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Can't send the buyer Request




Dear Fiverr support team,

I'm a new seller of Fiverr. Suddenly I noticed that I couldn't send a buyer request and I don't know what's happening. So, I requested you to solve this issue as early as possible.

Thank you. 

1 answer to this question

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When you say you can't send buyer requests which of the following do you mean:

  1. No buyer requests are showing for you.
  2. When you respond to a buyer request, the response does not send.
  3. When trying to create a request as a buyer it fails

If its 1, it is because buyer requests aren't shown continuously, especially to new sellers. They are only shown occasionally throughout the day when appropriate requests are matched to you.

If its 2, then refresh the page to see if the request is still there. If not, that means it probably reached the max number of responses before you could send a response. If it is, try sending the response again.

If its 3, then you are probably trying to create too many requests in a short period of time.

Edit: Also note that this forum is not where you can contact fiverr support. It is a community forum, predominantly sellers to discuss fiverr activities, get guidance and find out the latest news. If you need fiverr support, you should open a support ticket here


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