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I need Orders on my gigs


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Hello I am new Seller on Fiverr. I don't know how to be expanded on Fiverr oo How to be improved ourselves. i have Expert level skills but still i don't get orders from fiverr. I need to earn money from this platform.

Guest asad931
4 hours ago, onlineearningte said:

i don't get orders from fiverr.

I visited your profile and I saw that you completed an order. So keep patient. And you can change your gig's images. (with SEO and eye-catching) Don't use stock images or other people's work. You can follow these tips for creating a perfect gig images. 

4 hours ago, onlineearningte said:

I don't know how to be expanded on Fiverr oo How to be improved ourselves.

Read these articles,

This may be helpful too. 

Here are some tips put together by other sellers.

  1. Do not stay online, 24/7. It would be best if you had your sleep to be productive.
  2. Do not post your gigs all over social media. It is SPAM, and besides, your friends and relatives are not your target buyers.
  3. Do not offer unlimited revisions. Buyers can keep asking for revisions over and over, and you’ll have no choice but to do them.
  4. Use Buyer Requests ONLY if you can do a great job fulfilling the buyer’s requirements.
  5. When making offers on Buyer Requests do not use copied and pasted offers. Each Buyer Request is unique and needs a different answer.
  6. Make sure your profile is perfect. Spell everything correctly and use proper English grammar.
  7. Make sure your gig images are different from any other seller, and make sure they are eye-catching.
  8. Never copy another seller’s gig mages or wording.
  9. Do not do homework for students. This will cause you to lose your gig and maybe even your account.
  10. Be patient.
  11. Offer fair pricing for your products.
  12. Offer quality products.
  13. Always be kind to Buyers (even the ones that tick you off).
  14. Seek to improve your product quality over time.
  15. Pay attention to what your Seller competitors are doing and learn from them (asking this question is a step in that direction).
  16. Be honest.
  17. Expect failures, disappointments, and cancellations but also expect successful events as well.
Guest asad931
2 hours ago, t_tawhid said:

upload at least 6 gigs so that you get buyer request

The order/BR depends on 1/3/5/7 gigs, How sure are you? 


Following are the Top 5 tricks to get more order on Fiverr:-

1) Compare your Gig with your Competitors

2) Give More service at low price as compared to other

3) Active online daily and Try to earn free badges

4) Create best portfolio and attached with Fiverr5(

5) Post Best attractive bid on buyer request

17 hours ago, onlineearningte said:

Active online daily and Try to earn free badges

Neither of these things guarantee more sales, nor are they a trick to becoming successful. You do not have to be online in order to earn a sale. Buyers can hire you at any time, whether you are online, or off. And badges are temporary, and outside of your control. They will not make you successful either.


Seems like the sellers having no experience at all on the platform giving great tips for the community, LMAO. I'm so tired about these "tip" posts from new sellers who has no idea about what they are even posting and sad about the newbies who try following these null points.

On 7/9/2021 at 10:48 AM, onlineearningte said:

2) Give More service at low price as compared to other

Know your worth, charge even twice higher if you´re certain you can provide quality and nothing less. I sent a custom offer to a buyer request to update a resume. Her budget was $25 and I charged $50 and still she chose to do business with me. Though she did not review the gig, she used the profile description I wrote on her resume to write her LinkedIn which shows she was very pleased with the work.


On 7/9/2021 at 10:48 AM, onlineearningte said:

3) Active online daily and Try to earn free badges

Have time for yourself, to meditate, exercise and learn. You will be in a capacity to think clearly and do your work without compromising on the quality due to fatigue.

I agree with the other tips.

On 7/9/2021 at 9:48 AM, onlineearningte said:

Following are the Top 5 tricks to get more order on Fiverr:-

And how many orders did you get, exactly?

Your profile shows that you've joined in November 2020, you have 0 reviews, and it looks like you've recently delivered one order. So... What makes you so sure you know the best 5 tricks to get more orders?


I previously answered that staying online on Fiverr works here.

Though even if what that TRS was saying was good advice (which it doesn't seem to be) he isn't advocating "staying online" (ie. what Fiverr calls "online" through lighting up the green online thing when someone has recently been active on Fiverr) - he's saying to respond to a message fast enough, and they'll get a notification of the message through email depending on notification settings. ie. he's not saying to load Fiverr pages many times a day. 


Following are the Top tips for Effective Communication with Buyers:-


1) First of all polietly reply to buyer that Welcome you to my gig


2) Then ask in manners what they need from your sides


3) Understand needs of your customers properly and tell them  i have understood all your needs properly


4) Then give them trust that you have completed order with full potential and 100% working


This are the starting my experience i have shared with you. You obviously get  best results .


Guest lloydsolutions
15 minutes ago, mhtuhin said:

buyer was happy with my work and gave me a $15 tip.

You need to remove your Fiverr link from the post above as putting your link in a reply to someone's topic is not allowed.


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