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Which words are forbidden to use on Fiverr when communicating?



As an excuse and explanation of my current busyness situation, I’ve said to my buyer that I have a lot of projects on Fiverr and I also have work outside of Fiverr (wow, many of us do!), but I’m doing my best to bring everything in time. My message is now being reviewed by T and S team. Fiverr, why are you so paranoid, is the word “outside” forbidden no matter what? I may work outside of Fiverr, outside of house, outside of the ■■■■ planet, what is so wrong with telling the client about that? Just do the “forbidden vocabulary”, so we know that we have to say it in another way. Ugh…

Just hope everything would be okay, I am so tired of searching for “right” words to explain the situations…

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Honestly, the best thing to do is read the TOS, because it will tell you specifically what not to discuss with your buyers. For example, never asking for certain reviews, or not sharing personal information or information outside of the platform–which protects us from potential scammers and problems.

Just from personal experience, I can’t see why “course” or “assignment” would raise any flags. What will raise flags I know for certain are things that specifically go against TOS.

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Honestly, the best thing to do is read the TOS, because it will tell you specifically what not to discuss with your buyers. For example, never asking for certain reviews, or not sharing personal information or information outside of the platform–which protects us from potential scammers and problems.

Just from personal experience, I can’t see why “course” or “assignment” would raise any flags. What will raise flags I know for certain are things that specifically go against TOS.

Thanks for your response grey,

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As a matter of sociological duty, I’ve compiled a list of specific terms that Fiverr doesn’t care for. The following is a sample of these terms and should not be used under any circumstance - in any part of your presentation - or in correspondence:

  1. Fiver … Fiverr is absolutely appalled by the idea that anyone would ever use the word “fiver” in reference to it’s lack of “r’s.” Words with one “R” lack character. It’s for this reason that Fiverr is currently working on new computerrs that will neverr allow
    forr you to even considerr returning to the single “R” forrmat.

  2. Wiggle … as in “this gig is so good that it will make you wiggle.”
    Fiverr knows that wiggling leads to frolicking, which leads to listening to rock N roll, which leads to mistake babies.

  3. Fiverr is totally against you using the term “mistake babies.”

  4. Existential Aesthetics … frankly, Fiverr is tired of your grounded approach and your me’ism. Fiverr wants you to try on some Lynchian silliness. Fiverr believes in drawing cats with dog features and sees no reason as to why they can’t have human emotions. Fiverr says, “get over yourself, cause stuff gets weird.”

  5. Pop/ Rock … Fiverr absolutely will not allow you to offer any form of pop/rock on its platform. Fiverr knows that pop is really swing or show tunes and that rock is really blues with too many chords.

Pop can sometimes also mean “soda,” but you need approval from customer service.

Now here is a fun “forbidden term…”

  1. Pasties … Let me just stop you right there. Listen, we all want to offer pasties on Fiverr. We’ve all tried to offer pasties on Fiverr. We’ve had all the great ideas already. Batman pasties? We thought of that. “Elmers Paste Pasties?” It’s been done. One brilliant Fiverrian made tomato paste pasties and they were not only adhesive, but delicious.

But it ain’t gonna happen. Fiverr will not allow you to make pasties and sell them here. You’re just gonna have to accept it. Don’t even bring it up.

One guy from Fresno attempted to sell “smaller than average pancakes” thinking he could beat the system … shut down.

It’s just not worth it. As much as we all want to say it, sell it and promote it, the pasties talk will not be tolerated on Fiverr. So we just dream. Dream … through the lenses of our unspoken visions where we dare not let reality enter.

This pretty much covers it for now. If you follow these steps, you shouldn’t have any red flag scenarios but you never know.

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Guest lloydsolutions
On 11/29/2020 at 6:11 AM, shine_scholar said:

assignment bad


Unethical Services

Fiverr’s marketplace is open for sellers to offer any creative and productive service they wish to propose. With that being said, we ask to refrain from offering any unethical service. For example, taking part in doing someone else’s academic work (which will likely be submitted as the student’s own work) or requesting academic work to be done for you, is unethical since it violates most schools’ Honor Codes and constitutes copyright infringement. Fiverr does not allow this type of fraudulent activities and it will not be permitted on our platform.

The above is from the Community Standards.

Helping with academic work is against the Terms of Service at the bottom of the Fiverr main page and to do so is to risk your account. 

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To be honest, I’d avoid ‘course’ and ‘assignment’ with a ten-mile pole… these sound somewhat like academic work and I can’t see a need to use them. And as we all know, assisting people with academic work is banned. When drafting a gig, I’d want to be sure there was absolutely no room for misunderstanding–by clients, by Fiverr personnel, and by suspicious, sneaky weasel robots…

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I used one today when I told a buyer to contact me in my inbox instead of on the order page. I got the red sign that I shouldn’t give my contact details. I changed the word “contact” to “message”.






those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

I think ■■■■■ might be one too. That one must be really highly forbidden since it doesn’t even show up here. It’s that well used message system that starts with an “S”.

The other platform Up**** is also blocked. So I assume any other freelance sites names cannot be mentioned.

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I used one today when I told a buyer to contact me in my inbox instead of on the order page. I got the red sign that I shouldn’t give my contact details. I changed the word “contact” to “message”.






those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

I think ■■■■■ might be one too. That one must be really highly forbidden since it doesn’t even show up here. It’s that well used message system that starts with an “S”.

It is very helpful information. I hope I will concern about this. Thank you.

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Communication with buyers or other sellers should be professional and polite. If you are discussing about a project and unintentionally use any of the words like payment, fees, or any payment methods, it will get flagged but when fiverr team will review it, nothing should happen. I told this from my own experience where I was working for an escrow client. We had to discuss various aspects of payment methods etc for creating a white paper. Sometimes the messages got flagged but when they reviewed the messages, it was fine. By no way, you should disclose any personal details like phone numbers, email id or any other ways to be able to communicate outside of fiverr. That will create a serious trouble for you.

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