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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Contact Fiverr Support because account related issues can be solved by them only. Not here.. And I'm sorry that you had to go through this!
  2. Your account is restricted because you have violated TOS. Contact Fiverr Support. Only they can help you regarding your issue.
  3. Unfortunately, they have launched their AI which is working for them and this is the reason that we will be seeing more and more templated responses in the future.
  4. And why are you comparing Fiverr with other freelancing platforms? Each platform has its own unique features so don't compare it with others (Fiverr vs Upwork/Freelancer).
  5. Under no circumstances, do not accept the delivery if it is not according to your requirements. Wait for the response from Fiverr Support. Hopefully, it will be resolved and you will get your funds back. Meanwhile, you can do nothing except waiting.
  6. No, it's not allowed on Fiverr. You can use the links only which are mentioned in the following link: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies (Read "Approved URLs" section). Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig
  7. You still had to create a new gig even you got it changed?
  8. Then Fiverr should teach Buyers about it. Sellers cannot do that so it's up to the buyers that how they want to rate us. 90% of the sellers are facing the same issue i.e. their buyers are saying that they wanted o to give 5* but mistakenly gave 4*.
  9. Nothing is gonna work. Buyers will still leave 4* or 4.7* reviews no matter what and later they will make an excuse that it was mistakenly done.. Why is it difficult for buyers to leave 5* reviews when everything is clearly explained in the reviews page? What's so difficult now? P.S. Don't try to teach newbies about "Review Manipulation" by using the word "stars". Else newbies will ask for 5* reviews and their account will be banned because of your suggested tip. Avoid it.
  10. You cannot do anything. Sorry to say but it seems that your Fiverr's journey is over because you were unable to verify yourself. Try to contact Fiverr Support and discuss with them.
  11. Yes that's what I posted here to show you
  12. There you go. You got a fair warning then as you have broken the TOS. Read the TOS again and also the following link: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020869658-Academic-services-on-Fiverr-The-Dos-and-Don-ts Source: Fiverr Help Center > Trust & safety > Fiverr services - policies & guidelines P.S. Usually account review takes 60-90 days.
  13. Yes to what? Tutoring? or the task was related to assignments/homework?
  14. Don't you know that academic services on Fiverr are not allowed? Were you offering a tutoring services? Edit: Also, you must have received an email regarding it. What does it say?
  15. I was wondering the same.. They actually don't want to answer our questions and also don't want to listen to our complains... That's all!
  16. Hi too Browse this link: https://workspace.fiverr.com/
  17. Here is the news on Drop in Ratings:
  18. Fiverr (main platform) and Forum are two different things and they are not associated with each other. They both are different so upload your profile picture on the Forum via Profile Settings (Forum's).
  19. Hi too. Because of the new level system, 90% of the sellers are facing "Flagged Account" issues. So contact Fiverr Support. Only they can help you with it.
  20. Academic related services are NOT allowed on Fiverr. Avoid it else your account will be disabled.
  21. I hope your overall ratings gets corrected. Hope for the Best! ✌️
  22. I don't think it's a glitch because based on your Rating Breakdown, your overall rating should be 4.9* which is correct. I am in the same boat but after calculation of my rating breakdown, it seems correct. There will be very fewer profiles/accounts on Fiverr now having 5* ratings.
  23. 5* reviews are actually public reviews.. Success scores is actually based on the performance of your gigs of last 2 years and it includes private reviews as well. You might have received a lot of negative private reviews which is why your success score and performance level are low i.e. 4. If you are not getting impressions/clicks/new inquiries then it means your competitors are performing better than you. Do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche.
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