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Gig rotation duration


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Anyone have any idea how long the gig "rotation" will last?

The waiting hell of low impressions and clicks. Even though my impressions have been low but my conversion rate is above 0.25% with a good handful of orders that didn't seem to impact my impressions.

I understand that "gig rotation" is a real phenomenon, and I have witnessed it firsthand. After my two best months on Fiverr, which saw an increase in my average selling price, I now see a decrease in impressions. It causes the platform to push sellers out of the search algorithm after they have received a certain number of orders. I believe it is "number of orders" instead of a "set amount of duration", which is why my impressions numbers have dropped further after I gain new orders for the past week against all odds.

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5 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

Anyone have any idea how long the gig "rotation" will last?

The waiting hell of low impressions and clicks. Even though my impressions have been low but my conversion rate is above 0.25% with a good handful of orders that didn't seem to impact my impressions.

I understand that "gig rotation" is a real phenomenon, and I have witnessed it firsthand. After my two best months on Fiverr, which saw an increase in my average selling price, I now see a decrease in impressions. It causes the platform to push sellers out of the search algorithm after they have received a certain number of orders. I believe it is "number of orders" instead of a "set amount of duration", which is why my impressions numbers have dropped further after I gain new orders for the past week against all odds.

At the moment my conversion rate is 0.32% (Impressions still going down, with 18 clicks for the past 7 days (still an ⬆️, it was 13 yesterday). I am not complaining because I am expecting this and am currently traveling, but I think this is proof that the algorithm can turn off on you for a period of time (at least).

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I can only assume you had some bad private reviews that pushed you. I had this too and I got pushed back from search, people barely messaged me...so it might be that.

It might also be the fact that your competitors have more orders and reviews, so you are sent to the back. There can be a lot of things. Focus on delivering the best work you can and offer outstanding customer support. That's the best thing you can do right now. Things will eventually get better.

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7 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

I can only assume you had some bad private reviews that pushed you. I had this too and I got pushed back from search, people barely messaged me...so it might be that.

It might also be the fact that your competitors have more orders and reviews, so you are sent to the back. There can be a lot of things. Focus on delivering the best work you can and offer outstanding customer support. That's the best thing you can do right now. Things will eventually get better.

How long did you experienced being pushed back from search? Is it periodic?

As for more orders and reviews, it's a possibility but it's unverifiable. I did have to reject many clients because I don't want to scam them (they have got no chance of obtaining funding because they don't meet criteria).

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15 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

How long did you experienced being pushed back from search? Is it periodic?


Usually you have a feel which buyer was unhappy. But it's all private so you never know. I had someone that bought for me 10 orders until that point, and just rated me 4 stars because Fiverr was pushing him to write a review, so I can only assume what he wrote in the private reviews. He didn't have time, and when I asked if he wants changes or anything, he said everything is perfect. So... it's hard to know who actually leaves a bad private review. Even if they left a great public review, private reviews matter more. 

As for how long I was pushed. It depends how many of these you have within the span of 2-3 months. If there are a lot of them, obviously anything negative will have an impact. Cancellations and late deliveries also affect that. 

I have a cheaper pricepoint so when you have more orders, downsides like these are harder to track. But if you have less orders in general, you will feel a lack of orders very quickly, since 1 negative review out of 100 orders in 2 months is way less impactful than 1 negative review out of 10 orders within 2 months (just an example).

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1 hour ago, donnovan86 said:

Usually you have a feel which buyer was unhappy. But it's all private so you never know.

I am not sure which customer was unhappy recently, as I am pursuing Fiverr Pro / Top Rated Seller status, I have been going the extra mile on all recent orders; it still does not make sense to me, because I have successfully built two main gigs (both very different services) and both tanked, so it must be account-related. Then perhaps it is because of the many clients that I've rejected because they did not meet the criteria of obtaining funding.

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23 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

Then perhaps it is because of the many clients that I've rejected because they did not meet the criteria of obtaining funding.

If you don't have an order with someone, they can't leave a private review so.. you should be fine.

There can be all kinds of things, from bad reviews to cancellations, bad private reviews, late orders, not having lots of orders recently and getting pushed back...etc.

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6 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

If you don't have an order with someone, they can't leave a private review so.. you should be fine.


Frank mentioned something before on ability on making a sale. Like when someone makes an inquiry but it wasn't a good fit. Not sure about the weight of conversion though, I would still believe that the actual sales and feedback would weigh more.

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16 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

my conversion rate is above 0.25%


10 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

At the moment my conversion rate is 0.32%

Is this according to your math or Fiverr's, as seen on the app on the home page?


3 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

How long did you experienced being pushed back from search?

