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Any introverts here?


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8 minutes ago, letsgodigital said:

Well not online, usually introvert overshare things online if it was in person it would be a totally different story.  Being a introvert i can vouch for that.

I hate people. Yet I've always worked with people. I started out as a security officer, then went on to being cabin crew (and eventually becoming a cabin manager) before I went into the restaurant business, owned and operated a bar on the side, got a job as a journalist (freelance), then moved on to start my own newspaper. I did voice-overs on the side while working at the restaurant, and eventually did just voice overs, content writing and journalism full-time. 

Safe to say, I've always had jobs involving people and communication. 

But I still hate having to be social outside of work. Anything not work related, and I'll close my booth door and hide. That's why I love voice overs so much. I get to talk a lot, but my only listener is my microphone. I named it "Benjamin" (because of the dollar). 

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2 minutes ago, smashradio said:

I hate people. Yet I've always worked with people. I started out as a security officer, then went on to being cabin crew (and eventually becoming a cabin manager) before I went into the restaurant business, owned and operated a bar on the side, got a job as a journalist (freelance), then moved on to start my own newspaper. I did voice-overs on the side while working at the restaurant, and eventually did just voice overs, content writing and journalism full-time. 

Safe to say, I've always had jobs involving people and communication. 

But I still hate having to be social outside of work. Anything not work related, and I'll close my booth door and hide. That's why I love voice overs so much. I get to talk a lot, but my only listener is my microphone, which I named "Benjamin" (because of the dollar). 

Ya i feel you specially making small talks can be so draining, I do like work talks too most of the times as It come natural without have to think about it other than that sometime i do love making deep talks with fellow introverts on reddit.

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Just now, letsgodigital said:

Ya i feel you specially making small talks can be so draining, I do like work talks too most of the times as It come natural without have to think about it other than that sometime i do love making deep talks with fellow introverts on reddit.

Smalltalk is for crazy persons in my mind. Never been good at it, but boy oh boy do you need it to work at a restaurant. So I've learned how to do it, but I don't like it. If you have nothing useful to say you should just shut up, in my opinion. I truly don't care about the weather, or why you forgot your sunscreen and now looks like a lobster. But I guess other people care, so I try to smile friendly before I walk away. 😂

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4 minutes ago, letsgodigital said:

Ya i feel you specially making small talks can be so draining,

It's different for me. I love small talk and love people so much. But talking to people feels so intense to me. I can literally be physically buzzing after nice small talk with a stranger. Then I need to go home and put headphones on and drown everything else out so I can calm back down. It's really hard for my spouse who wants to talk to me a lot because I have trouble focusing at the end of the day.

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2 minutes ago, rachelbostwick said:

It's different for me. I love small talk and love people so much. But talking to people feels so intense to me. I can literally be physically buzzing after nice small talk with a stranger. Then I need to go home and put headphones on and drown everything else out so I can calm back down. It's really hard for my spouse who wants to talk to me a lot because I have trouble focusing at the end of the day.

I love small talks when i am with someone i feel totally comfortable with, though it very rare. Have you took the MBTI test?

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3 minutes ago, rachelbostwick said:

Yes, I pretty consistently test as an INFJ. Most of the people I am close to are INFP although my spouse is an INTP.

I am in INFP too, it a close gap btw INFJ and INFP. They both effected by other people vibes so they need to lookout for themselves. I hope you doing that.🙂

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2 hours ago, smashradio said:

But I still hate having to be social outside of work. Anything not work related, and I'll close my booth door and hide. That's why I love voice overs so much.

I agree. Same thing with writing, you just go into the writing den and do your work without dealing with other people, aside from messages of course. 

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1 hour ago, newsmike said:

I thought that video was going a whole other direction. Let's face it, air travel has sucked out loud ever since Sinatra stopped playing Vegas. And now I need to go use a melon baller to remove the part of my brain that died when you forced me to envision you in a skirt. 

I hope you get better soon. If not, you always have Nurse Smash. I'm making it worse, aren't I?.... 

Yes ooof, air travel. Unless you do 1st class, that can still be a fairly ok experience with certain carriers. 

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