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  1. I have no problem with least developed countries and expect many jobs to come from there. But I’ve also experienced that the phishing rate is also very high from there and caution and prudence are wise.
  2. You’re entitled to your opinion. I see it as junk mail and am very aware that many from 3rd world countries will use any email method as a platform to ask for handouts—I’ve lived in 3rd world countries most of my life. I don’t think we should be dinged for not answering when our time is better used for jobs.
  3. What makes you think it’s a scam for someone to say hello? It’s from foreign countries. They aren’t acting any further with job questions or job offers. What is the point of just a hello on a job network?
  4. So your suggestion is that I engage until the scammer sends a link?
  5. I have gotten 4-5 messages all from different people saying things like: Hello Hi I considered them scam and used the scam option. I have responded to all messages that looked real. Now my response rating is at 50% and the only ones I haven’t responded to are scammers. That doesn’t seem right to lower our rates because we don’t answer scam messages.
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