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Buyer might not be a man: beware!


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Hi! I’m a first time buyer and I just started getting offers. I didn’t put much info on my profile and many of the sellers are calling me “sir”. I’m a woman. Having sellers assume I’m a man makes me less likely to want to work with them because they might be sexist and not take me seriously. So if you are a seller, be careful not to do this.

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You could put a picture of something feminine in your profile picture since that image appears more male than female. I agree that to routinely call everyone sir is sexist.

Yes, I realize I could have prevented it by making it clear that I’m a

woman. I’m not tremendously offended, just thought it might be helpful for

some sellers to know they should watch out for this.

I actually would like to hire a woman, all other things being equal, but

I’ve only received an offer from one so far and she didn’t seem to be the

best qualified.

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Yes, I realize I could have prevented it by making it clear that I’m a

woman. I’m not tremendously offended, just thought it might be helpful for

some sellers to know they should watch out for this.

I actually would like to hire a woman, all other things being equal, but

I’ve only received an offer from one so far and she didn’t seem to be the

best qualified.

I actually would like to hire a woman, all other things being equal, but

I’ve only received an offer from one so far and she didn’t seem to be the

best qualified.

Even this might be a deception. Many sellers, especially from the East, put a pretty girl’s pictures to attract buyers. Sometimes they even don’t bother to find some less common picture and using popular celebrities or stealing pics from Twitter.

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Guest offlinehelpers

I can see where the OP is coming from with being called Sir when she’s female. The obvious solution is for sellers to use gender neutral language to all buyers.

To be honest though, I really can’t see in this day and age how it can possibly matter whether the buyer or seller is male or female.

The days of male and female jobs IRL have long since gone (or most of them anyway) and it certainly shouldn’t matter on Fiverr. 🙂

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Yes, I realize I could have prevented it by making it clear that I’m a

woman. I’m not tremendously offended, just thought it might be helpful for

some sellers to know they should watch out for this.

I actually would like to hire a woman, all other things being equal, but

I’ve only received an offer from one so far and she didn’t seem to be the

best qualified.

I actually would like to hire a woman

Funny, you were worried that someone might be sexist, and yet the sexist turns out to be you! If anyone needs me, I’ll be on the floor rolling and laughing.

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Yes, I realize I could have prevented it by making it clear that I’m a

woman. I’m not tremendously offended, just thought it might be helpful for

some sellers to know they should watch out for this.

I actually would like to hire a woman, all other things being equal, but

I’ve only received an offer from one so far and she didn’t seem to be the

best qualified.

She could be a he.

I’ve been on 5r long enough to pick out a stock photo from across the globe. Reverse google search to see what you get. Put your mouse over the picture, right click, “Search Google for Image” and see what you get.

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Guest jenihiggs

I actually would like to hire a woman

Funny, you were worried that someone might be sexist, and yet the sexist turns out to be you! If anyone needs me, I’ll be on the floor rolling and laughing.

Yeah, I have to agree with that.

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I actually would like to hire a woman

Funny, you were worried that someone might be sexist, and yet the sexist turns out to be you! If anyone needs me, I’ll be on the floor rolling and laughing.

Funny, you were worried that someone might be sexist

I saw that as being supportive of one’s own kind.

I think I heard the Boy Scouts are going to allow girls now, on a side note.

I think things like all women colleges are a huge benefit for women, having gone to one.

There should be times when genders can be supported.

Sellers calling everyone sir does have the implication that they assume all buyers must be male.

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He might have meant it tongue-in-cheek but he is completely correct.

It’s women supporting women in the workplace, rather than being sexist. The term feminist is the correct term in this case.

If women supporting or favoring women in the workplace is okay, then men supporting or favoring men in the workplace should also be okay.

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If women supporting or favoring women in the workplace is okay, then men supporting or favoring men in the workplace should also be okay.

Well men don’t really need to do that since they have traditionally done that, and in all areas of employment.

It wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary since that’s how it’s always been and continues to be even up to this day. Look at our lopsided Senate and House of Representatives as one prime example.

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Well men don’t really need to do that since they have traditionally done that, and in all areas of employment.

It wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary since that’s how it’s always been and continues to be even up to this day. Look at our lopsided Senate and House of Representatives as one prime example.

Really, I don’t care if a client is male or female as long as I get paid, and my clients don’t care if I am male or female as long as I get their job done well. I don’t like this talk of anyone favoring anyone on the basis of identity, gender, nationality or whatever. Just as discriminating against someone on the basis of gender, religion, nationality, race is wrong, favoring someone on that basis is also wrong. That’s it, I’m outta here, lots of work to be done today.

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That would be called a Feminist.


That would be called a Feminist.

No that is called discrimination. Simply replace the word woman with white for example. If you really believe that people have a worth beyond their identity politics then you have to reject the idea of saying, I should be hired based on my skills, but when I hire, it’s my kind only. Really veiled excuse for furthering discrimination.

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Guest burnbetty

Sorry about that, there is still more seller that understand this better on Fiverr, I don’t send BR with sir/ma because I don’t know the gender behind the computer.

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That would be called a Feminist.

No that is called discrimination. Simply replace the word woman with white for example. If you really believe that people have a worth beyond their identity politics then you have to reject the idea of saying, I should be hired based on my skills, but when I hire, it’s my kind only. Really veiled excuse for furthering discrimination.

A woman deciding to hire a woman is based on trying to right a long standing wrong of men only hiring other men.

I don’t see it as important here as much as in some types of other jobs.

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A woman deciding to hire a woman is based on trying to right a long standing wrong of men only hiring other men.

I don’t see it as important here as much as in some types of other jobs.

A woman deciding to hire a woman is trying to right a long standing wrong of men only hiring other men.

So if we continue all the bad habits of the past, then how does anything ever change if we are all divided into victims and oppressors? More discrimination does not solve it. You get the endless fued.

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A woman deciding to hire a woman is trying to right a long standing wrong of men only hiring other men.

So if we continue all the bad habits of the past, then how does anything ever change if we are all divided into victims and oppressors? More discrimination does not solve it. You get the endless fued.

So if we continue all the bad habits of the past, then how does anything ever change if we are all divided into victims and oppressors

It changes by 1. being aware of it happening even in this time, and 2. taking action to reverse it.

There are female victims of discrimination based on gender but not of men. So to have a woman decide to hire only a woman is a symbolic backlash.

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She could be a he.

I’ve been on 5r long enough to pick out a stock photo from across the globe. Reverse google search to see what you get. Put your mouse over the picture, right click, “Search Google for Image” and see what you get.

Put your mouse over the picture, right click, “Search Google for Image” and see what you get.

I use Chrome but don’t have that option. Is this something Mac-related?

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