you) instead of adding as much information to your description as you can.

And finally, calling yourself a professional expert doesn't make you look like either a professional or an expert. 

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2 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

I received my first order after being here several months. You have already received at least two in the past two months, doing better than me. That said, I am sure that you will get leads; many buyers seek new sellers.

Thank you so much for your appreciation! But is there any new tips which I can apply on my next gigs since I have only 3 gigs now.I am a graphic designer so gigs will graphics related ,can you suggest me any tips to apply ?

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5 hours ago, afreensdesign said:

Please suggest anyone who is getting orders without buyer request what more I can do?

I received my first order after being here several months. You have already received at least two in the past two months, doing better than me. That said, I am sure that you will get leads; many buyers seek new sellers.

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8 minutes ago, farsatai said:

Buyer's request pose greater chance to new sellers than brief.

While this is true, many sellers become lazy and "copy and paste" generic responses to buyers. Furthermore, these messages can be a nuisance to buyers who wish to find a unique offer tailored to them. The truth is that removing buyer's request helps the site overall by allowing for more honest and genuine sellers, which allows for more satisfied customers experience overall.

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46 minutes ago, farsatai said:

Fiverr could have Improvised by using bots to detect spams and then both sellers and the bots can report spam requests, suspend their profile that way it will frustrate them and discontinue, they have a pattern!(nobody do things that won't work) equal playground

I have never received any briefs before, lol.

Fiverr buyers who post on buyer requests usually buy low prices, so I may not be what this segment expect anymore.

Edited by strategist_ceo
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Fiverr Buyer request was a very favorite feature of freelancers.

On 20 October 2022, Fiverr has been announced that now  “Fiverr Buyer request” is no longer available. 

But wait! They have said that the “Buyer Requests” feature is replaced with something better for freelancers.




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I joined this platform getting to 5 already. I got my first order after a Month. The rest order was from buyer request I sent to buyer's offers. 

But it seems everything has changed now since this introduction of Brief matching. It will take a grace for the new seller's to get order like before. This new system won't be favorable to most of us that haven't got the chance to enter level 1 yet. It's getting to three months now. I haven't receive any brief for once. Many seller's are giving up already because of the new system. Some seller are receiving up to 5 to 10 brief in a day when some can't even get 1 it's really frustrating. 

Just make sure your gig is well created and is in order. I'm sure one day it will attract a potential buyer to buy your service. Don't give up and keep working on your skill and try to join social platform that offer your service. With that you can use the opportunity to promote your gig to attract some buyers that might need your service. 

Edited by ben_grahicx
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  1. Fiverr always encourage new seller to do better in fiverr. For this reason, fiverr try to promote new seller gig again and again if you do better.
  2. From my own experience buyer request was not good for seller. I have some bad experience with buyer request. Getting order is not everything in fiverr. A bad buyer can detroy your all afford in a moment. I think, maximum spam came from buyer request.
  3. Brief match is a very good idea of fiverr. In brief match, everything is filter by fiverr. If you do better, your gig is well design and keyword market friendly then fiverr will send you brief match.
  4. Social media marketing can be another option for getting order quickly.
  5. SEO for gig rank will be another better option for new seller.
Edited by gmuhit_five
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