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Today is Day 60 and finally, FINALLY I have an Order Completion Rate of 100%!


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So earlier today I was looking at my Fiverr stats on my phone. I had delivered several orders and wanted to see my order completion rate. It was still stuck at 97% (the same place it had been for the past month). 

Five minutes later, I checked my stats again, and it was 100%. Could it be? Did I finally hit the 60-day mark?


Sure enough, when I looked at my last canceled order, it was exactly 60 days ago.

Lately, the forum has been busy with threads about order cancellations and order completion rates:

@iamattique had a good thread going on here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/283337-okay-guys-lets-share-how-much-and-why/#comment-1789396 and so did @rabia_sabir here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/283348-fiverr-order-cancellation-could-make-you-0-from-hero/#comment-1791002 And then today, @coder71 had similar questions here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/283552-order-completion-rate-cancellation-rate/#comment-1790987

During the last 60 days I have also been doing a lot of thinking. Wondering what went wrong. And trying to get things set up to avoid unnecessary cancelations from happening again. Here's a list of things that I learned:

1. My gig prices were set too low. This opened the door to an influx of orders and amplified problems such as Point #2 below (unlimited revisions). I have since increased my prices and my business is running at a much more manageable pace now.

2. I was offering unlimited revisions. Normally I get 13-20 orders a month, but in April, I had 87 orders. With so many orders, it was impossible to do what I claimed: "unlimited revisions, until satisfied." I had to cancel an order with a client who didn't know what she wanted but was sure that I would eventually come up with something. However, I didn't have time to do that, so the order ended up as a cancelation. Since then, I no longer offer unlimited revisions.

3. I didn't cancel through customer support when I should have. There were several orders that could have been done through customer support so they wouldn't affect my seller stats. I didn't know that was an option when I first started out. Now I always reach out to customer support if cancelation is a result of a buyer-caused problem. It helps to have a Success Manager, too.

4. Canceling orders was my "quick solution" to buyer problems. I see this too when I am acting as a buyer. As soon as I (the buyer) state that I am unsatisfied, I often immediately get an order cancelation request. I usually reject those, because really, order cancelations should be the last resort, not the first. When a buyer is unsatisfied, the first thing a seller should do is communicate with the buyer to find out exactly why the buyer is not happy. Then, the seller should try to work out a solution with the buyer to make it right.

5. Most of my cancelations are because I took on more than what I could handle. I would misquote the order, not realizing the full scope of the order until after the order was accepted. I now spend more time defining the scope of each project and I'm a lot more selective of what orders I will take on. I can say 'no' if I have to.

6. I should seriously consider shutting down one of my gigs. 100% of my order cancelations (affecting seller stats) have come from one gig. As @rabia_sabir and @coder71 point out, cancelations significantly affect how your gig performs. For me, this one gig has consistently has a cancelation rate of 50% or higher and the cancelations often result in the gig not getting any inquiries for several months. This gig is also the hardest for me to quote accurately because it is so complex.

Below are examples of the types of cancelations that have affected my seller stats. (they all seem to be related to not having clear order requirements). I had an unsatisfied buyer (this is my unlimited revision customer who I could not figure out what she wanted) and the rest were all cancelations due to underestimating the scope of the project.



Edited by vickieito
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  • vickieito changed the title to Today is Day 60 and finally, FINALLY I have an Order Completion Rate of 100%!
Guest lloydsolutions
9 minutes ago, suman_debnath16 said:

 Congratulations!!  Go Ahead


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That's great to know that the stats are back at their extreme. It is really a very relaxing feel especially when you are noticing it a lot.

About other points of Cancellation I honestly, congratulate you for posting such a detailed topic. That has really helped me a lot to get the insights and knowledge.

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If you learn from your mistakes, then you are many steps ahead already! Just take responsibility and move forward. We have all made those same mistakes and a good mentor or just the experience can guide you to your next steps. 

This platform is not for dummies! You need tenacity to stick it through and figure out the issues! 

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Hello mate . I am facing problem in project completion rate month ago my rating was 100 then one of my project was cancelled and my ratting fall to 75 after one day I completed one project it become 80 after two days I completed one another project it grows to 83 in another week it automatically fall to 75 again by itself . how this happen even no any project is cancelled can you guide me to solve this problem ?

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On 6/23/2022 at 10:01 PM, iamattique said:

About other points of Cancellation I honestly, congratulate you for posting such a detailed topic. That has really helped me a lot to get the insights and knowledge.

Thanks to you too, @iamattique! I really enjoyed reading your thread about cancelations. It really made me think about why I was getting so many cancelations. Keep posting - I'm following all your posts!

On 6/26/2022 at 9:58 AM, melissaharlowvo said:

If you learn from your mistakes, then you are many steps ahead already! Just take responsibility and move forward. We have all made those same mistakes and a good mentor or just the experience can guide you to your next steps. This platform is not for dummies! You need tenacity to stick it through and figure out the issues! 

Thanks for all your help @melissaharlowvo! My first 6 months have been kind of rocky, but I'm glad I joined the forum last month. I am learning so much and am cutting down on all my silly business mistakes. Your posts have been very help!

On 6/27/2022 at 5:22 AM, jaffarabbas650 said:

Hello mate . I am facing problem in project completion rate month ago my rating was 100 then one of my project was cancelled and my ratting fall to 75 after one day I completed one project it become 80 after two days I completed one another project it grows to 83 in another week it automatically fall to 75 again by itself . how this happen even no any project is cancelled can you guide me to solve this problem ?

Hi @jaffarabbas650, this happens because your order completion rate is based on the last 60 days, so this rate could change each day. For me, my last canceled order was on April 22nd, and on June 22nd, I was back to 100%. That canceled order had dropped out of the 60-day window.

I have had times like you, where the order cancelation rate dropped even though nothing happened (no new orders and no new cancelations). This is because the 60-day window looks at the total number of orders and the total number of cancelations during that period of time. If you had less orders than the previous 60-day window, then your order completion rate could drop because now it is comparing the same number of cancelations against a smaller number of orders.

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