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What do you think "quality metrics" is? (for promoted gigs); and why isn't transparent?


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I was pretty happy with the promoted gigs function, until yesterday that get a message from fiverr saying that my gigs weren’t able anymore for this feature, because “falls short of other gigs quality”… looking for more info about this, understand that this is a very tricky topic, not as clear and transparent as how to increase a level; and i understand that might be commercial interest in the company to hide this, but i wonder, if many of us, the sellers, share their experience about, could be built an approach, of what is really needed to be able to this function.

For those who haven’t read the official rules about (https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs?segment=seller), the requirements are:

"* You are a Level 1, Level 2, or Top Rated seller.

  • Your Gig scores are 4.7 in the public rating.
  • Your Gig has at least 20 reviews.
  • You meet additional quality metrics."

In my case didn’t broke any of the first three rules, so the only option, is that very dark and subjective “additional quality metrics”…

The first motives for being kicked out, i tought could were:

  • A guy that gave me a 4 in a rating (average keeps at 4.8)
  • Get two consecutive orders without rating

But i think, this is not about the “quality” of the gig, seems to be about the “quality” of the account… because at the same moment, the two gigs that i had in promoted gigs, both we’re removed from this benefit…

I still can’t explain why, and what could do to overcome this situation… Thanks if anyone have some tought.

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I think they should say more of the “additional quality metrics” if there are quite a few.
I agree it could be to do with public ratings or the ratings shown on the dashboard or private ratings or other analytics stats (like increase in cancellations/response time).

Maybe they could say that message when not enough people are clicking on the promoted gigs and they want to allow other gigs to use those promotion spots instead to see if they get more clicks from their gigs/so Fiverr might earn more from the other person’s promoted gigs.

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  • 4 months later...
On 6/4/2021 at 6:40 PM, looseink said:


Not everyone here is honest.

If the metrics were common knowledge there would be thousands of Fiverr newbies trying to game the system.

By keeping that information protected, the platform becomes fair for all users.

I don't think Fiverr's system is fair at all. 
They don't care about the sellers, they are only interested in the buyers who are spending money.

I have been creating affordable videos for my clients and even though I have encountered my fair share of unreasonable clients I have always made sure that at the end of the day they are satisfied with what they get even if it meant that I had to do more than what we agreed on/was in their budget. Recently, I had the misfortune of working with a couple of clients who outright harassed me to do additional work for free and threatening to leave bad feedback. I contacted Fiverr about it and they did nothing. 

While my overall feedback is 5, I am unable to promote my gigs, because apparently I don't meet the additional quality metrics, despite having an average of 5 stars, replying within a few hours to messages and everything being in the green in my analytics (100%) section.

I honestly don't know what I am supposed to improve. I go above and beyond, provide free revisions, never delivered late and I always make sure the client is happy with the end result. Since I send the clients the drafts first I never get any "official" revision requests on Fiverr either because I discuss the revision requests in the messages. So honestly, I'm at a complete loss as to why I am unable to promote my gig. 

On top of that my ranking has completely tanked in the search results even though I have optimised the SEO and everything. 

I'm at a complete loss, Fiverr support isn't helping and my sales have decreased drastically. 


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  • 7 months later...

I've also had a similar and suspicious issue.

I was running my gig on promoted gigs and all of a sudden I was told I could no longer promote the gig. The same day marks a huge drop off in organic orders, clicks and impressions.

I emailed Fiverr customer support, who have ignored my comment regarding the apparently coincidential drop off of orders and told me my gig does not meet the confidental additional quality metrics. Like a lot of the sellers in this forum, I am a Level 1 seller, reply within the hour, have 4.9* reviews etc. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps I'm not spending enough money on promoted gigs. I'm running $1 a day and using Fiverr's free $10 to do so. If there was a guy who is spending $100 a day, could this make Fiverr want to push me out of promoted gigs and let him spend his money? I don't know.

My biggest concern is the entire stopping of orders that occured on the same day I got the message. For clarification, here are my analytics with May 30th being the day it all went wrong.

April 1st - May 28th = 1.3448 orders a day on average

May 29th - June 15th = 0.0556 orders a day on average

I don't know what I've done to p*ss off Fiverr but they're clearly hiding my account as I've gone down from 72 clicks a week to 2.

