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Is my niche saturated ?

Guest nishat144tasnim

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Guest nishat144tasnim

I am a member of fiverr community from january 2021. I thought, I would be able to pay my college fees, if I could do well in freelancing. I don't have very a powerful device , I am using a normal laptop, where I hardly can do anything related to editing or graphics designing. I have binged hundreds of you tube videos and read a lots of blog to publish and improve my gigs. After all these months of publishing, editing, and deleting , I am really tired.  Now, I have deleted all tips and tricks from my mind and published only 3 gigs very randomly. My college is going to start in a few months, and I am still kind of broke. ( Didn't want to sound like a crybaby but......)

I had published a couple of writing services related gigs which were not ranked. do you think writing niche is saturated?  If yes, then how can I surely get my first order?

If not, why don't newbies get order fast?

What else can I do with a cheap/ normal laptop that can bring some money to me?

Thanks for reading .

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I'm not in the market for writing, but if I was, I wouldn't be shown your gig because it doesn't include Commercial Use. When I do a search, I have it set to only include people offering Commercial Use. It might help to enable that. The content mill blogs might send you a task.

If you're selling english writing, there are a lot of unusual spaces in your text. Some, but not all, of your commas have a space in front of them. Some of your slashes have spaces after them, which I believe isn't standard. There isn't normally a space in "YouTube". Auto-correct must be the culprit for a lot of this.

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It sounds as though you're willing to put time and effort into improving your skillset. If you want to succeed with writing gigs, I strongly recommend that you spend some time working through a grammar and punctuation book/course. You have most of the basics down, but there are a few smaller issues with your writing that are probably scaring away buyers. Moikchap mentioned one, which is spacing. Another is inconsistent capitalisation, grammatical number, etc.

Once you feel your writing is strong and error-free, upload some samples to your gig in the form of a PDF or images.

Design isn't my forte, so I won't comment on your other two gigs. 🙂


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None of your gigs are good enough for anyone to want to hire you in any of your areas yet. You have been studying Fiverr, but not studying actual skills to sell here. Your English is better than a lot of people - good job! - but it's not good enough to sell writing yet. Everything is say is very easy to understand, which is GREAT. But it's not professional enough to sell. And you seem like you have a great personality, which is really, really helpful, for life as well as on Fiverr. And yes, it's harder to find skills with not as good of a laptop. Your logos are not good, nobody would buy them. You need to spend time actually studying how to make logos and how to make Powerpoint presentations and study good design principles before you can sell such things. If you love logos and design, you can spend a lot of time learning how to make nice ones, and make money that way. But if you don't love them enough to spend time learning them, you don't need to. There are other ways to make money.

So, what else can you do? What are you going to college to study? What do you do for fun? One thing that comes to mind is research - you spent all that time doing research on Fiverr, maybe you could make a gig for compiling research for people. You could write personal stories for people, like fanfiction or something else that needs passion and warmth but doesn't have to sound too professional. You could read people stories and tell them what you like or don't like about them, or help them brainstorm ideas for their stories. I actually had a gig when I first started selling encouragement for writers - I stopped doing it because I didn't have the drive to keep doing it, and I was failing, but people really liked it. If you did something like that, you'd be improving your English at the same time. Maybe you could sing for people or give them advice. Something like that. I don't know what your skills are in real life, so I can't tell you what the right gig for you is yet. You haven't found it, but channel your passion into finding the right skill for you, then study that until it's good enough to sell. I know you can do it. Don't give up.

When you do make some new gigs, put a real picture of yourself for your profile. It's fine if you don't like how you look or you worry people won't like you. Just look in the camera and smile and they will like you just fine. They will just want to know who they are talking to. 

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5 hours ago, nishat144tasnim said:

What else can I do with a cheap/ normal laptop that can bring some money to me?


So... I never struggled to get orders with my writing - but I write fiction (and pretty niche stuff some of which only a few people do on the site.) If you can provide unique content, you'll be fine (but you definitely have to brush up on grammar/etc.) The truth is - fiverr as a whole is pretty dang saturated. Many people offer pretty - meh - quality stuff for pennies (which is the only reason they get orders. 

Instead of trying to do the 'easy' kind of gigs - I'd try to think of something else. Is there something you're good at? Maybe you can tutor someone (as you're going to school.) Even my old crappy laptop let me do videocalls and stuff (while this fancy new one won't because it doesn't have a camera yet!) Think of something fun and unique only you can bring onto the site (and I'm sure you'll do just fine!) I know how it is to be broke - I admit it's not fun. But I'm sure you'll find your passion!

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11 hours ago, nishat144tasnim said:

Now, I have deleted all tips and tricks from my mind and published only 3 gigs very randomly.

Wait, you published 3 random gigs irrespective of what your skills and abilities actually are and are now concerned they might be in saturated fields?

You got a bigger problem than entering competitive categories it seems...

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There are a many videos out there that claim you don’t need any skills to earn money or get work on Fiverr. What? Your kidding right?

When you watch the videos, the actual suggestions are for skilled work. I can see how people are confused if they get all the information from online videos. 

Fiverr is and has always been a very competitive marketplace where talent is rewarded by repeat business, increased ranking, solid reviews, building careers, big business and money. 

if you plan on arriving at Fiverr with an outdated set of equipment or skills this is not the platform for you. 

if you are ok with small investments of your time and money to acquire the skills and equipment to start 1 gig then bring it on! 

There are many jobs for college students so the question is where are you putting your valuable time?
Watching videos online or actually checking into a job that pays you money?

If you really want to succeed on Fiverr or a with any job, find a free mentor, write some questions down, find the answers from already successful people who can guide you …not someone on a video platform, snapchat, TikTok or any social media.

Find a mentor and get some real guidance. We want to see you succeed. It makes me happy to see posts of improvement!!! 

College is hard enough. You will need all your mental resources to be successful there. Focus on one thing at a time and take the time to think about what you want and need in the next few months. Create a written plan, spending budget and micro goals. 

You got this!


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Guest nishat144tasnim

Many thanks to everyone for their important feedback. I agree with you. I will try to do better in future. Stay well everyone

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