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About sadekmiah30

  • Birthday 07/11/1988


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  1. search on youtube or google also here forum you can check so many tutorials.
  2. you can try marketing your gig on social media targeted customers group or any others website forums.
  3. hi, welcome to fiverr forum. you can try to marketing your gig on your potential buyer. you can share your gig target peoples social media group or any others website, forum etc. thank you
  4. fiverr does not allow contact out side. also, it's not safe. after work if he is not paying you can't do anything. so, don't waste your time. most of the hacker try to get your email id and other information he want to contact email. do not contact out side fiverr.
  5. try contact with Fiverr support support@fiverr.com or check this out : https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us
  6. share your gig target people on social media, website, forums etc.
  7. they will give you access to withdraw your found. wait until reply.
  8. share social media with gig related peoples and don't edit any more.
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