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How can I improve my GIG?


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For improve your new gig you can follow this trips:

1. Try to create a unique gig.

2. Research other persons gigs of your category and take a good idea.

3. Write a perfect title

4. Do title seo

5. Write description using  keyword base.

6. Use three keyword in description in three time.

7. Bolt the important content with keyword.

8. Optimize your gig image

9. Create a attractive image that  attract buyer at first time.

10. Try to use a video this is very helpful for get order.


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You could increase the amount of text in the gig description. You've only written a few lines and some of those are shortened links. If you look at the top gigs in that subcategory they seem to have more of a description.

Also you should remove the shortened links. Any URL you use should be in Fiverr's list of allowed URLs.

You could change "bussines!" in the premium package description.

Also your title says "I will create customs posts or..." - but all your packages are about images. If you're write posts too (not only create images) it could say something about that in the packages.

Also the title saying "I will create customs posts..." - isn't correct if you mean you'll create custom posts.

Also in your "awesome youtube thumbnail" gig the standard package says "Grate for you!" - you could change that. 

Edited by uk1000
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  • 3 weeks later...

The best is to just wait. It seems the platform rotates freelancers' positions based on an annual cycle. I have observed this over the past few years. However, when your gig is on the first page and getting more hits, use that time to provide stellar services and get more positive feedback and repeat buyers.

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Guest creat_creatures

Spend more time on this platform. You will learn everything. Fiverr can change a person's life. So give more time. Success will come to you. 

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi there! Feel free to use this simple method that I use everything to generate success on Fiverr. 

I begin by asking myself "Do I have any orders?" and If the answer is YES, I work on finishing that order and exceeding that customer's expectations. 

However, if I ask myself "Do I have any orders?" and the answer is NO, I will then use all of my resources (time, energy, and money) to increase the value proposition of what my account and gig are offering to potential customers. 

Your gig is off to a great start, but there are a lot of features you aren't using. Try to create a great thumbnail with a picture of yourself, I would recommend paying a designer but if you can't then use Canva. Use all of the picture, video, and document sections to fully complete your profile. Then work on a great description and use all 1200 characters to provide potential customers with information. After that, create a minimum of ten FAQs (use competitors as examples but don't copy/paste). 

TLDR: If you don't have orders, continually improve your gig and profile until you have one!

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