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How i get more order?


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Your gigs are fine and you have already more that 140 … 5 star reviews and last day you have completed 2 jobs… means you are in a satisfactory level.

if you feel as clients are not reading you then check your key tags and also do more marketing at where your targeted customers.

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I need to know how I get more orders here.I have all gigs working with fine rating.but I don’t get order client not reach me.

Any one help me out.

Many thanks

I have all gigs working with fine rating.but I don’t get order client not reach me.

Then, how about you take the time to learn how to reach out to them. 😉

Laziness is not a good business strategy.

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New sellers can get orders too. ~A message from Miss Dixie~

We’ve read these on the forum quite a lot. “I’m a new seller and I can’t get orders” “It’s unfair, new sellers don’t get the attention” “Please give new sellers a chance too” “Respect the new sellers” I mentioned this in another post, but new...

Reading time: 3 mins ? Likes: 174 ❤

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest lloydsolutions

You are a level 2 seller and your recent delivery was 7 hours ago. Take time to read through the forum for lots of information and tips. Good luck! 🙂

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Can anyone help me this please

Its so sad for me,I m not getting orders anymore to my gig

No order I get 😦 How i improve so i got orders

Its so sad for me,I m not getting orders anymore to my gig

Yes. It is so sad that you are not willing to market and promote your gigs. Marketing is, after all, how every business in the world reaches out to their customer base, and brings in sales. It might be beneficial for you to do the same, if you truly wish to have more orders.

Sitting around and waiting for orders to magically appear is a terrible business “strategy”.

Fiverr’s tagline is, “In Doers We Trust”. To succeed, you need to be a Doer.

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