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Friday is a slow day on fiver, what are the reasons?


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28 minutes ago, kashifnasirkit said:

I don't know if you guys have noticed it... but Friday is a slow day on fiver...

I strongly disagree. My Thursday/Friday has been full of many new orders. Not slow, at all, for me.

Just because Fiverr seemed slow to you, does not mean it is slow for other sellers. Every seller's experiences are different. 

30 minutes ago, kashifnasirkit said:

there is barely any work... what is the reason for this?

Then find ways to bring in more work. YOU are the only person who can get yourself orders, and YOU are the only personal who can earn your success.

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2 minutes ago, kashifnasirkit said:

but I meant like its more like people maybe go out on Friday... sort of thing?

Fiverr is a global marketplace. People all over the world are not all "going out" at the same time. 

Just because you experience slow sales, does not mean that is the norm for everyone else. Perhaps people just don't want to hire YOU at the present time. Perhaps they are hiring your competitors instead. Perhaps they don't need your services right now.

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You can make any assumptions about it allways. Today is friday so its gonna be slow. Tomorrow is the weekend, people are going out. Sunday people might be chilling at home. Monday is busy, so they dont have time for fiverr. It never ends.

This morning i had 2 people wrote to me. Which is not the busiest friday.

I havent realised any pattern similar to this in 2.5 years. Plus, you are a new seller with no reviews. It will be slower to you untill you build a good foundation.

Slow days are good, gives you time to improve yourself. Take this time to compare yourself with the more experienced ones within your field. See what you can do to present your gigs better.

Nothing happens in a short period of time if you are tryng to build a career. It takes months of hardship.

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For my experience, i usually work with people who try to build a business for themselves, developing games and such. Most of the time they work 7/24. Its not a 9-5 business hours for them. They own their business, they dont work for salary. I havent almost seen anyone like "oh im not gonna answer at sunday because its my day off" No its not, its their company and their product. They are on duty all the time.

It happens, but very very very very rarely. By the time they have that comfort, they dont need me anymore, we are done. I have seen some people get away in times of christmass and such. Those are really long holidays happen once a year or so. Other than that, nah.

So i dont think friday being friday affects our job. In fiverr, everyday is different. One day you are an all star, one day you dont exist. Its the way it works. At first you happen to be non-existental more. Couple years and couple hundrend jobs, you have a considerable steady flow of jobs.

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12 hours ago, kashifnasirkit said:

I don't know if you guys have noticed it... but Friday is a slow day on fiver... there is barely any work... what is the reason for this?

Because it's a weekend the following day. People are trying to wrap up projects, instead of starting new ones. The only orders I get on the weekend are from young "entrepreneurs" who are inexperienced and full of energy. Give it a few years. They will start to appreciate free time. 

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