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Does fiverr promote only new sellers?


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Hello everyone,

I am a level 2 seller and I would dare to say that I have quiet an experience on this platform, since I joined on 2015. 
For many of you, the title of this topic might sound familiar. I think there are several similar thread, pointing out that nowdays fiverr tends to promote only new sellers.
However, today I decided to figure out how much thruth lies on this statement. I chose a type of service and shearched it on fiverr. Then, I clicked on the profile of every user whose gig appeared on the first page and I found out that almost any of these users joined fiverr on 2021 or 2020 and wasn't able to find a single seller who joined fiverr prior to 2018 or 2017. 

You can try it yourself. Pick a service, search it on fiverr and click on random seller that will appear on the first page. 

As a seller that used to appear on first pages, I personally find this new policy completely destructive for us old sellers.


I think us newbies get cycled in and out of results if we have all of our ducks in a row. Our gigs get a (very) little push once published but then fall off quickly if we don't have a certain amount of interaction, I suspect. It isn't so much that we ever really get promoted.


Fiverr promotes a mixture of new sellers and experienced sellers. Your satisfaction rate is one of the most important factors that affects where you rank, as I've written about here: 


Everyone will get rotated in and out of the search results, based on factors like the above mentioned satisfaction rate, reviews, revenue, response time/rate and how relevant the algorithm thinks your gig is to the buyer based on their search. 

So you can optimize your gig for search as I've written about here: 

And you can make sure your buyers are super-happy by being communicative, friendly, polite, and delivering outstanding services. 

Beyond that, there's not much you can do. If you're any good at what you do, and you manage to market yourself well, you'll grow on this platform. If not, you'll end up at the bottom of the search results forever. 

Most successful sellers will rarely be rotated out of search for long periods of time. 

Also, keep in mind that if you edit your gig, the algorithm takes some time to "re-learn" your gig, in order for it to know where to place you in search. 


There are plenty of threads that declare the contrary; that Fiverr only promotes Pro/TRS/Level 2 sellers and leave new sellers high and dry.

1 hour ago, paschalisblack said:

I found out that almost any of these users joined fiverr on 2021 or 2020 and wasn't able to find a single seller who joined fiverr prior to 2018 or 2017. 

Join date doesn't really convey much. One could have an old account but only start selling quite recently, or one might have a "technically" young account but already rack up Pro/TRS/Level 2 status.


I think this system is still developing. Although I contacted support many times on this issue, they did not give me a clear answer. Even if you think that you meet the conditions, it seems like a different requirement is needed in this regard.

On 11/23/2021 at 5:24 PM, serrakizilkaya said:

Although I contacted support many times on this issue, they did not give me a clear answer.

Because it’s called hidden metrics. There are public and there are hidden metrics. Public ones you can find on your dashboard and hidden metrics fiverr keeps hidden so sellers wouldn’t be able to manipulate the system. Of course fiverr CS wouldn’t give you a clear answer about hidden metrics when they are hidden on purpose 



Your frustration is understandable.. but the hard truth is that it's Fiverr's platform at the end of the day and they are free to run it however they want to (scary but that's the truth.. as is the case with any other platform you work on). You are free to follow their escalation matrix and find avenues where you can voice your concerns. But simultaneously, it's also important that you are prepared for these sort of scenarios and consider making logical decisions such as using promoted gigs feature, seller plus program, building base of repeat customers, split testing gigs, expanding your scope beyond Fiverr etc. Because these sort of scenarios are inevitable If you are a business owner so you will have to take business continuity measures. That being said, if you are already taking enough measures to cusion the impact of these sort of scenarios and if this was just a rant, sure by all means, you are free to do so 😊 Whatever the case may be, hope things work out for you.. Peace🤘


There are a ton of metrics, both hidden and visible to anyone. 

