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  1. contact support
  2. Try to find your lacking and follow your competitor gigs. In sha Allah you will get what is written in your rijk.
  3. it is replaced by Fiverr Brief system since November!
  4. A person cant be available all 24 hours in a day. Fiverr is well intelligent to understand the unusual activity. So using auto refresher or being online 24/24 is much robotic. Be online manually can help hopefully I guess
  5. In fiverr inbox, sharing something personal can cause your account banned. So It should not share directly in the chat box I think.
  6. Talk anyone in fiverr only not outside. wise decision for fiverr seller
  7. I completely agree with you. There is a lot of things i learnt from fiverr forum and continuously learning.
  8. yes. I think it can help you specially in Twiter.
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