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buyer wants to only make an order once the work is complete?



Is this allowed? I am new to using the requests option. I put in an answer to a request and the buyer wants me to do the work before he puts in an order. I haven't had any orders yet, so IDK the decorum 100%, but that seems kinda sketchy? Or is this how it's supposed to go or..?

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1 minute ago, mariashtelle1 said:

Nope. Tell him that on fiverr all work starts only after placing an order. 
That's already kind of a red flag that he is proposing it, but after your message you will be able to see his reaction and if he still insists then most likely he has no intention of paying for your services 

Yea, that was basically my thoughts as well. I told him "Isn't it supposed to go the other way around? You order, I complete the work, and the system then closes the work out for us?" So I guess we shall see. I am hoping it is just some sort of language barrier potentially and I am misunderstanding maybe.

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Guest lloydsolutions
On 2/8/2022 at 11:17 AM, sesoru said:

Or is this how it's supposed to go or..?

  • Once payment is confirmed, your order will be created and given a unique Fiverr order number (#FO).
  • Sellers must deliver completed files and/or proof of work using the Deliver Work button (located on the Order page) according to the service that was purchased and advertised on their Gig.
  • The above is from the Terms of Service at the bottom of the Fiverr main page which explains in detail how Fiverr works.
  • A buyer orders, pays, and then you deliver.
  • If you bypass this you will have worked for free.
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10 hours ago, mjaninea said:


You have no guarantee that the buyer will pay you. I know it is tempting since you haven't received any order yet, but it is not worth it, you might work hours just to get nothing in the end.

Trust me it was not at all tempting and it was a huge red flag to me lol. They never replied back to me about it when I told them it's supposed to go through fiver and not deliver unless the order is placed through fiverr. Should I report them now? LOL

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As people here have already mentioned, it's simply not worth it. I know it can be tempting since you don't have any orders yet, but that's exactly the reason you have received a request like this. You will probably receive more similar requests until you get the ball rolling, so it's best to implement strict rules right in the beginning.

I would also suggest not offering free samples. In my experience, buyers who ask for a free sample are either trying to scam or will be difficult anyway and not worth the time and effort. People who are serious about ordering, simply place an order or ask you to send them an offer, there's really not much more to it.

I made a post some time ago about this issue, there are some great suggestions from our fellow forum members that you might find useful:


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Hi, and thanks for your question. I would not pay for a gig before it is ready again. A seller just asked me to pay her 20$ to have her refund me for a work she never delivered. Besides the frustration of not getting something done that was important to me, fiverr just automatically accept her order while i looked away for about 24 hours. There are lots of people pretending to offer work just to get the hands on some cash, I’m sorry for this poor girl somewhere in a poor country, but i did not agree on charity. I totally support payment at the very end!

Best regards


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No - that is not a normal way and very risky. How will you do if you complete the work but the buyer didn't want to place the order?

I reject all customers if they are asking something for free - they can be also difficult to deal with and probably easiy bring in disputes, cancellation or negative reviews.

There're more options out there on Fiverr.


Good luck!! : -D

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