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On 10/22/2021 at 7:14 PM, abdheshkjha said:

To make sure your Buyer Request is clear, practical and in line with Fiverr's guidelines, consider following these tips:

Choose your words
The Buyer Requests section is reserved for Buyers who want to make purchases.  Sellers are not allowed to use this section to promote their Gigs (doing so may lead to an account warning).  This also means the wording used should clearly show that you are a Buyer asking for services.  Try to word your Request using the following guide:
  • I'm looking for...
  • I want to purchase...
  • I need someone who will...

Avoid sentences like:

  • I will...
  • I'm offering...
  • I can do...
Be Concise
Although you have ample room to write what your needs are in the Request, a good rule of thumb is to keep to a couple of paragraphs with specific bullet points. Make sure that you add links and examples to show what you are looking for and to help sellers decide if it is something they can actually do. 
Do you need to send a detailed brief? Attach a separate document so that the body of your Request is brief and concise, but sellers can check all of the key information. 

Contact information
Sharing contact information to communicate off of Fiverr is not allowed by our Terms of Service.  This could also cause your Buyer Request to be rejected.  Please do not include any contact information in your Request or attachments.  

I Get No Respect
Showing respect is essential in a digital marketplace. A True Doer treats others with kindness and professionalism because that is what being part of the Fiverr community is all about.
Make sure your request is aligned with our Community Standards
In order to maintain a respectful, inclusive, and safe environment for everyone, we’ve created a set of community standards to serve as a moral compass for behavior on our platform. These standards help define what is acceptable in the Fiverr community and marketplace.  

Make sure that the services you're requesting are in line with Fiverr's Terms of Service and, if a third party is involved, that the service also abides by their terms of use.  For example, purchasing likes, followers, reviews, plays, is not allowed.

Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360050062693-Tips-to-submit-an-effective-Buyer-Request?segment=buyer


Lastly we can add a effective portfolio link, so that client can know more about seller skills😁

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