Unless you are born into a wealthy family, or have extraordinary luck and privilege, becoming a millionaire is extremely difficult. It’s not about hard work, dedication, or good ideas - although those are all important - because if it were down to those things, we would have far more millionaires! While its true that many people in Western society will earn quite a lot more than a million dollars in their lifetimes, expenses and costs eat up vast portions of that, so much so that the average wealth of an American family is as follows: This is despite fairly high median incomes: So it’s not about working “smart” or “hard.” If you really want to be wealthy, you need to: Maximize your income, either through charging more, demanding a higher salary, becoming more efficient at what you do, or working longer hours.Minimize your costs and expenses by eliminating luxury spending and budgeting so you only spend the absolute minimum.Paying off all your debts so you don’t pay any interest.Investing for the medium- to long-term, in a diversified portfolio.That’s it - I am sorry to break it to you, but there are no hacks, short cuts, or other ways to significantly increase wealth. Yes, work smarter, but not because it’s going to make you rich, but because it’s a more pleasurable way to live. Also, the older I get, I realize it’s not as much about wealth, it’s about quality of life, and the time I spend doing what I love, rather than the number of zeroes on the end of my bank balance. I also realize that one of the things I love doing, is working as a freelancer, so that’s a reward in and of itself.