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Being permanently banned because my citizenship is Iranian

Guest m4hdyar

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Thanks for that link to coworker.com. I found one near me for $100 a month offering free beer and wine 24 hours a day so I’m going to check it out. 😛 I can get a private office for $700 a month which will give me a needed tax deduction also.

Finally, your very own tax-free office with 24/7 free booze. You’re living the dream Miss C! Though, I do think you can get a tax deduction by declaring a space in your home your office too. :thinking:

You might want to look into that before you end up with what’s basically a $700 a month substance abuse problem.

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Finally, your very own tax-free office with 24/7 free booze. You’re living the dream Miss C! Though, I do think you can get a tax deduction by declaring a space in your home your office too. :thinking:

You might want to look into that before you end up with what’s basically a $700 a month substance abuse problem.

If I just get the $100 a month offer that’s a tax deductible substance abuse problem. 😜

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Guest humanissocial

I don’t think someone should be discriminated against just because they don’t have a fixed place of abode.

It also goes against one of the fundamental reasons why a lot of people go freelance in the first place. There are entire coworking networks like coworker.com which exist solely to serve the likes of digital nomads.

Excellent point. And you do exclude loads of super talented people this way.

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Hi @m4hdyar

Are you allowed to reside in Turkey without any type of permit? If not, maybe it could be useful for you to attach, along with your credentials, the permit given to you by the turkish authority (which would have your personal data and photo) to the message you would send to CS.


Fiverr will not allow you to send any private information to them through the a ticket. They only take private info through the secured verification system.

(Lesson from my verification experience)

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Not if they are not allowed to access the plateforme from begining,

This doesn’t make sense, tbh. The international sanctions that strictly forbid any sort of business/financial dealing with people from certain countries is something that came into effect only 2 months ago. So, there was no way for Fiverr to know beforehand that some day in the future, citizens of such countries would no longer be allowed to work on Fiverr due to international sanctions.

So, it’s impossible for Fiverr users from such countries to have been forewarned right when they were creating their Fiverr account. The OP had been on Fiverr for a few years before the international sanctions against his country came into effect. So, how could have the OP been warned while registering their account, say, 2 years ago? It’s not like Fiverr could have warned them of something that was going to happen 2 years in the future.

What they could have done, however, was let all Fiverr users know (as soon as the sanctions came into affect) that Fiverr has to abide by the international sanctions, too (as they are a registered business in the US) and that they will have to, unfortunately, suspend accounts of Fiverr users who belong to certain countries (the list of countries should have been mentioned in their ToS).

We don’t know for sure that was the reason anyway, we are just guessing.

Oh, we do know the actual reason. This quote ⬇️ is from a Fiverr staff:

We are forced, however, to abide by the laws and regulations that apply to us. While we would love to conduct business with people everywhere, pursuant to such law, Fiverr.com is prohibited from conducting business with citizens of certain countries and is therefore forced to close these accounts.

Please note that this only applies to people with official IDs from sanctioned countries

From your description you dont seem to have a fixed place of abode.

I don’t think someone should be discriminated against just because they don’t have a fixed place of abode. Just saying…

So, how could have the OP been warned while registering their account, say, 2 years ago? It’s not like Fiverr could have warned them of something that was going to happen 2 years in the future.

So funny, all what you said doesn’t make any sense with no logic

First of all, M4hdyar came to Fiverr in March 2019, i was the first buyer and i had an amazing experience, so you are telling lies i dont know from where yo u get this “2 years ago”

Second thing you said, it’s impossible to fiverr to inform all people about the regulation, how is that impossible, and banning people in bulk is possible ? lol

We don’t know for sure that was the reason anyway, we are just guessing.

M4dyar shared a screenshot where they told him it’s because of his nationality

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Guest hanshuber16

So, how could have the OP been warned while registering their account, say, 2 years ago? It’s not like Fiverr could have warned them of something that was going to happen 2 years in the future.

So funny, all what you said doesn’t make any sense with no logic

First of all, M4hdyar came to Fiverr in March 2019, i was the first buyer and i had an amazing experience, so you are telling lies i dont know from where yo u get this “2 years ago”

Second thing you said, it’s impossible to fiverr to inform all people about the regulation, how is that impossible, and banning people in bulk is possible ? lol

We don’t know for sure that was the reason anyway, we are just guessing.

M4dyar shared a screenshot where they told him it’s because of his nationality

so you are telling lies i dont know from where yo u get this “2 years ago”

I was only giving an example. Although I might have made it sound like I was specifically talking about the OP having joined Fiverr 2 years ago, I was only giving an example. I am sure there were people from these sanctioned countries who were on Fiverr for longer than two months (when the economic sanctions came into effect). I was referring to them.

Do you know how international sanctions work? Sanctions can often come into effect out of the blue… One day they are all working together and the next day they are not even allowed to look at each other. Sanctions are often sudden and unexpected. So, there’s no way for Fiverr to know beforehand if economic sanctions are going to be levied against a certain country. So, prior to the sanctions being levied, Fiverr couldn’t have possibly blocked users (from these sanctioned countries) from creating accounts as, back then, they were allowed to work on Fiverr. Only a few months ago did the economic sanctions against the OP’s country come into effect.

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  • 1 year later...

I’m currently living in Iran (IRI) and I was wondering if I’d be able to work on this platform without getting my account banned because of my Iranian citizenship. I’m guessing this would not happen because it’s not mentioned in Fiverr’s TOS but would like to know if I’m wrong.

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I’m going to say no, sorry. I remember the same post as @lenasemenkova. What I gathered from that is that any countries with less than ‘best of friends’ relationships with the U.S. seem to be prohibited from using Fiverr.

It is not something I agree with, so don’t shoot the messenger. I would really like to spend time in Syria, but I have heard this too is on the no-go list.

If you were to get residency (and an iD card) in another country, it may be possible for you to work on Fiverr. However, I am pretty sure being in Iran leaves you at a bit of a disadvantage.

Don’t blame Fiverr, though. It is more a case of your everyday political madness.

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@cyaxrex @lenasemenkova So I guess I’ll find another platform which treats me better. Thanks for the input

@cyrusdeg, this is the thread I think @lenasemenkova was referring to. Please take a look at it, but especially this comment given by @mjensen415.

Fiverr was founded on the concept of global collaboration and has since turned into a diverse community that supports people from over 160 countries. We are forced, however, to abide by the laws and regulations that apply to us. While we would love to conduct business with people everywhere, pursuant to such law, Fiverr.com is prohibited from conducting business with citizens of certain countries and is therefore forced to close these accounts. Please note that this only applies to people with …
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I’m going to say no, sorry. I remember the same post as @lenasemenkova. What I gathered from that is that any countries with less than ‘best of friends’ relationships with the U.S. seem to be prohibited from using Fiverr.

It is not something I agree with, so don’t shoot the messenger. I would really like to spend time in Syria, but I have heard this too is on the no-go list.

If you were to get residency (and an iD card) in another country, it may be possible for you to work on Fiverr. However, I am pretty sure being in Iran leaves you at a bit of a disadvantage.

Don’t blame Fiverr, though. It is more a case of your everyday political madness.

The US? Are you sure it’s because of their relations with the US…?

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Sure you can.

fiver is for everyone. do at what you are best

No, he can’t. There’s literally a screenshot of a message from Fiverr in this thread saying he can’t. Can you read, or do you just like to post false information on stuff you clearly know nothing about?

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