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Looking for some advice - Getting fewer orders recently


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I'm a Pro Seller here, I have an overall good rating, I get reviews on almost 70% of my orders, and 99% of those are 5 star ratings. 

I'm priced within range or below competitors in my area (book editing), and I the service I offer is more comprehensive than most sellers in my area. 

However, within the last month my orders have reduced drastically. I honestly don't track my orders (perhaps I should), but it seems like I've lost anywhere from a third to a half the number of orders and messages (including buyers who decided not to order) that I usually get.

Is this a slow period for anyone else? Fiverr is my main source of income and has been over about 1.5 years now. I've done well on here and enjoy the work I do. I'm not sure what's happened or why I'm getting fewer messages and orders. Is Fiverr on a whole experiencing a down period or do I need to change things up? If so, what?

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There are about four other threads on this topic. The answer is yes, it's a slow time for everyone. I even checked my competitors and they aren't getting orders either. It's also a hard time for people. Gas, groceries, rent, etc have all gone up, so many small businesses are simply doing their own work now. 

This is a great time for us to update our gigs. 

Good luck!

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I canceled an order because the buyer wanted me not to count repeated phrases but instead correct them with search and replace. I tried to cancel a second order because the buyer continually was rude by communicating in all caps, but that buyer would not cancel. Shortly after, I experienced a lack of orders for about two weeks. Thank goodness for my regulars.

Another possible issue is the "secret" reviews that buyers get to leave. I imagine the buyer who would not cancel left me a less than stellar "secret" review even though she didn't leave a public one. 

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Not specifically this month, but my previous few months were super slow as compared to my Feb and March number of orders. Market doesn't seem slow as my competitors have a high number of orders, you should be looking into your gig stats and may be you'll be able to figure out that from where it started decreasing. I am sure it could be some hidden feedback which caused this

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It could be any of the things mentioned above, it could be pure happenstance, an unlucky combination of any factors.

If I'd only have new customers all the time, it could probably be traced down to external factors like general economic situation or my Gigs needing updating. But the funny thing is that sometimes, even no regulars need anything for a while, and then again, everyone comes at once, new people and regulars alike. The only reliable thing is that nothing is reliable.

However, if you have the time at the moment, do see if you can upgrade a Gig or even can come up with something new, especially if there is any new "trend" in your niche.

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