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Account restricted for an order issue that was already closed with a warning.


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Hello, I'm Mr_Vector, a seller on Fiverr's Graphics Design Category that provides Professional Vector Tracing Services.

For specific order completion, I received a warning two months ago. To give some context, I do more than 800 orders a month and honestly did not know that customer's intention was a bad one that's not allowed on the site. This order in question was a simple illustrator job, and months ago — through the warning, I found out it was a COVID-related document from that customer's country. I did not notice it since we do not usually go through all parts of source files unless it has something to do with the customer's order instructions.

Having completed 20,000+ drawings in the last couple of years & have built a loyal customer base on Fiverr, I received 3x orders per day more than anyone in the vector tracing category. I have no reason to purposely risk it all and break the site's rules for just a few bucks from a random customer. So after the warning was issued and my account was unfrozen two months ago, I acknowledged my unintentional mistake and have been extra careful not to take such jobs ever since.

But suddenly, after two months, just a couple of days ago, my account is restricted for this exact order that I was already warned about and moved on from. The Fiverr support confirmed that this second-time restriction was caused by this exact order.

This seems like a technical glitch because just about six weeks ago, the system denied my gig by an error, and the management gave the gig back, finding it to be another technical glitch. Still, I am losing my loyal customer base every day for an unintended mistake like this.

I do not believe it is fair for my account Mr_Vector to be restricted again for a matter already closed, and I was issued a warning for it. Do you have any ideas why something like this happened? Any kind advice and support are wholeheartedly appreciated, please.

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52 minutes ago, mr_vector said:

Do you have any ideas why something like this happened? Any kind advice and support are wholeheartedly appreciated, please.

If you received a second reaction after already having received one for that specific order, I'd say this is a) a glitch or b) Trust & Safety took another look at the violation and determined that it was deserving of a different reaction. 

You say you contacted support and they confirmed that the reaction was for the same order as your first warning. Did you ask them if this was a glitch? Did you ask if they could remove the warning or do something about it? If customer support is unwilling to remove the restriction, I'd say chances are Trust & Safety has made a decision in the matter, which can't be overturned by customer support. 

Edited by smashradio
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21 minutes ago, smashradio said:

If you received a second reaction after already having received one for that specific order, I'd say this is a) a glitch or b) Trust & Safety took another look at the violation and determined that it was deserving of a different reaction. 

You say you contacted support and they confirmed that the reaction was for the same order as your first warning. Did you ask them if this was a glitch? Did you ask if they could remove the warning or do something about it? If customer support is unwilling to remove the restriction, I'd say chances are Trust & Safety has made a decision in the matter, which can't be overturned by customer support. 

Hey, thanks for replying! I contacted them, and they gave me the following answer.

I understand that they are working hard to keep the platform safe for everyone, yet any human can make a mistake when they deal with thousands of artworks per month. I hope they will realize that it was not intentional that I fulfilled that customer's order and give my account back because, with the above-mentioned facts, I can guarantee I did not fulfill that order with a bad intention; I just don't have a reason to, because I am earning a good salary from Fiverr already. and I was receiving orders enough for a few artists. I took the advice seriously, and I was extra careful after the warning.

so I feel it is unfair to take an honest and dedicated contributor off the platform even for a day, given the fact that I was able to serve fiverr customers better than other artists in my category, which is the reason why I receive 3x orders a day than the other contributors. Thus my repeat buyers are probably wondering what happened to the gig and the artist that served them for years, so I humbly believe that this matter should receive high priority for both my sake and for the loyal customer base that I was able to build and serve on fiverr over the years. Unfortunately, the support said that it could take up to 90 days.


Screenshot 2022-08-09 010840.png

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54 minutes ago, mr_vector said:

so I feel it is unfair to take an honest and dedicated contributor off the platform even for a day, given the fact that I was able to serve fiverr customers better than other artists in my category, which is the reason why I receive 3x orders a day than the other contributors. 

I understand that it might feel unfair. However, you did break the rules, even if it wasn't intended.

When you signed up for Fiverr, I'm sure you ticked the box that said you had read and understood the rules, just like we all did.

I'm also pretty sure you didn't read all of the terms on Fiverr before getting started, which is likely the reason why this happened to you.

I get it. Most people don't want to spend two hours reading horribly written legalise in CAPS LOCK. Yet we tick that box and go on our merry way. That's when bad things happen. 

I can't say if you deserved this or if it was unfair, but clearly, Trust & Safety has made a decision to take a closer look. Unfortunately, that is a lengthy process, and it will hurt your business. There's no way around that. 


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You know what it took me a while to understand why a document like that causes an issue. I can see how if it had ill intent. 

But how does it get triggered now?? Like are they looking at every delivery now...

Sorry if I missed a detail on how they detected that issue. 

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2 hours ago, theratypist said:

You know what it took me a while to understand why a document like that causes an issue. I can see how if it had ill intent. 

But how does it get triggered now?? Like are they looking at every delivery now...

Sorry if I missed a detail on how they detected that issue. 

Yeah, I'm also wondering how this could come up so late. It seems strange, but perhaps they are going through accounts with previous warnings as part of their housekeeping? This might be paranoid of us to think. But you never know. It would certainly explain this one. But the platform still has thousands of really low-quality sellers to get rid of first, so it would be a bit strange if this is their priority. At any rate, something happened to cause an old account warning to end up with a suspension. We don't know the full details, of course, so it's difficult to say for sure what happened. 

Edited by smashradio
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12 hours ago, theratypist said:

You know what it took me a while to understand why a document like that causes an issue. I can see how if it had ill intent. 

But how does it get triggered now?? Like are they looking at every delivery now...

Sorry if I missed a detail on how they detected that issue. 

Things that the management rolled back have happened to me in the past. Once the system denied my gigs by mistake, then the management took a look and apologized for the glitch rolling it back.

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