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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. You are misguiding him. Don't you know that $150 is the limit for Payoneer.. not Fiverr's? Your screenshot states: Contact Fiverr Support regarding it then do it. Account-related issues won't be resolved here on the Forum.
  2. Did you use someone's laptop or any device to use your Fiverr account? Or use someone's internet connection on which Fiverr account is already being used?
  3. Have you contacted Fiverr Support regarding it? If not, then do it immediately so that Fiverr can take action against those accounts. Also, you are violating the Forum Rule 6 by sharing the name of your buyer. @Lena or @ana_tomy Kindly remove the snapshot shared by OP. And also check OP's case. Thanks.
  4. Please note one thing about Seller Plus: If you think joining a Seller Plus Program will help you in getting orders then you're totally wrong. But each package of Seller Plus has its own benefits. Read the following articles on Seller Plus: Link 1: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018143698-Seller-Plus-FAQs Link 2: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017140717-Seller-Plus-overview Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Seller Plus
  5. Hello too Why don't you discuss with your seller and ask for the reason? If it's related to your task/order, then he/she might need it to work on it further. But it'd be a lot better if you discuss it with your seller.
  6. Don't you know that to create a second Fiverr account is actually a TOS violation so you cannot create a second account neither you can use your old Payoneer account somewhere on Fiverr. Your Fiverr's journey is Over!! You need to read the TOS again: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service Source: Fiverr.com
  7. No. You are not allowed to create a 2nd account if your first account is disabled as it's a TOS violation to create multiple accounts. Your Fiverr's Journey is over (sorry to say this). You really have violated TOS so bear its consequences now. Secondly, your account-related issues cannot be resolved here on the Forum. Only contacting Fiverr Support can be helpful. P.S. You are violating Forum Rule 6 as well. You have shared the username of your buyer here which is not allowed. @Lena or @ana_tomy Please hide/remove the username and display name shared by OP. Thanks.
  8. Aren't you a Digital Marketing Consultant? If you are then you should know the answer of your own question. Shouldn't you?
  9. But the problem is he has been on Fiverr since 2013 and has 6K reviews yet still he cannot differentiate between Levels and Success Scores? 👀 So True. Only, We are the Survivors
  10. smartdezigns


    Hi too Do you have any gigs in Paused/Drafts mode?
  11. Does he know the difference between Level and Success Score?
  12. Actually I feel that New Level System/Success Score is like a Strong Virus which is affecting everyone emotionally and mentally.
  13. True.. Exactly like "The Perfect Storm" movie.. And indeed, that's why I am letting Fiverr to play with the success scores.
  14. I am doing the same like I am not focusing on how to improve each gig's score. Just letting Fiverr to play with it. These days, I am more focusing on delivering quality services same like you.. But still I wanted to know how is everything being measured in success scores. It's become a strong headache for me but have to let it go.
  15. @ana_tomy Possible to check her case? And then guide her please. Thank you.
  16. Due to your inactivity on Fiverr since 1 year, Fiverr has paused your gigs so you need to contact Fiverr Support and discuss with them. They will guide you how to activate them.
  17. Don't focus only on public reviews. Private reviews have more weightage than the public reviews which is why you have very less success scores and the performance of your last 2 years are actually being measured in success scores. We, the sellers really don't know that what actually is being considered to measure the success scores. There are some other parameters too which we have no idea about them. I have joined in the same month and year like you but everything is full yet i.e. 10 overall success score (not gig's), 100% response rate and 5% ratings etc. but I am still confused that how the gig's scores are being measured. Funny thing is that my 2nd best selling gig has 9 score but it has a client satisfaction = negative impact.. How strange it is..
  18. Seller Plus has nothing to do with the orders. It just helps in improve your gig, gig performance, fast payment withdrawal, buyer insights, fast response from Fiverr Support, analytics etc. But each membership has its own benefits (Standard and Premium Memberships).
  19. Simply use your Digital Marketing expertise for yourself like the same way you'll do for your buyers. Also, read the following topic and ignore content on Buyer Requests:
  20. You forgot to mention Private Reviews which are also a part of success scores.
  21. Then in that case, you will have to contact Fiverr Support regarding it. If your case is strong then Fiverr might reimburse you.
  22. @davidharmouzi And a negative private review too that could have affected your profile badly.
  23. Hi too Any gig in Paused/Drafts mode? If there is, then delete that gig and create 4th gig. And as a new seller/Level 0, you are allowed to create 4 gigs so you cannot increase limit. It will be increased once you reached Level 1 (10 active gigs allowed).
  24. Only solution is to contact Fiverr Support regarding it as only they can help you with it.
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