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Vacation Day Protest, July 1st. Anti-Star Sellers unite!


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Reply to @fungoodesigns: So many logically fallacious statements here, but so little time to refute them. In the interest of brevity, I’ll just restrict myself to one: The parallels you have tried to draw between the respective ratings systems of eBay and Fiverr. In this particular inductive argument, you’ve taken a rather ham-fisted stab at an argument from analogy, but you and I both know that you’ve glossed over glaring distinctions between the two, resulting in nothing more than a false analogy.

Surely you understand that on eBay, the seller is rated primarily on the quality of an ITEM they have sold, along with delivery speed and accuracy of description. Fiverr ratings are exceedingly subjective for those of us who provide a SERVICE rather than an ITEM.

More importantly, though, it is clear don’t support the effort to roll back this hideous change, and it’s certainly fine that you’re unwilling to pick up the gauntlet while allowing the rest of us to make the sacrifices that advance this cause. What I don’t understand, however, is why on earth you feel the need to come here and attempt to discourage those of us who ARE willing to do the right thing? It won’t work, and with all due respect, it’s really none of your business.

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Ok I am all about doing this! I generally pause my gigs from time to time, but I will make it known to my buyers why I am doing this. I really believe that Fiverr needs to completely revolutionize the way it handles the seller/buyer feedback system.

Sellers Unite!

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Vacation mode activated.

Not that it matters because I received an order two hours after activation. It wasn’t one that had been purchased previously and activated after, it was ordered afterwards. I asked. Yet another bug that Fiverr needs to fix before screwing up their site with new and horrible rating systems.

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I already used up all my vacation days, so I’ve opted for suspending my gigs instead and adding a short message on my profile stating the reason. I really hope Fiverr realises what a bad idea this new rating system is and brings the old one back.

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Ohh I got another meaningful replay concerning feedback removal, this is 100% copy and past answer.

So is there a new policy of feedback removal? Since when does a seller has to beg for consent of the buyer? Especially if you can provide evidence that it was not a fair rating.

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Reply to @mimie01: Wow! So, despite what was written in yesterday’s article - a total hard slap in the face of sellers, of course - they refuse to still remove the negative feedback even though the buyer blatantly abused you without you getting the buyer’s approval. Hello! Did it even occur to them that contacting this sexist pig could stir up even more problems for you… Of course not… because all they give a damn about is the friggin money.

respect less and less for Fiverr having I am - Yoda reference.

I suspended my gigs to stand in solidarity with everyone! This madness just has to end! NOW!

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