Anyone experiencing anything similar and is there anything I can do?

Thanks for reading

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On 10/22/2021 at 1:21 PM, meowmau said:

I don't think Fiverr's system is fair at all. 

Business is not meant to be "fair". If you expected Fiverr or the freelancing life to be "fair", someone must have given you the wrong impression. It's not fair nor is it supposed to be. It's a meritocracy. You don't get equal outcomes in business. 


On 6/4/2021 at 6:37 PM, agenciawem said:

I still can’t explain why, and what could do to overcome this situation… Thanks if anyone have some tought.

Fiverr takes a lot of things into account when deciding if a gig can be promoted or not. I'd say the buyer satisfaction rate and general stats are the most important ones. Fiverr only wants to promote the best gigs that have a high chance of impressing their buyers. So if you've got some negative private feedback lately, that could explain this. 

Make sure to impress the heck out of your buyers, and you should hopefully be able to promote your gigs again soon! A pro tip: always over-deliver, be super-polite and deliver outstanding quality every time. If that requires you to increase prices or delivery times, do so. Maybe even add a day extra even if you don't need it, just so you can deliver early. Buyers like that. 

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31 minutes ago, alexw10 said:

I've also had a similar and suspicious issue.

I was running my gig on promoted gigs and all of a sudden I was told I could no longer promote the gig. The same day marks a huge drop off in organic orders, clicks and impressions.

I emailed Fiverr customer support, who have ignored my comment regarding the apparently coincidential drop off of orders and told me my gig does not meet the confidental additional quality metrics. Like a lot of the sellers in this forum, I am a Level 1 seller, reply within the hour, have 4.9* reviews etc. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps I'm not spending enough money on promoted gigs. I'm running $1 a day and using Fiverr's free $10 to do so. If there was a guy who is spending $100 a day, could this make Fiverr want to push me out of promoted gigs and let him spend his money? I don't know.

My biggest concern is the entire stopping of orders that occured on the same day I got the message. For clarification, here are my analytics with May 30th being the day it all went wrong.

April 1st - May 28th = 1.3448 orders a day on average

May 29th - June 15th = 0.0556 orders a day on average

I don't know what I've done to p*ss off Fiverr but they're clearly hiding my account as I've gone down from 72 clicks a week to 2.

Anyone experiencing anything similar and is there anything I can do?

Thanks for reading

May sucked for me too. It's a lot of days off around the globe. 

If you lost access to gig promotion, that means your gig quality dropped. That could be from a negative, private review. You wouldn't know, if it wasn't for the consequenses. This is typical: a buyer wasn't happy, told Fiverr so in their private review, and things starts falling apart for the seller. 

Make sure to impress your buyers. It's the only thing that matters if you want to get your buyer satisfaction rate up again. Private reviews count way more than public ones. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/22/2021 at 5:51 PM, meowmau said:

I don't think Fiverr's system is fair at all. 
They don't care about the sellers, they are only interested in the buyers who are spending money.

I have been creating affordable videos for my clients and even though I have encountered my fair share of unreasonable clients I have always made sure that at the end of the day they are satisfied with what they get even if it meant that I had to do more than what we agreed on/was in their budget. Recently, I had the misfortune of working with a couple of clients who outright harassed me to do additional work for free and threatening to leave bad feedback. I contacted Fiverr about it and they did nothing. 

While my overall feedback is 5, I am unable to promote my gigs, because apparently I don't meet the additional quality metrics, despite having an average of 5 stars, replying within a few hours to messages and everything being in the green in my analytics (100%) section.

I honestly don't know what I am supposed to improve. I go above and beyond, provide free revisions, never delivered late and I always make sure the client is happy with the end result. Since I send the clients the drafts first I never get any "official" revision requests on Fiverr either because I discuss the revision requests in the messages. So honestly, I'm at a complete loss as to why I am unable to promote my gig. 

On top of that my ranking has completely tanked in the search results even though I have optimised the SEO and everything. 

I'm at a complete loss, Fiverr support isn't helping and my sales have decreased drastically. 


I am also facing the same problem. Did you find the solution for this?

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