Here's a few (a lot of those are hidden ones, but that we're pretty sure affects ranking): 

  • Gig SEO/relevancy. This is a big one. The algorithm won't show your gig to a buyer if it doesn't think it's relevant to what they are looking for. 
  • Hidden feedback. It's a scale. If you dip below a certain threshold with your buyer satisfaction rate, you will get bumped down in search. 
  • Reviews. Doesn't count as much as it used to do, but it still counts. If you get negative reviews, that can affect your ranking. 
  • Cancellation rate/order completion rate. The algorithm prefers gigs with a high completion rate. 
  • Delivery on time. The algorithm prefers sellers who deliver on time, every time. 
  • Gig completion (I think!). Your gig has multiple features: thumbnails, video, audio demos, description, keywords, FAQs, pricing package descriptions and so on. The algorithm probably prefers gigs with more complete setups, meaning it's full of relevant info. 
  • Delivery sweetspot (Could be!). I suspect the algorithm likes sellers who deliver before the 12-hour mark. 
  • Repeat business. This is another new and improved metric. Fiverr knows if people are coming back for more. Repeat business = happy buyers = more sales. 
  • Seller level. All sellers are rotated in search. Even so, you'll consistently see higher level sellers show up on the 1st page more often than a new seller. There are more new sellers than Top Rated sellers, meaning you'll see a nice mixture, but the new seller you see today, probably isn't the same you see tomorrow on the 1st page, while you might see the same TRS consistently ranking somewhere on the 1st page. 
  • Response time. The algorithm prefers sellers who respond fast to messages. 
  • Badges like Fiverr's choice. A seller who gets this badge often (due to a high satisfaction rate, amongst other things) will probably be ranked higher in search when they have the badge on their gig. 
  • New seller/level 1/level 2/TRS balance: Fiverr will give new sellers a boost for a little while. They are blended in with L1 and L2 sellers, who don't get this boost, but could have other advantages, like Fiverr's Choice badge and a long-standing buyer satisfaction rate. Top Rated Sellers have a natural advantage of being popular. Anyone with a TRS status has managed to sweet-talk many or all of the above mentioned points, and are generally liked by the algo not just for their level, but because they are actually good at what they do and know how to work effectively on Fiverr over time. 

I'm not 100% sure about all of them, of course, but it gives you an idea of how many factors play a part in your gig ranking at a certain spot in search at any given moment. 

14 hours ago, paschalisblack said:

owever, today I decided to figure out how much thruth lies on this statement. I chose a type of service and shearched it on fiverr. Then, I clicked on the profile of every user whose gig appeared on the first page and I found out that almost any of these users joined fiverr on 2021 or 2020 and wasn't able to find a single seller who joined fiverr prior to 2018 or 2017. 

I searched for "logo design" and one of the sellers on the second to last row was a level 2 seller from 2016.

You could be mostly right that they show sellers who have joined more recently near the start (ie. mostly those who have joined >=2018), but that could also be because many more sellers have joined since 2018, so maybe a much higher percentage of the gigs Fiverr have are from those who joined >=2018 or they are more likely to be more active sellers.

Though if you look at the seller levels shown on the first page, at least for me, a gig from a seller who is a higher level seems more likely to be shown on the first page. eg. in Illustration:

Level 0 3 6.25% (only 6.25% of gigs on the 1st page are from level 0 sellers, even though there are probably more level 0 sellers than any other level).
Level 1 9 18.75%
Level 2 30 62.5%
Level TRS 6 12.5%

And to get to be a higher level you need to have been on Fiverr more days than a level 0 seller.


Interesting stuff - however simply looking at the month & year when a seller started on 5r can be unreliable. There are sellers who joined as buyers way before they decided to actually start selling themselves, or some that activated an account but did nothing with it until fairly recently. Not many, but a sizeable minority. The only way to find out is to trawl through their reviews to determine when they first received one - which will give a much better indication. If you've got the will & energy to do that of course! :classic_rolleyes:    

EDIT: - Just noticed that I've more or less plagiarised what @enunciatorhas said. I can only apologise. Maybe I should read the whole thread before posting next time :) 


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