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American Thanksgiving is tomorrow, what is your least favorite item to see on the dinner table?


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Hm, no Thanksgiving table for us here, but I think the (un)canny cranberry sauce might be it for me too.

OT with least/favourite Advent table food, open at your own peril

I´m looking forward very much to the 1st Advent Sunday, though. Since Christmas food goodies started to appear earlier and earlier in the shops every year and it´s been as early as the end of August now, I´ve made a rule of only buying and eating my favourite treat, Nürnberger Lebkuchen, from then on only, which means I have to walk past them from August to end of November with an iron will. 😤 Finally, I´ll have some this Sunday! 😋


My least favourite item on the Advent table would be… Dominosteine (dominoes),
not these:
but those: 😉
… unless they are homemade and look something like:

Happy Thanksgiving and many favorite items on your table!

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Haha! I was going to say our cat originally. The other thing I dislike is the 2 1/2 year old nephew who was never taught how to eat properly and ends up throwing food everywhere…

The other thing I dislike is the 2 1/2 year old nephew who was never taught how to eat properly and ends up throwing food everywhere…

Just start throwing stuff back at him. The parents will soon realize that it will be easier to stop him than you.

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Is that you in the pic @woofy31? You look hungry! 🐻

Of course it is me, just look at that bear-pretender on the left with my turkey. Dats mah turkey! And the guy patting me on the back like it’s all good and dandy, he doesn’t even look related to me. It’s like a horror scene for a bear! 🐻

My day was fabulous… I’m stuffed! 😅


Hitting the gym tomorrow. 😁

Of course it is me, just look at that bear-pretender on the left with my turkey. Dats mah turkey! And the guy patting me on the back like it’s all good and dandy, he doesn’t even look related to me. It’s like a horror scene for a bear! 🐻

I’m gigglin’ the typical cuddly and fuzzy bear as usual. 😛

I agree about the canned yams. They are mushy and stringy. Yuck! From scratch is the way to go!

Homemade is always the BEST = extra yum! 😋

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My day was fabulous… I’m stuffed! 😅


Hitting the gym tomorrow. 😁

Of course it is me, just look at that bear-pretender on the left with my turkey. Dats mah turkey! And the guy patting me on the back like it’s all good and dandy, he doesn’t even look related to me. It’s like a horror scene for a bear! 🐻

I’m gigglin’ the typical cuddly and fuzzy bear as usual. 😛

I agree about the canned yams. They are mushy and stringy. Yuck! From scratch is the way to go!

Homemade is always the BEST = extra yum! 😋

I’ve never seen such a sexy lookin’ turkey before…oh my.

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