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  1. This isn't a fiverr matter honestly, you need to check terms of services and ads policy for Facebook, typically this is not a problem to create such ads on this platform but may have some restrictions on FB and it can be different by targeted country, discuss this with your client before delivering your project.
  2. Any encouragement to work or message outside the platform is not allowed and is against ToS even if the buyers is not scam, use the platform for your own safety and consider all such messages as scam by default,. You may also send a report so that account gets banned. the only thing you can share in some specific circumstances is your email for follow ups or sharing large files with we transfer (which I generally do not recommend it either).
  3. Ok then there shouldn't be a problem at all
  4. Welcome to the community. Before posting anything I recommend you reading these blogs https://community.fiverr.com/forum_rules/ https://www.fiverr.com/privacy-policy Have a great day
  5. Ok here is the question, you have a second account or is it the existing one?
  6. I'm afraid to say that one cancelled order is the reason behind it, was that a mutual cancellation? If so contact CS and describe your situation and see if they can lift negative effect on your gig
  7. Have you been promoted to level 2? if so then this is usual, new user are boosted by fiverr for a short time and you're not a new user anymore
  8. mutually does not affect your states but check it with CS and make sure it still the same as two years ago. This is a common thing happens with anyone so don't worry and agree on a mutual cancelling, just a question, did you deliver anything to the buyer?
  9. Did you get any cancelation? negative review or anything that has bad impact on your gig? always remember fiverr asks for a feedback from your buyer which does not show in your page
  10. That's a big issue, I was once invited to webinar held by fiverr, this topic was one of the main subjects in the meeting,, I remember I asked them what happens if a buyer because of this issue cancels a the order and then one of the staff replied that this issue must be resolved with CS team, all I know this issue was under investigation by fiver since 2020 and as result they added google translate button and Grammarly add on to chat for both client and seller. Honestly this problem goes both ways, A seller or even a buyer can just lie about it and fiverr can not do anything about it except providing tools to minimum problems. You can simply ask some distracting questions to check if your seller or buyer understands you however I strongly advice not to do it. Simply ask if client can understand you and if not make sure he approves the description on your gig.
  11. It sure is, I had one cancelled order and had deep negative impact on my gig, although I also left the platform for almost a year and that's another reason for me. but for most account it's because of leveling system, fiverr reminds me of games like elder scrolls, it's like this platform has a grinding system and it changes each time, I could guided her if it was 2020 since I was familiar with the platform algorithm but now I am just like anyone else. I don't know her case since I don't know if she's a new user or not but I can relate this to leveling system of platform.
  12. well fiverr only boosts new users, as soon as you hit level 2 you'll get lower clicks, it's always better to have more returning buyers. they're the most valuable income on this platform
  13. Hey folks! Hope you guys are fine and making money out of this platform. Topic almost says it all, but let me say a little story of myself and then kindly ask for your tips and advices. I started my work here when pandemic started and made good amount of money through the year of working from home and fiverr was one of my main source of income, later when everything went normal I lost all my attention to fiverr and this also lead to one unfortunate cancelation, I was the one who asked the client to cancel the order since he was being disrespectful but I got really bad impact on my account since that's how fiverr literally works. with that in mind you guys see any hope for me to get back? for example this gig was one of my top selling ones: https://www.fiverr.com/s/EvN21D It was also featured by fiverr and I got revenue from clickable ads powered by fiverr itself (it was disqualified after one canceled order I mentioned) So here is the question, How can I get to my top days? what are you advice? should I change my video or description? let me hear your selling tips
  14. Thanks for your advice, I am planning yo start my career in a month or maybe a bit later, do you suggest me to temporary set my profile as away?
  15. Hi folks! Hope you are all fine Well let's get started by talking about my story, back in 2020 I created this account and I was successful back then, I nearly made more than my past career and I was happy, about a year ago I got a job offer and I got accepted, I decided to check my fiverr so I can have some more money, everything was fine until I got a new order on fiverr and didn't check on, well as you may guess I delivered the file really late, almost a month late. this led me to demotion, I was a level 2 now I have no level. I was wondering to ask for your help, do you have any idea to start my career on fiverr again or should I make another account? (not sure if it is against ToS) many thanks
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