I felt like I was in Fiverr jail for two weeks after a cancellation where the buyer wanted me not to charge them for a repeated phrase so they could save money. I told them that since that phrase had an error in it, I would have to correct it every time I came across it. They wanted me to use the search and find feature to make the correction. I was unwilling to do that because that feature can be problematic and inconsistent. So, we agreed to cancel mutually.

Then a buyer asked for a revision and wrote each request in all caps. Plus, her revision involved added sentences and paragraphs. I explained my revision policy which was in my FAQs, and pointed out to her that a message written in all caps was considered shouting. She accepted a gig extra for the added work. However, I bet the secret review was not stellar.

Thank goodness for a returning buyer who had a huge order for me, or my earnings would have taken a massive hit. 


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1 hour ago, theratypist said:

Like when someone makes an inquiry but it wasn't a good fit.

That would be stupid. If 20 competitors contact me specifically to mess stuff up... that's just bad design..

Plus, many messages you get can be random, especially if you have a more general gig like writers. Although I do receive less messages if those messages I received are not transformed into an order. Which is sad, because many times you have random messages or just people asking for work from you LOL

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On 4/11/2021 at 6:58 AM, shakky445 said:

Gig rotation does happen! No doubt about it

I even recently contacted Fiverr support team regarding this

and this was the response from them

“As for our algorithm, please bear in mind that our indexing algorithm is automatic and changes frequently, however, this is temporary and that re-indexing of Gigs happens constantly and sometimes, Gigs with great ratings can get pushed back.”

I think this is the CS best admission to "gig rotation".

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6 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

I think this is the CS best admission to "gig rotation".

I mean.. there are millions of people on this platform and some of the most popular sub-categories (I am not talking about main categories) have tens of thousands of people competing for the same stuff. For Articles and Blog Posts alone, I think there are 70k+ gigs. So.. No matter how good you are, they will push you a bit to give others the spotlight. If they don't take advantage of that, they put others in front and so on. 

In my case, I never had major issues like being removed from search unless I had a lot of cancellations due to being sick. That did last for 2 months, after that I started to get new inquiries. I was getting orders from regulars anyway, but obviously less than normal. Although with Freelancing, you can never define anything as normal, since things always fluctuate. In my experience, it's better to have money set aside for rough times.

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@strategist_ceo you can't call out / name and shame other sellers on the forum, so I'd edit your post if I were you.

Re this sellers model, he is drop servicing (basically being the middle man). 

There is NO WAY he will get a high quality plan for $35. I know because I've seen them.

And there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY a buyer paying $1200 will be happy with that quality. At least I hope they're not.

$35 for a business plan is not very nice in my opinion.

Interestingly I was able to find the sellers LinkedIn profile, even more interesting is that the profile has a different name 🤔

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14 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

@strategist_ceo you can't call out / name and shame other sellers on the forum, so I'd edit your post if I were you.

Re this sellers model, he is drop servicing (basically being the middle man). 

There is NO WAY he will get a high quality plan for $35. I know because I've seen them.

And there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY a buyer paying $1200 will be happy with that quality. At least I hope they're not.

$35 for a business plan is pretty disgusting in my opinion.

Interestingly I was able to find the sellers LinkedIn profile, even more interesting is that the profile has a different name 🤔

I don't worry about the post.

I have seen his work. His business plan go through three different set of hands: one to write the plan (35), one to do financial projections (35), and one to design the plan (35). However, most buyers are not aware what to expect, so it's easy for them to be pleased.

Some sellers keep their linkedin professional and separate from what they do on Fiverr, so that their real-life work are not affected by their discounted services here on fiverr. My real-life rates are 4-6 times the rates here, but will be more polished and will go through a second person (I vet his work and he vets mine).

It's why I restrict to working only with small business plans.

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9 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

I agree. But I think anyone dropping $1200 on a plan will be able to spot the obvious flaws in a $35 business plan. (I think!).

No one has challenged any of the 58 business plans I have written on Fiverr (except for one who wanted me to create a false projection with revenue that exceed operating capacity). Many of my clients are regular folks who don't know how it works. And no, $1200 is still half the price of a standard small business plan when written by a U.S. business consultant.

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3 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

No one has challenged any of the 58 business plans I have written on Fiverr (except for one who wanted me to create a false projection with revenue that exceed operating capacity). Many of my clients are regular folks who don't know how it works. And no, $1200 is still half the price of a standard small business plan when written by a U.S. business consultant.

I'm not saying you haven't and I don't disagree with you.

I don't understand what point you are trying to make.

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12 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

Even at $1200, it is still "cheap" and the buyer is not likely to identify the flaw.

I'm not certain I agree with this. A lot of buyers come to me because they have bought a business plan and they think it is flawed.

6 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

price is not a good indicator of the buyer's ability to scrutinize the plan

Not always, but in my experience (and I've sold quite a few busines plans) the higher the price paid, the better educated the buyer tends to be (generally speaking).

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