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  1. No, you have to make an actual gig that’s yours, you can only do this via the website, not the app.
  2. I don’t think there is any solution, Fiverr should buy more bandwidth for their file servers.
  3. Why would someone want to tip if they haven’t ordered anything?
  4. I also withdraw with PayPal, last time I transferred to bank on 18 June the PayPal exchange was 89,09 USD = 76,92 EUR. The normal exchange would have been 89,09 USD = 79,45 EUR, so I lost 2,5 EUR. I don’t think there is any cheaper method. I keep all my money in PayPal anyway since I buy most things online. I only withdraw when I need to buy something on a website that doesn’t accept PayPal.
  5. Sad, I still don’t know exactly why they don’t allow Iranian sellers but I can guess.
  6. The US? Are you sure it’s because of their relations with the US…?
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