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Does low impression affects Gig Ranking?



I created two Gigs a few days ago which was ranking higher in the search result page but i notice after some days, The impression was not going up as it was supposed to and i stayed online most of the time.

Does this affect my account or Am i safe?

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7 answers to this question

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2 hours ago, bn_stewie said:

The impression was not going up as it was supposed to and i stayed online most of the time.

First of all, staying online has nothing to do with your ranking or impressions. 

secondly impressions are your ranking basically, not impressions affecting gig ranking. 
Impressions  is how many times your gig was shown in search and that IS your gig “ranking”. 
Your impressions were higher at the beginning probably because fiverr gives a boost at the beginning but if people in search don’t react or interact or not showing interest in your gig then fiverr start placing you according to your position compres to other sellers in your category 

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6 hours ago, bn_stewie said:

I created two Gigs a few days ago which was ranking higher in the search result page but i notice after some days, The impression was not going up as it was supposed to and i stayed online most of the time.

Does this affect my account or Am i safe?

As you publish your gig and ranked well. But after few days your gig impression decreased that mean you are not active properly. or not sending buyer request properly.

I have few tips for you....
1. Send buyer request properly. try to get order and provide them a as much as good quality job you can do.
2. Stay active online more than 12 hours on fiverr
3. Be active on fiverr forum
4. Try to find out your client's on social media. Specially on Quora And move them to fiverr and get orders from them

if you do this. Get orders and 5 star reviews then your will rank well and you will get orders.
As you are a seller on fiverr be patient. Try keeping your job perfectly and wait.
You will definitely get orders ... 🙂

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On 4/20/2022 at 6:59 AM, miiila said:

Why did you think it was supposed to go up, did you get and deliver orders successfully?

Nothing yet but i've done my research and it's more likely for your gig impression to rise if you stay online for a longer perieod of time.


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On 4/20/2022 at 5:12 PM, freelancerrizvi said:

Yes, Your gig is losing rank that's why the gig impression is low.
If you want to increase your gig impression. then sent 10 buyer request everyday and do marketing. marketing will help you to increase your gig impression


Thanks for the contribution, This really helped a lot


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