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Success Manager still available?


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Didn’t you join them? 😶

If you are talking about the Fiverr forum dark side, I joined very fleetingly. Sadly, it’s a meme wasteland over there and my conspiracy ‘this is a set up’ spider sense started tingling. - So I bid my leave.

I do lurk once in a while but I don’t know anyone personally. (Though looking just now, it is incredibly obvious who some people are).

Sadly, it’s a meme wasteland over there and my conspiracy ‘this is a set up’ spider sense started tingling. - So I bid my leave.

Uh-oh, 💩 must’ve hit the fan. Don’t blame ya! 🕷️

So, you still got ❤️

I figured with Mr. W man over there and Green Pepper Lady, it would be a good cozy spot to chill without the extra restrictions. 👀

I do lurk once in a while but I don’t know anyone personally. (Though looking just now, it is incredibly obvious who some people are).


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Thanks for the linkage!

Wowzers, I had no idea there are so many FA. 😯

I never see them on the Forums.

Wowzers, I had no idea there are so many FA. 😯

Yes but shiny 27 - 35 year-old-people with fantastic fashion sense are a gold mine from a marketing perspective. In this case, maybe Fiverr keeps them on ice until there is a real PR emergency. - A bit like Fiverr Power Rangers.

We should set up our own marketing/ambassador/success club. I could make us videos, you could do voice-overs and @chrisdata, you could do our graphic art. - There’s a marketing team right there. Especially since I can meme and copywrite to.

Hell, we don’t really need Fiverr if you think about it. - Really we should be paid to be here…🙂

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Sadly, it’s a meme wasteland over there and my conspiracy ‘this is a set up’ spider sense started tingling. - So I bid my leave.

Uh-oh, 💩 must’ve hit the fan. Don’t blame ya! 🕷️

So, you still got ❤️

I figured with Mr. W man over there and Green Pepper Lady, it would be a good cozy spot to chill without the extra restrictions. 👀

I do lurk once in a while but I don’t know anyone personally. (Though looking just now, it is incredibly obvious who some people are).


Uh-oh, 💩 must’ve hit the fan. Don’t blame ya! 🕷️

So, you still got ❤️

No. I just obey my spidey sense. (Prior to anything hitting anything.)

Ideally, I would like to hang out with people like the pepper lady at a real life semi-official meetup. The Writer too. Maybe when I get my first mega-yacht I’ll arrange some kind of Fiverr booze cruise.

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SMs are still available. Anyone who got assigned with an SM still has access to them.

It’s just that each SM started off with a dozen sellers and they now have hundreds each.

So they stopped with the monthly reports and reminders, if you need something you must reach out to them.

But I think nowadays they are more like glorified CS people. Which is sad.

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When I was TRS, the Success Manager did nothing for me. Offered no suggestions, no advice, just told me to keep doing what I’m doing.

You’d be better off hiring someone to give you advice. That’s what I did today, I hired a Facebook expert to give me advice about advertising one of my gigs. I hate spending money, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

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I had Hila, I loved having a success manager, but, since the Pro program came around, I haven’t seen or heard from her, not blaming her as I am not sure if she is still with fiverr but I haven’t been assigned to anyone else and sad to say, but it felt as though I was pushed aside.

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I had Hila, I loved having a success manager, but, since the Pro program came around, I haven’t seen or heard from her, not blaming her as I am not sure if she is still with fiverr but I haven’t been assigned to anyone else and sad to say, but it felt as though I was pushed aside.

not blaming her as I am not sure if she is still with fiverr

She has moved on, this was confirmed by my new CS manager, Josh.

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SMs are still available. Anyone who got assigned with an SM still has access to them.

It’s just that each SM started off with a dozen sellers and they now have hundreds each.

So they stopped with the monthly reports and reminders, if you need something you must reach out to them.

But I think nowadays they are more like glorified CS people. Which is sad.

I had a success manager who was OK - better in the beginning, then got a new one who started off really good, seemed keen to help and quite proactive which was really nice and felt really supportive, I was really excited about that. But lately has just responded with obviously cut and paste templates like CS does (especially obvious when emails have two different fonts in them) which is a shame. Template responses are only a hair above no response really IMO - not feeling so much support from fiverr at the moment.

So they stopped with the monthly reports and reminders, if you need something you must reach out to them.

I think this is part of the problem - I don’t think sellers were ever told this, the communication just dried up, so it felt like SM’s weren’t interested anymore…

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not blaming her as I am not sure if she is still with fiverr

She has moved on, this was confirmed by my new CS manager, Josh.

She has moved on, this was confirmed by my new CS manager, Josh.

She isn’t anymore on Fiverr at all? I had her before tho. She was very nice to me and she was helping a lot.

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She has moved on, this was confirmed by my new CS manager, Josh.

She isn’t anymore on Fiverr at all? I had her before tho. She was very nice to me and she was helping a lot.

She isn’t anymore on Fiverr at all?

I don’t know if she is still at Fiverr, but she isn’t a CS manager.

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So you had another cs manager before too?

Actually my CS manager was Mr. Brain and he told me they are no longer doing it.

So you had another cs manager before too?

Yes, my CSM was Hila, then she moved on to other things and I got Josh - he has been a fairly active CSM with me.

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