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Signs Of a Scammer

Guest brenna_n

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  • 4 months later...

If you get any message that is asking you to fill up the form, provide contact or email, asking to connect on Telegram, immediately report that message and mark it as spam. 

Never contact/communicate outside Fiverr it is against Fiverr TOS and this leads to disabling/blocking your account by Fiverr.

Beware of these types of buyers/messages.

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One sign of a scammer that I don't think I've seen mentioned is...

🚨🚨🚨 Extreme Persistence 🚨🚨🚨

I've had (probable) scammers in the past categorically refuse to take a "no bid" for an answer.

Now, there have been legitimate buyers who have questioned a "no bid". For example, if I've refused to do an nsfw project, I haven't minded answering a request for clarification... but the legitimate buyers usually only ask for clarification once... meanwhile, I've found that scammers keep going and going and going...

You'll see telltale signs like:

  1. Guilt trips. (e.g. "It's too bad there aren't any nice people out there.")
  2. Things that almost approach commands (e.g. "You can do this for me.")
  3. Them begging not to get blocked even though you didn't say you were going to block them (← this is one of the biggest red flags 🚩).

Be persistent yourself. I know it can be tempting to want to ignore that gut feeling that something isn't right, but oftentimes if you've submitted a "no bid" because you thought someone was trying to scam you, your first instinct was probably right.

Edited by themarineiguana
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One of the best rules of thumb is this:

  • Real buyers generally want to buy something from you.
  • Fake buyers generally want to sell some weird idea to you.

A real buyer might send a message like, "Hey, I see you do Data Entry. I know your gig profile didn't say it specifically, but do you have any familiarity with PostgreSQL? 📋"

A fake buyer might be like, "Hi. I am John Smith from Springfield, Illinois. I will send you 27 orders monthly with a top salary, including maternity leave, paternity leave, fraternity leave, you name it. But we can't talk about it here, for reasons I won't elaborate on. Let's talk on $ky¶e when you get a chance."

Bottom line...

The fake buyer is almost never interested in any of your actual advertised gigs.

When I first started FIverr, I got in the habit of saying things like: "Fiverr's expectation is that we don't communicate offsite, but if you're interested in any of my reasonably priced gigs, please tell me." To which they would often respond with a curt "No thanks."


There are fake customers who do actually show interest in your gigs as advertised.

A small subset of fake buyers will show interest, try to get work from you, and then do everything they can to leave you high and dry.

Mostly though, this overlaps the issue known as: "
419", which Fiverr still refuses to acknowledge is a problem, nor does it try to permit its users to warn other users about (on the forum at least). To put it bluntly, there are one or two nations where "scam culture" has become so normalized that you will almost inevitably find no one from those codes willing to engage in any real business.

You'll probably have to research this on your own so you can be prepared ahead of time to assess the risks. 😅

Edited by themarineiguana
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Recently I have been contacted from buyers that asked for audition/custom semples. Generally I am always available to provide auditions (I do it regularly in voice-over platforms) so I used to do it on Fiverr too.

But everytime that happened, buyers totally disappeared. So now, thanks to this bad bad experience, when a buyer asks for an audition/custom sample or downloadable sample I don't provide it anymore, especially when requests comes from two specific countries (sorry but sadly this is the truth). 

Last week happened also that two buyer sent me a voice-over sample and asked:


"Hi Can you do vo in this same to same voice".

Well, I am pretty sure that they thought I was an AI voice-over generator and so they asked for clonate the sample they sent to me.

I reported the profiles and luckily they has been removed.

Edited by critzalide
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Hi all, 

I'm new here.  Just finished my profile and published a gig for the first time yesterday.  I've already received about 10 of these spam messages.

I have this little trick.  I turned on the auto-reply with message like this:


Thank you for reaching out! If you need help with _______, please leave as much details as possible in your message.  SPAMMERS: I will not communicate outside of fiverr and I do not have Telegram.


I still get spam messages but I don't have to waste my time replying them because they go away after the auto-reply.

Hope this helps you.

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When submitting concepts of my work, always add a watermark with my Fiverr Name over all images and send it a pdf.  I have had requests to remove the watermark because it mars the image and they can't see it clearly (it never does).  I always reply that the watermark will be removed when I deliver the images and they accept delivery. 

Or I deliver (with again the Fiverr watermark on images) and they don't want to accept delivery until after the watermark is removed.  I now have a delivery script that explains that the watermark will be removed once they accept delivery.

A few have grumbled but it has stopped me from being scammed so far.  🤞

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On 9/2/2019 at 2:14 AM, umerqazi89 said:

A while i got a message from someone telling me he is interested in my gig and gave me a link telling me to click for info, i clicked the link was directed to suspicious site with headline ‘Click here for design info’ , i carelessly clicked the button was directed to some totally irrelevant site. Then i realised i made a mistake, i messaged the guy back he didnt reply. Then got a msg from fiverr he is no longer on fiverr… Now it has been an hour, my laptop disconnected from internet, is being scanned for malware, and viruses.

That's a sad accident. We should not click on a link if it's not trustable. In that situation, besides scanning the system I would like to recommend the password changing of the Fiverr account and all other logged-in accounts on that browser.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know if this is a new scam technique, but be careful! :classic_ninja:

A buyer, with no review, told me that he was in a position to make my business grow. That he could get me new customers. To do that, I had to give him access to my Fiverr account.

So be careful, some people will want your Fiverr credentials too.

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