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suggest me only experienced sellers

Guest jayeshkc1992

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I would be more concerned about the fact that you say you're fluent in English in your profile, but your message is barely legible?  If you scale your business up and you're not able to communicate properly it will give you countless issues going forward.

I suggest you have a read of this as it will help you a lot. 


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Guest jayeshkc1992
10 hours ago, theratypist said:

You get a slight boost as a new seller when you newly launch your gigs, but the boost can only do so much. If your gig is of poor quality it wouldn't entice anyone to buy even if they did see the gig.

Thanks for the answer

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Guest jayeshkc1992
28 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

And you don’t have to open all 7 gigs. In fact it’s against fiverr TOS to open duplicated gigs and you definitely will not get any boost if your gigs are offering similar services. 

Again thanks for the new information to me

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